At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

205 Interlocking, Ji Han's fusion drug plan! 【6/7, please subscribe】

Facing the thirsty questions of Li Shimin and others

Ji Han couldn't help laughing. In fact, this is completely the gap between vision and cognition.

Their vision is still in slavery society, and they have not escaped from capitalist society at all, so they have such doubts!

"As we all know, it is very easy to defeat a nation, but it is very difficult to enslave and assimilate them, because they will resist!"9

"So you have to use some means to divide and disintegrate them. For example, recruiting young and middle-aged people from different races to build roads and river banks. You have to keep them fed and clothed, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined!"

"For example, you can promise that they can go home after working for five years, give them a hope of living, and even give them land after returning home!"

"At the same time, the young and old in their families will also share the fields, so that their wives and children will survive! If anyone escapes, the whole family will be punished. If you work honestly, you can also reduce taxes!"

"In short, it's a sweet date and a big stick, and they let them work voluntarily!

"You think, many poor people of different races actually have a hard life. It is better to be enslaved by the tribal leader than to be enslaved by us. In the end, we will give him the land, how can they not be grateful?

Ji Han's eloquent remarks immediately made everyone feel enlightened.

This makes sense! It's definitely a wise saying!

Give a hope to hang them, and you can drive these aliens for free, this is a good idea!

At the same time, divide their fields, kidnap them with their families, and let these people get used to being managed!

After they have worked for a few years and come home, will they still be able to live their lives honestly? Since then, they will be assimilated into their own people?

"Also, we can set some policies to stimulate the speed of interracial assimilation!" Ji Han continued: "For example, encouraging interracial women to marry Han people~々!"

"If you marry one, you will reduce taxes for the whole family and divide the land. In this way, it only takes ten years of implementation, and a nation will have to be completely integrated into us!"

"Their women have to bear children for us, their young adults have to build roads and bridges for us, and within two or three generations, they will completely disintegrate!"

"And these are all tricks for boiling frogs in warm water, and they won't arouse much resistance at all, and they even have to be grateful to us!

Ji Han gave some pointers and immediately made everyone's eyes light up!

These routines are good. They use their family as a threat, divide the land to stabilize them, and then use five years of release as a hope, and encourage intermarriage as a fusion!

Ring after ring, ring after ring!

After so many years and generations, what kind of aliens can withstand this kind of fusion?

In the end, they will all become people of Daqin and Tang Dynasty, and their descendants will be completely integrated into Kyushu.

"Sir, this plan is very good, I will keep it in my heart!"

"That's right, I'll follow the rules when I go back. In this way, I can solve the calamity of the alien race, and secondly, I can build roads and river embankments. It's really a double-edged sword!

"Wonderful, this plan is very good, I want to start a war immediately to catch the aliens!

Chongzhen and others praised it again and again!

Ji Han smiled and said, "Not only that, if there are too many young people from different races, it will not take so many people to repair the river embankment, you can set up a mercenary group!"

"The mercenary regiment? 35

"what is this?

Everyone was stunned, obviously not quite understanding.

Ji Han shrugged and said, "The so-called mercenary group just has a nicer name, but it's actually a slave soldier, you all understand that?

"Each legion is equipped with thousands to 10,000 slave soldiers, spread them out, and let them fight when they encounter tough battles, anyway, it's not our people who died!"

"If you win, you will be rewarded, and you will be divided into fields, land, silver, cattle and sheep. If you lose, you don't even need to give pensions, and you won't feel bad if you die!"

"Anyway, after your firearms are upgraded, throw the backward weapons in your hands to these slave soldiers and let them go to work!"

"In short, driving aliens to fight aliens is a good deal, and it can greatly enhance your military, right? 55

"The so-called best use of things is nothing more than that, and the use of this alien race is also infinitely wonderful!

Everyone understood Ji Han's explanation!

This thing called slave soldiers existed in the Warring States period, that is, to enslave the soldiers and people of the enemy country, and let them be cannon fodder!

Now, doesn't this Jiannu like to play this way?

After each war, they go to other places to catch slave soldiers, and constantly replenish their own troops. In every war, they must use slave soldiers as cannon fodder. Isn't this fragrant?

661. Good! The gentleman said it well, attacking aliens with aliens, this strategy is really wonderful!"

"If this is done properly, it can be very profitable.""

"Many of these alien races are good warriors. If they can be enslaved and driven, this is a beautiful thing!""

"That's right, the weapons eliminated in the army have no place to use, they are just used to equip slave soldiers!

Every word you say makes me happy!

For the idea of ​​slave soldiers, Lao Zhao and others agree very much. After all, if there are many slave soldiers in the army, there is no need to kill people when they encounter people who fight against themselves!

And now that everyone has mastered firearms, they are not afraid of slave soldiers to rebel.

In this way, the alien problems and natural disasters they worry about can be solved through this series of riotous operations, at least there is no need to worry about floods!

"Mr. Nuo Zhao, how long will it take for the flood season? When I go back, I have to quickly repair the embankment!" Li Shimin asked.

"It's about three months, don't worry, there's still time!" Ji Han laughed: "After talking about this manpower problem, we actually have to solve one problem - money!

"Among the three of you, apart from Lao Zhu who made a lot of money from raiding his house, the other two are poor ghosts, and the state treasury doesn't actually have much money, right!

"And it's not easy even for Lao Zhu. There are so many people in the Ming Dynasty and so many natural disasters. Today, we need to allocate funds here, and where will we need disaster relief tomorrow!

"There are still a lot of new troops to be raised, weapons and gunpowder to be developed and produced, the bullets consumed by training every day are astronomical, and the craftsmen can't treat them badly!"

"So, you are all short of money, while dredging the river, you have to find a way to make money!


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