At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

210 briquettes, helping the Ming Dynasty to survive the cold winter! 【4/7, please subscribe】

"This method seems to be good, and generally no one dares to owe me money and not pay it back? If there is such a person, I have to deal with him!"

"Hehe, collusion between officials and businessmen? I punished him with thirteen branches of nine clans!"

"Yes, loans exceeding a certain amount must be approved at various levels, and more than one million must be approved in person, and then Jin Yiwei will be sent to personally review, so there can be no problems!

The more Chongzhen and the others thought about it, the more reasonable it became. This business can be done, but the bank must be set up.

They will be afraid that people will not pay back the money they owe? Joke!

With an order, you are not afraid of copying your home!

There is no king in the world, and there is no king and ministers on the coast of the land. This world belongs to the emperor, where else can you go?

"Don't worry, sir, I'll take note!"

"When the Royal Group and the school district make money, they will definitely set up a bank!"

Chongzhen swears the guarantee!

Ji Han nodded in satisfaction.

When the three dynasties have banks, then this is equivalent to the emergence of capital germs, and the future economic development will certainly be quite rapid.

"Finally, there are two more questions!" Ji Han frowned and said, "Old Zhu's Ming Dynasty also revealed the issue of Bitter Winter and Japanese pirates, which is a big trouble!"

"Yes, sir!" Chongzhen nodded desperately and sighed bitterly: "This year, the weather must be very cold. It's autumn now, and it's already terrifyingly cold!"

"If it's winter, I don't know how many people will freeze to death! Recently, people have been going up to the mountains to cut charcoal, and the surrounding area of ​​the capital has been cut down. Now the price of charcoal is rising day by day!

"If this goes on like this, there will be a major event this winter, and I am anxious!"

Chongzhen's suffering makes everyone secretly sympathize!

The Little Ice Age of the Ming Dynasty was indeed an epic natural disaster. Even with the blessing of Ji Han's good weather, it would be troublesome.

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin thought about it seriously, if they encountered such a situation, I'm afraid the situation would be even worse.

"There are too many people in the Ming Dynasty, it is absolutely impossible to cut down trees to make charcoal, and it can't save hundreds of millions of people by cutting all of them~々!"

"Your only way now is to make briquettes! 35

As Ji Han said, he waved his hand and asked Wang Mushi to go to the kitchen to get some briquettes!

After a while, a coal stove and a few pieces of briquettes appeared in front of everyone!

One of the briquettes has been ignited, burning red and red, and the temperature is very high.

"Is this coal?"

Everyone exclaimed in unison, and Ying Zheng and others also showed interest.

Coal has long been used in Kyushu in ancient times, and coal has names such as "Stone Nirvana", "Carboniferous", "Graphite", "Wujin Stone", "Black Dan" and so on!

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, this thing has been discovered and used, and there are open-pit coal mines in many places, which is very convenient.

It is a pity that the improper use of coal in the past has resulted in the coal burning slowly, with a lot of smoke, which is easy to cause poisoning, so few people are willing to use it.

"Sir!" Chongzhen couldn't help frowning and asked: "Why is your coal different? And there's no fireworks?"

"This is a briquettes made of anthracite and soil mixed according to the ratio and dried. It burns fast and lasts for a long time. With this kind of coal stove, it is definitely a weapon for heating in winter! 35

"The mine map I gave you before has a lot of areas marked with coal, and in many places you can even dig up the surface to mine massive amounts of coal!

"The reserves of this thing are calculated in trillions of tons. Even if you burn it for a hundred years in the Ming Dynasty, you won't be able to burn it. Is it not easy to spend a winter?"

Ji Han explained with a chuckle, and everyone immediately became excited again, a trillion tons of coal?

If this thing really has so much and is so good, it is definitely a very important energy source!

"Sir, is this true?" Chongzhen said excitedly: "If this is the case, there will be no more people who freeze to death in my Ming Dynasty. How should I make this briquettes, sir?

"Simple!" Ji Han explained indifferently: "After you go back, you will set up large coal manufacturing factories in the name of the Royal Group, and recruit refugees to start working!

"First, crush the soil into powder with stone, then filter it with iron mesh to leave fine powder, then mix it at a ratio of 100 catties of coal and 50 catties of soil, and then add 10% water and stir! 35

"After mixing all this stuff together, it was manually pressed with a specially made briquettes machine. The approximate shape of this thing is like this!

Ji Han writes and draws on paper, a simple tool for pressing briquettes by hand, and he draws it!

It's not difficult to make, just roll it hard on the coal mixture to form a briquettes shape, then dry it and you're ready to use!

"The briquettes are simple and convenient to manufacture, with very little pyrotechnic gas, easy to burn with high firepower, very suitable for daily household use, and can also be used as a major industry of the Royal Group!"

"In the beginning, in order to save the people for the winter, the price can be lowered, and the low-priced coal and the high-priced coal are separated, and the low-priced coal is these briquettes!

"High-priced coal can be made into charcoal strips with molds, and then printed with animal patterns on it, also called animal pattern charcoal, specially designed to pit the powerful and wealthy businessmen, to ensure that you make a lot of money!


Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"Sir, I'm also moved (to Nuo Zhao)!" Ying Zheng said excitedly: "Daqin can also make charcoal and sell it, so that you won't be afraid of severe cold in winter!

"After I go back, I have to hurry up and do it!" Li Shimin also laughed: "This can provide a lot of job opportunities, and secondly, it can also provide a lot of high-quality, affordable heating things for the people, which has many benefits. !"5

"Indeed, sir, I admire your talent!" Chongzhen was grateful, and quickly wrote down the method of making the briquettes one by one. This inconspicuous little thing will save hundreds of millions of people!

"The last thing about Japanese pirates has always been a big problem for Ming Dynasty's confidants!" Ji Han frowned and suggested, "I suggest you hold a military parade! 35

"Grand Parade?"

Everyone was surprised, obviously a little confused!


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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