At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

203 Hundreds of wastes awaiting development, the problems exposed by the three dynasties! 【4/7, plea

When it comes to Daqin soldiers and horses, many people will subconsciously think of these millions of infantrymen, as well as various bows and crossbows.

But don't you think that Lao Zhao has no navy in his hands?

In fact, Da Qin also had a navy under his command, and the number was quite large.

Later, in order to go out to sea to find immortals, Lao Zhao also built a lot of warships.

It is a pity that these navies were of little use and were eventually abandoned, so that many navies were impoverished, their soldiers looked pale, and their lives were very miserable.

Now that we are talking about this topic!

Ji Han couldn't help but say a few words: "Lao Zhao, you actually have to pay attention to the development of the navy, otherwise it will be a waste of time if you want to develop again in two years!"

"What Mr. '297' said is very true!" Ying Zheng nodded and smiled: "When I go back, I will let people rectify the navy and build more ships. When the artillery of the Armament Palace is developed, I have to learn from brother Chongzhen. A few fleets will do.55

"During the Daqin period, there were not many maritime powers in the surrounding area, so the development of the navy does not need too much fanfare. It's good to build ships and train troops first!"

"If you have nothing to do, you can do business, transport some goods, and send seafood from the coast to the inland for sale, so you can be self-sufficient!

"For example, this kelp is very good. It is prosperous in the sea. It can be picked and harvested casually, dried and sent to various places in Xianyang. It is also a delicious delicacy. It can supplement the people with trace elements such as potassium!"

Ji Han talked about it eloquently, Ying Zheng wrote it down one by one!

Ji Han's method is quite good. At least when there is no war, the Navy can support itself without Lao Zhao investing too much money.

Daqin is poor now!

Although under the guidance of Ji Han, the whole world is thriving, but there are many wastes waiting to be done in various places, and many big projects are waiting to be launched!

For a while and a half, Lao Zhao's hands are very tight!

It would be a happy event for him if he could increase his income by shipping.

While eating delicious seafood, while chatting to gain a fortune, Lao Zhao naturally couldn't close his legs, and he drank a few more glasses when he was happy.

"Sir's remarks made me utterly enlightened!" Li Shimin couldn't help but say: "I can't ignore the development of the ocean in the Tang Dynasty. Now there are many Persian businessmen coming to and from the Tang Dynasty by sea. If they don't pay attention to the navy, they will sooner or later controlled by people!

"Not bad!" Chongzhen nodded and said: "I am deeply moved by this point in the Ming Dynasty. The foreign and foreign warships are quite outstanding. Many places have already emerged as powerful maritime powers, and there are even more benefits of artillery fire. It is necessary to guard against it!

Everyone, speak my word!

For the development of the ocean, he also secretly became concerned.

"Come on, come on, keep eating!" Ji Han greeted and asked while chatting, "How are you guys doing recently? Not bad, right?"

"That's right! 39 Ying Zheng nodded and said first: "The Battle of Baiyue has come to an end, and the major tribes have fallen to death, and basically no one can stop the attack of the Flying Fire Army. "

"The expressway has also been repaired a lot. Now, my weaponry has developed mortars and unscrupulous cannons, and some flintlock guns have also been imitated!""

"The newspapers are also very impressive, hundreds of scholars have gathered a lot, and many Mojia children have defected, everything is very good!

Ying Zheng showed off the recent development of Daqin, which made Chongzhen and Li Shimin envious.

"The first emperor's childhood is really enviable!" Chongzhen said with a wry smile: "I have just passed a wave of smallpox epidemic, and the Ming Dynasty is still plagued by disasters and hardships!"

"Fortunately, the new army has trained well, and the shipyard is also continuously building large ships, and Li Zicheng's group of convicted troops is almost the same!

"But the weather is getting colder every day, and people everywhere are short of clothing and carbon. I'm worried that many people will not be able to survive this winter!

"And all over the coast, Japanese pirates land on the shore from time to time to loot and loot, and I also have a headache!""

Chongzhen complained for a while, obviously the Ming Dynasty was the most troublesome.

After everyone heard it, they couldn't help but feel sympathy!

Li Shimin took a sip of wine, but smiled and said: "The Tang Dynasty has been calm recently, but it's not a big deal. The Turks have already promised to surrender, but I haven't figured out the rules for how to arrange them!"

"My Tang Dynasty is also building roads now, and if I can build a road to the north, I can also strengthen my control over all ethnic groups in the Western Regions!

"It's just that disasters have continued in various places recently, so that there are not too many people available for road construction, which really worries me!

"The friction between the various ethnic groups in the Western Regions and our Tang Dynasty is also getting more and more intensified, and there is a faint tendency to unite together, so we really have to guard against it!

"At the same time, I am also stepping up preparations for the establishment of a firearms bureau and an artillery bureau, trying to learn from the two brothers and equipping the entire army with firearms!"

After listening to the narration of the three, Ji Han showed a sure smile!

The three dynasties of Daqin, Daming and Tang are all developing quite well now.

However, under the appearance of prosperity, there are a lot of problems hidden more or less!

These problems usually seem like nothing, but once they develop, they can cause huge damage.

"I've summed it up, you probably have two problems!" Ji Han pondered for a moment, then said: "One is the problem of aliens, and the other is the problem of disasters 4.3!

"For example, in the Ming Dynasty, there were many disasters and disasters, and in the next winter, countless people will die from the cold!"

"One more thing I have to remind you, the flood season is coming soon, and you all have to face a very cruel natural disaster - flood!"

Ji Han's reminder immediately made everyone shiver!

Ordinary people may not understand the dangers of floods, but as emperors, they are well aware of it.

The biggest damage to the people in the past dynasties is the flood. Once the flood season arrives, the flood will skyrocket, trillions of fields and houses will be washed away, and countless people will be lost!

Thinking of this, the faces of Lao Zhao and the others became extremely ugly!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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