At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

207 Profitable businessmen? This plan can raise an army of millions! 【1/7, please subscribe】

"Sir, are you crazy? What kind of profiteer are you!"

"Yeah, you sell a few hundred taels to a thousand taels for something that's not worth a few cents? Isn't this too dark?"

"How can anyone buy this, what a joke!"

Everyone was speechless, and everyone looked at Ji Han with a hint of suspicion.

Are you a fool to be rich-businessman and powerful?

"You don't understand what luxury is!" Ji Han shook his head and explained, "The rich people play with their cards and face, money is a piece of shit! 99

"For example, our tea leaves are sold to poor people, and they are shipped in large quantities at a cheap price. Are these powerful people willing to buy this stuff?

"For example, we produce a lot of soap, the cost of this stuff is very low, and the inferior products are sold to the poor at a low price, but you have the courage to buy inferior products?

"A piece of high-quality soap, let me promote it, and say that it is made from the holy water of Tianshan Mountain and the essence of the snow. It is specially provided by the royal family. Is one hundred and two dollars expensive? It's not expensive at all. If you want to buy it, you have to book it!"

"A pound of high-quality tea is nourished by the spiritual energy of Kunlun Mountain, and then picked piece by piece from beautiful virgins. It is carefully fried through 108 ancient methods. It is also a special product for the palace. ?"

Ji Han turned into a MLM master, giving lectures!

Immediately everyone was stunned when they heard it.

Especially when this advertisement was rendered, everyone was immediately stunned.

Damn, can you still play like this?

If you do it like this, it seems to be really cheap!

"Right!" Ji Han smiled and said: "I see, it's called packaging, rendering, everyone knows that this stuff is not worth so much money, but they still scramble to buy it, why?"5

"Because of face! Today, Mrs. Dingguo bought a piece of soap, can you show it off? Mrs. Zhenguo's wife and Mrs. Hepingxi Wang can hold back this kind of anger? Can't I afford it?"

"Then they will compare with each other. If you don't buy this stuff, you don't deserve to be called a powerful person. You don't need to buy something from our Royal Group on your wealthy businessman. You don't deserve to do business!"5


Everyone was crying and laughing!

But if you think about it, it really seems to be the case.

Just for the gimmick of the royal family, you can create a super big brand, and then make a lot of money with this brand.

Powerful people can't do it if they don't want to buy it, you don't buy it and try it!

Just like those rich and rich ladies in modern times, if you don't buy luxury goods, you are just a bastard, and we won't take you to play!

If you don't buy luxury cars and mansions, you are not even worthy of sitting with others and drinking tea.

You go to the official's office and can't offer anything good? You show your identity and can't buy something expensive?

What is the most expensive? Of course the Royal Group!

This thing is specially provided by the royal family, and the emperor is using it. This is a symbol of identity.

Moreover, in ancient times, no one dared to imitate this thing, and no one dared to rob it for business. This is a complete monopoly.

After thinking about it seriously, everyone immediately became ecstatic, and everyone was already heartbroken.

"Mister is a great talent, the five bodies I admire are thrown to the ground!" Chongzhen got up excitedly and bowed: "If I had met your teacher's instructions sooner, why would I be so embarrassed, I used to save only a few hundred thousand taels from the internal treasury, which is ridiculous. Funny!

"This plan can raise a million soldiers, sir, please accept me!

"Thank you sir! 9

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin also bowed down again and again!

Ji Han's seemingly inadvertent bragging is enough to change the situation of the three dynasties. From then on, the emperor no longer has to levy various extortionate taxes and can easily support an army of millions.

This pair of imperial power and the world will have to produce earth-shaking changes. Ji Han can stand up to everyone's worship!

"Okay, don't be too polite!" Ji Han waved his hand indifferently and said, "I'm just bragging, you have to implement it!"

"I made a list and wrote down all the products I thought of, as well as the production process, let's see! 39

・・For flowers.....

"If there is anything else that comes to mind, you can say what you want, and then add your own! 35

After finishing speaking, Ji Han handed three identical lists to Lao Zhao and the others!

On it are written tea, tobacco and alcohol, soap, perfume, bags, accessories, gold jewelry, high-end carpets, high-end walking sticks, mahjong, high-end ceramic tea sets, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and a series of things that he temporarily thought of!

There are a total of forty or fifty kinds!

"I can think of so much for the time being, and what I think of in the future, let's add more slowly! 95

"All of these things are not difficult to manufacture, and anyone can quickly produce them as long as they master the method.

"But it doesn't matter, we just need to make every product exquisite, and then print our special Royal Group dog, can't we make a huge profit?""

Ji Han explained with a smile!

Cheng Yaojin asked in amazement, "Sir, what does this dog mean?"

"Stupid!" Li Shimin angrily slapped him: "Does not even know what a dog is? A dog just hugs a dog! Illiteracy!"

"Yes, yes?" Cheng Yaojin was puzzled.


The crowd couldn't help but burst into laughter!

Ji Han also laughed dumbly and explained: "The dog is a trademark pattern, we can design a pattern, so that when everyone sees our pattern, they will know that this is a product of the Royal Group! 99

"That's the only way, our customers don't need to see anyone and say I bought something good today, which is very embarrassing! 35

"We have to let the powerful and powerful pretend to be coercive, and bring our things, so that they are extremely honorable and face-saving, and they will be willing to pay!"




All thumbs up!

Everyone's admiration for Ji Han at this time is already beyond words, and their hearts are agitated!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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