After listening to Ji Han's great ideas

Ying Zheng and the others were inexplicably excited and excited.

Because all fools know that this is a big business that will never lose money, and it is a huge profit.

But Yang Zi thought about it, but asked curiously: "Sir, what do you mean by making money and real estate? 35'

"Huh? Yes, can a house also make money?"

"This, this is impossible!"

Everyone has questioned, obviously do not understand why the house can make money.

In ancient times, the land was vast and sparsely populated. Any peasant had a large piece of land to build a house, and every household had a small yard!

Even in the imperial city, as long as it is not too close to the powerful gathering place of the palace, the house is not too expensive, and the ordinary people of "297" can afford it.

So everyone has no idea why real estate can make money!

"You guys, you still have limited vision!" Ji Han shook his head with a dumb laugh, and asked instead, "Do you know that many people in later generations can't afford to buy a house after all their hard work? 35

"Do you know that a school district house is enough for many people to break their heads?

"Do you know that a suite in the imperial capital of later generations can be exchanged for tens of millions of catties of food in a place as large as your stable?

Ji Han's series of questions immediately left everyone stunned!

A place as big as a stable can exchange for tens of thousands of catties of grain?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

How is this possible?

"It's a turtle!" Ji Han shook his head and continued to explain: "Aren't you planning to set up a college recently? Suppose you chose the site of the college, and specially selected a place dozens of miles away from the imperial city, and then built an academy in this place. The city, specially send troops to protect!""

"Then the children of ordinary people need to study hard to enter this school, and the children of powerful and wealthy businessmen only need to have a house in this city, so that a student can be exempted from the entrance examination. Do you think they will buy a house?

"I'll let you pass the exam with your own abilities. This school is dozens of miles away from the imperial city. If you have the ability, you can get up early every day and run dozens of miles to go to school!"

"Do you think if this powerful person does this, will he still have face? Does his child still have face? Can't his classmates laugh at him?


Everyone is stunned!

Holy crap, are you so treacherous?

This is forcing the rich and powerful to pay for a house!

If you think about it seriously, this seems to be feasible, and the city is owned by the emperor, and the land is also owned by the royal family. It is not up to everyone to decide how much to sell??

"Sir, what a great plan!" Li Shimin said excitedly: "In this way, these powerful people can't even vomit blood. If a house is sold for 1,000 taels, 1,000 sets are one million taels!

"Are you crazy? So petty?" Ji Han said angrily: "You're begging for money with a golden rice bowl, can you be any good? A suite only sells for 1,000 taels? I don't sell a toilet to me. you!"

"One thousand taels still not for sale?'35

"How much do you want to sell, sir?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned again, did Ji Han want the lion to speak again? Can a house still sell for thousands of taels?

"A house has to be sold for 30,000 to 50,000 taels, which is the cheapest and smallest!

"If it is luxurious with a yard, it will start at 100,000 taels in minutes, and there will be no ceiling!"

"If it is a luxury courtyard in a good location, you can directly ask for more than 500,000 yuan. If you don't bargain, don't buy it if you don't have money!"

The prices offered by Ji Han immediately stunned everyone!

Thirty to fifty thousand? One hundred thousand? Five hundred thousand?

Holy crap, how much food can this buy!

This suite can recruit an army, okay?

"Sir, are you sure someone will buy it?" Wang Mushi exclaimed in fright.

"Yes! And you have to steal your head!" Ji Han said happily: "You never understand how rich these powerful people are, especially the clansmen of the Tang Dynasty, they are not human beings when they are rich!

"Sir, this is true!" Li Shimin nodded and admitted: "In this world, a small group of people will always control 90% of the wealth, and they can really afford it!""

"Haha!" Chongzhen gritted his teeth and said, "Of course they can afford it. Thinking about the 80 million taels of silver that I copied from the eight major Shanxi merchants, they can definitely afford it. This amount of money is a piece of shit. The minimum house is 100,000 taels, and the expensive ones are at least 1 million taels!"

"Okay, well said!" Ji Han laughed loudly: "Old Zhu, you have the temperament of being a profiteer, you said it well, but the prices of goods in different dynasties are different, you can decide the price yourself!

"Sir, this dignitary is not a fool, aren't you afraid that they won't buy it?" Wang Mushi asked curiously: "It's a big deal if you don't go to this academy, they can totally ask the Great Confucian to teach their children!

"Wrong, very wrong!" Ji Han shook his head and said, "What do you know, little girl, what is the most important thing for the powerful? It's a circle, a network! Money is very important in their eyes, but it is also very important. Not so important!

"If all the sons and daughters of the emperors, the sons of civil and military officials, and the sons of powerful and powerful merchants all go to school in the same academy, do you think they will come?"

"They will, and they will go when they break their heads, because they know better than you what is the preciousness of human connections!"

In this regard, Ying Zheng and others nodded in agreement!

"Sir's remarks are very true, especially in this officialdom and business world, network connections are especially important! 39

"Yes, which of these powerful and powerful people is not going around to attract contacts!"

"If they can get their kids to go to school together in 4.3, they'll have to go in!

People have come forward to support this view!

After all, Lao Zhao and the others have seen too much of the world, which is definitely not difficult to understand.

"That's right! They can get the money if they want it, and they can get it if they don't want to. We'll make it!"

Ji Han smiled and said: "Of course we can't be too embarrassing, we have to build this house a little better, use cement to build a three-storey small house, and then ask the master to design some green landscapes, rockeries and flowing water!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's the kind that makes people feel that it's worth the money, just wait and see, they have to go all out to grab it!


The crowd burst into laughter again.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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