At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

206 The coup of making money, the prospect blueprint of the Royal Group! 【7/7, please subscribe】

When it comes to the topic of money, everyone will not be sleepy!

Especially Chongzhen nodded and said bitterly: "Sir, what you said is very true, my old Zhu is bitter, this Ming Dynasty has so many people to support, and there are disaster victims everywhere, it is not easy!"

"I'm not getting any better!" Li Shimin said with a headache: "The Tang Dynasty was too short to have no savings, and now the treasury is empty, to tell the truth, I usually have a hard life, so I came here to improve the food. .

"It's not so miserable, is it?" Ying Zheng laughed loudly: "But my Daqin is also poor, and the domination of the world and various major projects have basically consumed all the national strength, and I am also short of money!

In a few words, Lao Zhao and the others couldn't help but sympathize with each other.

The three of them scrambled to cry and sell miserably, and those who didn't know thought they had a miserable life.

In short, making money has always been the lifelong wish of the great emperors, after all, everyone knows the benefits of money.

A lot of big projects have to spend money at every turn. Without money, even military salaries cannot be issued 297. How can this world be secure?

"If you want to make money, you have to figure out who owns the money. Many emperors raise taxes if they don't have money, and they raise taxes if they don't have money. In the end, the common people will not be able to survive and rebel, and the dynasty will end!

"But they will never understand a truth. The poor people have fart money, how many grains can they have in the ground?"

"If you want to make money, you have to cheat the powerful and wealthy businessmen, and find a way to make them pay for it obediently. The best way is to do real estate, luxury goods, and various high-profit products!"

While chatting, Ji Han taught the business experience of later generations, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Sir's words are reasonable, the people really have no money, and they have to squeeze it from the rich and powerful!"

"But sir, what is real estate? What is luxury? What is high-profit product?"

Ying Zheng and the others asked curiously, all eager to find a small notebook to write it down.

Every advice from Ji Han is enough to benefit them a lot. If they miss a word, they must beat their chests with anger.

Even Wang Ben Cheng Yaojin and Wang Mushi Yangzi couldn't help but become curious.

How can Ji Han willingly let the powerful and rich businessmen pay? You must know that these people are all addicted to money!

Unless you learn from Lao Zhu's housekeeping, everyone really can't think of a way to let them spit out money obediently!

"First of all, you have to set up a royal group to do business!" Ji Han pointed with a chuckle.

"Doing business? 35

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

How can the emperor do business? Are you afraid of being laughed at when you say it?

"In my Ming Dynasty, this will be sprayed by the imperial censor!" Chongzhen said with tears and laughter: "This is called competing for profit with the people, this is the stain of an emperor! 35

"Bah! What are you fighting for profit with the people, these dog censors want to bind you with morality!""

"What's wrong with doing business? Many things must be in the hands of the state, such as the business of salt and iron. These things are very important, so how can merchants be involved?"

"Of course, if you want fame, you don't have to do business in your own name. You can do it in the name of the imperial court. No one dares to say anything about that, right?"

"At that time, half of the money earned will go to the national treasury, and half of it will go to the internal treasury, and some special personnel, such as veterans and disaster victims, will be placed, so that they can have employment opportunities, promote the economy, and make money. This is a beautiful thing that serves multiple purposes. !(bbed)”

Ji Han said it righteously, but the more everyone listened, the more reasonable it became. There are so many things that benefit, how about competing with the people for profit?

And what everyone is fighting for is not the interests of ordinary people. What everyone earns is the money of the powerful and wealthy businessmen.

"Besides, in the end, the money is not to be invested in the construction of various places, this is a great thing for the benefit of the country and the people!" Ji Han concluded, and everyone immediately nodded.

"Well said, Mr. is right!

"This is not to compete with the people for profit at all, this is a major matter of benefiting the country and the people!"

"If you can make money stably, you can also bring another income to the treasury, no matter what others say!"

Chongzhen and others have supported!

You are all ruthless people, even Li Shimin has changed a lot from before. They will stick to what they think is right, no matter what difficulties they encounter, and they will not care about other people's opinions!

"Sir!" Yang Zi seemed to be very interested in business, she couldn't help but ask: "After the establishment of the Royal Group, what should I do?"

"Of course it is to set up a factory, recruit workers, and produce all kinds of daily necessities!" Ji Han explained patiently: "For example, do you think this tea is okay? If you sell it as a commodity, how much do you think it will cost?"

"Tea? I've seen Mr.'s tea, it's made from the young leaves of tea trees on the mountain!

"If it is planted on a large scale in the mountains, the cost will be extremely low, so just let the women go up the mountain to pick tea!

Wang Mushi rushes to answer again and again, obviously very familiar with this!

"That's right!" Ji Han nodded in admiration and said, "Tea is a tender leaf, and its cost is extremely low, but it can make countless people fascinated by it!

"Especially all ethnic groups in the Western Regions are very dependent on tea. They eat meat every day and can't stand it without tea. Therefore, the price of tea is extremely high!

"If we plant tea in batches in Daqin, then order people to pick it and then fry it, and sell it in batches, the cost will be at most three or five dollars per catty!

"But once it is sold to the Western Regions, the price will have to be multiplied tenfold and a hundredfold. Low-grade tea is supplied to the common people, medium-sized tea is supplied to the Western Regions, and high-grade tea is supplied to the rich and powerful!"

"What do rich and powerful people want these days? Of course, they want to save face. Let's make high-quality tea a luxury, and it's a good gift. It can be sold for a few hundred taels to a thousand taels per catty, isn't it expensive?"

"Hundreds of taels? Thousands of taels? 35

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and they were all stunned.

"Today Chapter Seven, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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