At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

204 Combining grace and power, the method of enslaving aliens! [5/7, please subscribe]

"Sir, are you kidding me? My Daqin will also have a big flood this year, right?"

"Don't look at it, there must have been some in the Ming Dynasty. It's no joke that there are many disasters and disasters. Every year, the embankment will burst! 35

"I also heard that the rivers in many places have been in disrepair for a long time. If there is a flood season, I am afraid that a major incident will happen!"

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen, and Li Shimin were all worried, and they lost their appetite for the delicious food on the table.

After all, this news is really not good news for them.

Although the future has not yet been discovered, Ji Han said that there will be floods, is it still false?

"Don't worry!" Ji Han laughed dumbly and said, "You still have time. When you go back, you can dispatch people to repair the river, which can naturally minimize the flood disaster.

"Cement is not only used to build roads, but also to build houses, cast walls, and build dams! 35

11 "If you can excavate and widen the silt in the rivers of the major water systems, and then reinforce the dams, why worry about floods?"

Ji Han talked eloquently, but Ying Zheng and the others shook their heads with a wry smile.

"Sir, how can it be so easy!" Ying Zheng said: "It costs a lot of money to repair the river every year. This is a very huge project. It is not enough to have cement alone. It also needs money and someone! 39

"Yeah!" Chongzhen had the most headache: "I allocate money to repair the river every year, but the officials from various places are exploited layer by layer, how much of it can finally be implemented in this river?

"Although I still have hundreds of millions of silver in my hand, even if I spend all this money, it may not be able to clear these rivers!

"Besides, the autumn harvest is coming soon, and the people are busy with farm work. How can there be manpower to be dispatched?"

With a series of questions in front of them, it was no wonder Ying Zheng and the others were frowning.

Being an emperor is not so easy!

Every matter has to be thought out carefully, and every action involves hundreds of millions of people. If it is not properly arranged, it will inevitably involve the life and death of countless people. You must be careful.

"In the past, Emperor Yang Guang of Sui Yang was because of repairing the canal, which caused labor and people to waste money, the country was weak and turbulent, and finally destroyed the country!" Li Shimin reminded kindly: "This river repair is a major event, and there is no urgency!

"Fuck!" Ji Han said angrily: "Cultivation of rivers is a century-old foundation for the benefit of the country and the people. Is it because the labor and the people are hurting the money and not doing it?

"If you don't have money, you will find a way to raise money, and if no one is there, you will find a way to squeeze some people out. For example, isn't this alien person the best laborer?"

"If you have nothing to do, let them come to repair the river, and you will be able to eat three meals a day. You don't even need to pay wages. Isn't it a waste not to use this kind of free labor?"

"And Lao Zhu's Ming Dynasty was even simpler. There were refugees everywhere, and a lot of people were willing to come to repair the river. It's not easy for you to find someone?"

Ji Han's words immediately made everyone's eyes light up!

Yes, this is a way.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were refugees and disaster victims everywhere, and they were not worried about finding people to repair the river embankments.

Didn't Daqin and Datang go to war recently?

With so many Baiyue and Turkic people caught, can't we find a way to resettle them?

"Let's talk about it!" Ji Han sneered: "If you are afraid that there will not be enough people to build roads and river embankments, then go to war. What are you raising so many troops for?"

"If you find any excuse, you will start fighting, and whoever the foreign race is happy to fight will fight, and after you are obedient, they will all be captured and brought back to repair the river!

"Although this method is a bit harsh, it is better than killing your own people, right? Besides, as long as you are nice to these alien races, don't enslave them too badly, and you won't kill them! 35

"The big deal is that after the renovation is completed, let them go home! By the way, you can also train troops yourself, which is great!"

Ji Han's proposal made everyone's heart skip a beat!

Ying Zheng and others are ruthless people, they don't talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality, as long as things are good for their own people, they all feel righteous!

It's just enslaving aliens, shouldn't it?

Those who are not of our race will have different hearts, who do they enslave if they do not enslave them?

"Don't worry, sir, we will never feel bad about our conscience, this is indeed a way!" Ying Zheng nodded and said, "For me, aliens are never my own!"

"Not bad!" Li Shimin also nodded and said, "Sir once criticized me for being too weak in dealing with alien races, and I have also reflected on myself, that's true!"

"Originally, the Turks surrendered to me and were still worried about how to arrange them. Now, don't think about it, the young and middle-aged people all collected their weapons and pulled them to repair the river!

"In this way, you don't have to worry about them rebelling, and you don't have to worry about them secretly making a big deal, and you can have a bunch of free laborers build roads and rivers.

"This plan is very good. If there are not enough people, I will go back and start a war immediately, and clean up these aliens who are jumping in the Western Regions one by one. Wouldn't it be fun?"297

The more Li Shimin thought about it, the happier he became. His heart had already become extremely hot. Thinking about the benefits, he couldn't help but smile.

"That's right!" Ji Han nodded with satisfaction, and said, "The strength of any nation must be built on the blood and tears of aliens. Plundering and enslavement are a truth that can never be escaped. You must be kind to your own people, and cruel to foreigners!"

"Of course, you must not use the slave owner's way to deal with aliens, it will be counterproductive!

"If you use whips at every turn, let people work day and night, and don't let people get enough to eat, they will try their best to rebel, and the gains will outweigh the losses!"5

"You have to be kind and supportive, and give them a little more hope to hang them, so that they have a head in life, so that they can work for you willingly!


Ying Zheng and others immediately became interested!

Is there so much to do with enslaving aliens?

Didn't they send a large army to guard, slashed and killed if they didn't obey, and whipped them if they didn't work?

"Sir, please enlighten me, how to combine favor with power?" Li Shimin asked quickly.

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