At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

202 establishes a new atmosphere, an unstoppable edge! 【3/7, please subscribe】

at the same time

A large number of Qinjia Village masters are scattered to attack!

They appeared in all major cities in Kyushu, and even in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea.

There are men and women, old and young, some lame, blind, disabled, and they dare to go to the gym alone!

Whether it is a taekwondo gym, a fighting gym, or any judo, muay thai and boxing, they have all been attacked madly by them.

No one can stand in their way!

What karate masters, Muay Thai champions, and boxing overlords are all weak in front of Gu Wu, and no one can stop their three moves.

For a time, the global martial arts world was in an uproar.

Netizens from all over the world were shocked to find that there are ancient martial arts in Kyushu, and the power is so terrible.

After the national players they were proud of were easily abused, these masters who liked to brag about their strongest martial arts all - could not help but fall silent.

As for Kyushu netizens, they are already bursting with excitement!

Every video of kicking the hall has exploded in views and views, and hundreds of millions of netizens have left comments and likes excitedly.

"Hahaha, awesome, these big guys are too awesome, I like it!"

"Who said we don't have ancient martial arts in Kyushu, isn't that what it is!"

"They all seem to come from a place called Qinjia Village, where is this place? I want to go to a teacher to learn art!"

"Hehe, it is said that this is an ancient hidden ancient martial arts family, and martial arts are not passed down!""

"No wonder they haven't made a move, so it is!

Netizens are all excited!

But no one knew why this Qinjiacun suddenly became so high-profile.

Only Lin Mushan and others know that all this is because of Ji Han, and his orders are the mastermind behind it all!

for all this

Ji Han didn't pay too much attention

After he took time to look at the Internet for a few times, he was no longer reasonable, because he believed that everyone in Qinjia Village could handle all this.

In recent years, Kyushu's cult of foreigners has become more and more serious, and Ji Han's move is to set up a correct ethos.

After all, if you have mastered this mysterious power, you have to do something for your own nation!

The title of the patron saint of Kyushu is not as simple as simply guarding the Great Qin and Tang Dynasties!

that night

When the Yaowu Yangwei plan was still fermenting and boiling, the small manor fell into tranquility again, and all kinds of mists permeated from all directions, setting off this place like a fairyland!

Ying Zheng, Wang Ben!

Chongzhen, Li Shimin, Cheng Yaojin and others came again one after another.

Everyone came here with familiarity, and laughed and joked.

"Hahaha, what are you eating tonight, sir? It's delicious!

"Such a beautiful sight is perfect for a feast!""

"Huh? Why isn't Hu Hai here?"

After everyone sat down with a smile, Chongzhen found out that Hu Hai was not there.

Ji Han explained casually: "This guy has already learned a lot, and now he's back to play in Daqin!"

"That's the case, I'm envious!" Chongzhen smiled: "Congratulations to the first emperor, brother, there is another tiger general under his command!"

"Thank you so much for your teachings!"" Ying Zheng said gratefully: "Now Hu Hai has changed a lot, and it's not in vain for Mr.

"Don't be too polite, come and come, sit down and talk!"

"Let's have some seafood today, hairy crabs, braised prawns, spicy small snails, oysters with minced garlic, and sea cucumber chicken pot! 35

"And this charcoal grilled salmon, steamed lobster, and stir-fried squid!""

Ji Han happily introduced!

He is a person who loves to eat. He doesn't feel comfortable if he doesn't order food all day. He buys a lot of fresh ingredients when he is free, and he is always busy with more than 20 dishes, all of which are good things!

Lao Zhao and the others were suddenly drooling.

Wang Ben and Cheng Yaojin's eyes lit up.

Although they are high-ranking people, they can be considered to have tasted the delicacies of mountains and seas, but there are many things in this sea that they have never tried.

After all, the fishing technology in ancient times was too backward, and it was just a joke at the seaside. What good things could be caught?

··For flowers.....

"It's so fragrant, this garlic oyster is really fragrant, I like it!" Ying Zheng tasted a few mouthfuls and couldn't help but sigh.

"Eat more, oysters aphrodisiac! Ji Han laughed and joked.


Chongzhen and the others' eyes lit up!

Then the pair of chopsticks silently clamped towards the oysters.

Good things that can aphrodisiac are fatally attractive to men.

"Hahaha!" Ji Han laughed dumbly: "This sea is full of treasures. Not only are there countless seafood products, but also a large number of marine life, enough to feed countless people."

"All these things you eat now are fished out of the sea. Many countries in later generations have been fighting for the rights and interests of the ocean!"

"So, Lao Zhu, you have to step up the development of the navy and try to seize the ocean as soon as possible. It's up to you whether we can eat seafood in the future!"

Ji Han reminded with a smile!

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Not only did Chongzhen immediately realize the importance of this ocean.

Even Ying Zheng and Li Shimin realized that Ji Han seems to have something to say today!

"Sir, you mean the sea is very important?" Ying Zheng was surprised.

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded and said: "This sea is not just as simple as sea power, there are countless products here, and it is much richer than the grasslands. There are tens of thousands of fish in this sea alone. It is a huge 100 million catties, and the fishing is continuous. Guess how many people can be fed?

"Is this true? If this is the case, I will have a way out of the famine in the Ming Dynasty! Luo

"Yeah, how many people starved to death in the past dynasties, if you can get food from this sea, why worry about the people starving to death?"

"Only because of the deliciousness of this seafood, I have to go back and develop the navy!

Everyone secretly clicked their tongues, and became more interested in the ocean.

While eating seafood, I imagined that my dynasty could conquer the endless sea.

"It's a pity!" Ying Zheng secretly clicked his tongue: "My Daqin Navy is too weak."

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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