At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

209 Royal Bank, the financial lifeline of the three dynasties! 【3/7, please subscribe】

"The idea of ​​the Royal Group and real estate is really wonderful!"

"If these two things are done well, you will earn more than hundreds of millions of wealth, which is almost impossible to get most of the wealth in the world!

"Receiving the wealth of the world from the royal family, and then wantonly building roads, bridges, dredging rivers, and renewing armaments, why should I worry about the Qin Dynasty?"

"Hahaha, I, Great Tang, will no longer be afraid of the calamity of this clan, these kind of soft knives must make these clans vomit blood.

Ying Zheng, Li Shimin, and Chongzhen, all of them excitedly pushed their cups and handed over to celebrate again and again!

Especially this Li Shimin, is even more ecstatic.

He has always been worried about the chaos in the world, and he is always nervous, for fear that what he has done wrong will give the enemy a chance.

But now he was greatly relieved!

Because according to Ji Han's plan, he will collect hundreds of millions of fortunes, and the 11th wealth of the aristocratic family will also be plundered by him, and he will be afraid of shit at that time!

There are soldiers and food in hand, money and artillery!

Coupled with the construction of infrastructure everywhere, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, who can rebel against him? Who dares to create a test?

"Hahaha, this plan should be a big deal!

"Sir, please accept me again!"

Li Shimin stood up again with a glass of wine, and bowed solemnly, and worshipped each other as a teacher!

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen are the same, because Ji Han deserves such a big gift.

"Don't be so polite, sit down and continue eating, come! Drink!" Ji Han smiled lightly.

"Drink! 35

"Toast sir! 95

Everyone happily pushed the cups and hands, and the atmosphere at the wine table suddenly became a lot more eager.

In particular, the shameless Wang Ben and Cheng Yaojin took the opportunity to take a few mouthfuls, and they all drank a few bottles of Ji Han Collector's Edition Moutai.

"After the Royal Group and the school district are on the right track, and smashing billions of dollars, do you know what to do? Ji Han suddenly asked again.

"What do you mean by this, sir? Could it be that you have to pay attention to how you spend your money?"

"Yes, sir, it's not difficult, right? Why don't you put money into construction in various places!"

"Don't worry, I am by no means an extravagant and arrogant person, and I will never use this money for pleasure. It must be taken from the people and used for the people!"

The three of Chongzhen promised again and again!

But Ji Han shook his head and said, "That's not what I mean, what I mean is that after you make money, half of it goes to the state treasury for construction, and half goes to the internal treasury. Do you just keep the money like that?


Everyone frowned, this is a problem!

After the implementation of the two major plans, there must be a steady stream of huge wealth, and half of the money is more than enough for infrastructure construction.

Then the remaining half, is there a long hair in the library of the palace?

Half of the inner library is privately owned by the royal family, that is, the emperor's own pockets. These are also used for eating, drinking, and having fun. Can it be used so much?

"So yeah, you have to set up a bank! Ji Han continued to point out.

"Bank? What is this?

"Could it be the ticket number? Or the silver number?"

Everyone's faces were puzzled, and it was obvious that they had a little interest in this new thing.

"That's right!" Ji Han nodded and said, "Banks mean ticket numbers and silver numbers, and are mainly used to provide people with savings, loans and other businesses.

"Think about it, what should the common people do if they have extra money in their pockets? It can't be hidden at home all the time, it has to be circulated!"

"You can set up a bank to let the common people save money, and when many small people can't make it through, you can also provide low-interest or interest-free loans, and borrow silver taels to tide them over!

"You must know that this natural and man-made disaster is often the key to the destruction of people's homes. In many disaster years, people often have to borrow money from the landlord to survive, so that their property is robbed, and they have to be sold as slaves! 99

"If there is a bank that absorbs the deposits of people all over the world and provides help to the people, wouldn't this allow many people to live?"

"Moreover, by gathering billions of wealth together and lending them out continuously, one can obtain huge profits, and secondly, it can also promote economic development. This is a good thing to earn blood!"

Ji Han talked eloquently, and he talked about some of the bank's rude operations in the future, such as lending, such as taking deposits, such as housing loans, such as car loans!

For example, use this bank to regulate the economy, stimulate economic development, control the circulation of resources in various places, regulate prices and so on!

"This bank is a powerful tool in finance, and this thing must not be in the hands of outsiders, but must be in the hands of others. 99

"At this time, in the Ming Dynasty, capital germs had already appeared, and many bankrolls and usury were exploiting the common people.

"If you can set up a Royal Bank, then the benefits will be predictable!

Ji Han followed a persuasive approach, dissecting the pros and cons clearly.

Ying Zheng and the others are also talented people, and everyone couldn't help but light up when they heard it.

This bank is not bad, one can absorb a lot of funds, and secondly, it can make a profit by lending!

Thirdly, it can help the people to stimulate the economy, and the various benefits are simply countless, and it makes people excited to think about it.

"But sir, aren't you afraid that someone will not pay the loan back, or deliberately collude with the government and businessmen to get money for profit?" Wang Mushi asked worriedly.

"That's a good question, you really need to be careful about this!" Ji Han said solemnly, "But most people really don't dare not pay back the money they owe the emperor. ""

"There must be collateral for such a large loan, such as real estate, land, mansion, and shops. People will not be afraid if they run away. If they can run away, monks can't run away from temples!"

"And then in order to prevent the officials and businessmen from colluding maliciously to make money, various rules must be set. For example, once the nine clans are found to be punished, large loans must be approved at various levels, etc., so that these hazards can be minimized! 99

Ji Han's answer immediately caused everyone to think deeply.

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