At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

211 military parade, a wonderful idea to kill three birds with one stone! [5/7, please subscribe]

Military parades were not uncommon in ancient times!

In general, when an army goes on an expedition or when a dynasty is prosperous, a military parade will be held at the school grounds, but the scale is generally not too large.

So when Ji Han said that he would use a military parade to solve the threat of Japanese pirates, everyone was so shocked. What's the use?

Japanese pirates have always been a headache in the Ming Dynasty!

Over the past 100 years, Japanese pirates have been invading the coastal areas of Daming, burning, killing, and looting, causing great economic losses to the people. As a result, a series of anti-Japanese heroes such as Qi Jiguang have emerged!

If you want to solve the disaster of the Japanese pirates, you must send troops to clear it up. Is there any use for the military parade?

Is it possible to kill the Japanese pirates from a distance?

Facing everyone's doubts, Ji Han chuckled and took a sip of wine, explaining: "If you want to solve the pirates, you have to know where the roots of the pirates are, and why these thieves can't be stopped no matter how hard they are!

"Sir is right!" Chongzhen said bitterly: "This Japanese pirate really gave me a headache in the Ming Dynasty. No matter how I can suppress it, I can't stop it. Killing a group and coming again will completely cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Sir, tell me where is the source of this?"

"The origin of the Japanese pirates is naturally in the mainland of Dongying, as well as the major clans along the coast of the Ming Dynasty!" Ji Han pointed out: "These Japanese pirates seem to be ronin and outlaws of Dongying, but in fact most of them are from the shogunate of Dongying!"

"They disguised themselves as ronin, flooded into the Ming Dynasty to burn, kill and loot in large numbers, robbed massive amounts of materials, and constantly cut flesh with blunt knives, damaging the national strength of the Ming Dynasty! 35

"Moreover, the major clans along the coast of the Ming Dynasty also colluded with the Japanese pirates, all of them engaged in smuggling and profiteering, and secretly tipped off the Japanese pirates.

"As a result, when a large number of official troops arrive, the Japanese pirates will surely flee, and as soon as the official troops leave and they come back, they will be suppressed and not destroyed, and it will become more and more troublesome!

Ji Han's remarks easily dissected the disaster of Japanese pirates, which made Chongzhen suddenly realize.

"Damn it, the Dongying people who have been killed these days, as well as the major clans along the coast, should all be killed!" Chongzhen said angrily: "When I go back, I will order a strict investigation, and I must kill them all with blood.""

"Don't worry!" Ji Han shook his head and smiled: "It's time to check, but don't move your hands first, you have to play a big parade first and show off your muscles!

"What do you mean, sir?" Chongzhen was stunned.

"After you go back, make an order to prepare a military parade, invite representatives from various countries, and clan dignitaries from all over the world to watch the ceremony!" Ji Han said with a sneer: "Then you will pull out all your new troops and guns, and shock them fiercely. !""

"Eighty percent of the people of Dongying will be scared to pee by you, so when you go back, you can quickly take care of your own troops. If you can't take care of them, you can take care of them, and let the navy attack and beat them hard, and treat it as training!

"Then you will find that these foreign devils have to be scared to cry by you, because you now have the most advanced weapons and the largest and most powerful army in the world!

"You have to show your muscles to scare them, otherwise this foreign devil looks down on you all day long, how can you develop steadily?

"One more thing, you can take this opportunity to intimidate Zheng Zhilong and try to divide his troops to receive them!

"Zheng Zhilong?"

Chongzhen became puzzled, what does this have to do with him?

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, although the naval power became weaker, it was still quite powerful. Among them, Zheng Zhilong was a great representative.

He was originally a pirate, and his subordinates gathered tens of thousands of people and more than 1,000 large ships, running rampant along the southeast coast.

This guy once defeated the Dutch fleet, and it can be said to be a major overlord on the coast of Daming.

"This person is quite capable, but unfortunately he is a careerist with a separatist party. He will not splash water into the Zheng family's management. On the coast, their Zheng family is the emperor of the soil! 35

"Any merchant ship or a lost ship must pay them protection fees before they can pass through. The Zheng family amassed a fortune of 10 to 20 million every year. In the later period of Zheng Zhilong, he even surrendered to the establishment of slaves!

"At this time, the greatest naval power in the Ming Dynasty is none other than him, and if it cannot be incorporated, it must be destroyed!

Ji Han's advice immediately made Chongzhen look murderous!

Obviously he didn't like this Zheng Zhilong, he just didn't think of him for a while.

Now that Ji Han has proposed this big military parade, it is obvious that he wants to knock the mountain and shake the tiger, show his strength, and shock the Zheng family!

"Sir!" Chongzhen frowned and reminded: "Zheng Zhilong is extremely reckless, and there is a treasure island as a retreat. I am afraid that he will not easily bow his head and let me collect his ships!"

"Haha! 35 Ji Han sneered and reminded: "What are you afraid of, this military parade is only the first step to shock them, their Zheng family is not monolithic, and his son Zheng Sen is the famous anti-Qing general Zheng Chenggong!

"This person has a good impression of the Ming Dynasty, and he is loyal and righteous, and he is also quite dissatisfied with his father's many deeds!

"After the military parade, you can secretly summon him. If you can subdue it, it will also give you a big boost. As for Zheng Zhilong, if you don't accept it, just send troops to beat him!"

Ji Han's series of analysis, as well as the strategy of linking links, once again amazed everyone.

No one would have imagined that a small military parade would involve so many things, this guy is really not missing anything.

"In ancient times, Zhuge Kongming had an unparalleled strategy, but now I look at it, and it is still better than Mr.

"Yeah, this kind of layout plan is really shocking, it can deter foreigners, and it can deter Eastern Ying, and it can also try to conquer the Zheng family, Miao Ye!"

"Sir's clever tricks, we admire it!"

Another round of sincere business touts from everyone!

"Okay, don't take pictures of the horses!" Ji Han said with great interest: "How about this, I'll find some video of the military parade of later generations for you to watch, and let you have a long experience?"

"Oh? Really?"

"So, I am very interested!"

Everyone suddenly became interested again, and their eyes lit up one by one.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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