At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

212 A heated kang, helping a Ming family! [6/7, please subscribe]

Speaking of the future military parade

The most classic military parade in 1984, the last 70th anniversary military parade was quite good.

In order to add some confidence and concept to Chongzhen, Ji Han searched and showed them a video!

In this video, the valiant soldiers of the people's children walk in a neat square formation, with murderous aura, just like one person walking neatly!

A neat shout!

The smashing gun action!

With this passionate music, Chongzhen and the others' eyes lit up in an instant, and their bodies trembled.

"This, this is the soldier of my future Kyushu? The momentum is good!

"Why is this car like this? What is this huge thing~?"

"Why is this gun so short? And - a dagger on it?"

"However, the momentum of these phalanxes is really quite good. If you use such troops and horses to parade, why can't you shock the enemy? 99

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen, Li Shimin and others have excited discussions!

These videos played by Ji Han immediately aroused everyone's pride, and everyone was proud of the future generations of Kyushu to have such majestic soldiers and horses.

At the same time, Chongzhen's interest in the military parade soared to the extreme.

In fact, the Ming Dynasty also held several military parades, and each time it shocked the surrounding countries, he naturally understood what Ji Han meant now.

Now that the Ming Dynasty is full of chaos, if an excellent military parade can be held, it will certainly be able to shock the surrounding countries, shock all kinds of small children in the country, and give Chongzhen a stable development time.

At least half of this Japanese pirate problem should be solved!

"Sir, I will prepare for the military parade when I go back, and I will broadcast it to you at that time! Chongzhen said excitedly: "Don't worry, I will never embarrass you!"

"Hahaha, so good, so good!

"I want to see the military appearance of this Ming Dynasty!"

"If this big military parade in the Ming Dynasty is well organized, I would also like to hold one in the Tang Dynasty, to stun and deter all the tribes in the Western Regions!"

Everyone was talking about it, and they all supported Chongzhen to hold the military parade.

Ji Han smiled and said: "Old Zhu, you can refer to these soldiers, go back and prepare for it, and of course you can add many new tricks!

"For example, your new army will definitely not be able to walk so neatly, but it doesn't matter, you can increase the number of people, it looks like it is dark, and no one can see it if it is not so neat, but it is more imposing!

"Imagine thousands of people roaring towards you, standing still and shooting ten rows in a row, or cooperating with ten thousand cannons, how domineering this is, it's no wonder that foreign devils must not be scared to pee!

Ji Han kept bewitching and pointing, Chongzhen's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and the power of the king in his body began to explode suddenly.

"Do it, you must do it!" Chongzhen clapped the table and laughed: "Sir is right, you can do as big a scene as you want. This time, if you don't scare these bastards into tears, I don't deserve to be the master of this great Ming Dynasty!

"Well said!" Ji Han said with satisfaction: "The more chaotic the Ming Dynasty is, the more it is necessary to restore the confidence of the people in the world with a tough attitude. This military parade must be held, and it must be done well. Zhu's flag is open to victory!"

"Yes, yes, I wish Lao Zhu a victory!

"Come on! Have a drink everyone!

The atmosphere at the wine table became enthusiastic again!

In just a few words, Ji Han has already answered the questions exposed by the three dynasties one by one, and gave the most appropriate solutions.

This amazing strategy has also made everyone admire it.

At the same time, it is conceivable that in the next period of time, the three dynasties will also undergo great changes because of his plans.

"Oh yes!" Ji Han suddenly remembered something and said: "Old Zhu, the Ming Dynasty is so cold in winter, you can learn from the north to build some heated kangs! 95

"This stuff has been popular in the north during the Liao and Jin Dynasties. You should also know that it is to build a bed with bricks and stones, and then burn it inside to make it hot!

"In this way, the house can be warmed into summer, and it is extremely warm to sleep at night, so that people are not afraid of severe cold, which is helpful for you to survive the winter!"

Chongzhen nodded again and again after hearing this!

He naturally knew about the kang, and he had also seen this thing, but it was only used by few people.

・・For flowers.......

"Sir is right, this severe cold must be taken more precautions, it is not enough to have charcoal and briquettes, but also let the people build more kangs!

"This thing is not difficult to build, I will go back and order to recruit craftsmen, and build it first in all parts of the north!

Chongzhen pondered for a moment, and decisively chose to follow the flow of kindness. When he was ready to go back, he found a man-made heated kang.

Once a heated kang is built, it is equivalent to saving an extra family, which is a top priority.

"Don't worry, how many kangs can you recruit a few craftsmen to make?" Ji Han reminded angrily: "Have you forgotten the countless refugees in the Ming Dynasty?

"When you go back, recruit a large number of refugees to form an engineering team. A craftsman leads three or five refugees, manages meals and pays wages, and asks each household to voluntarily provide materials and help the people build heated kangs for free!"

"10,000 craftsmen can bring out 10,000 engineering teams, build a heated kang a day, and in a few months, it can benefit thousands of households and help people survive the cold winter!

"Wonderful, haha!"

"Sir's words are justified. It can help the disaster victims and help the people. Not bad!"

"I would like to thank Mr. for your guidance! 39

Chongzhen and others have praised it, and they all feel that this method is appropriate. In this way, the Ming Dynasty will basically no longer be afraid of the cold winter!

Eat and drink!

Everyone chatted and laughed, and started playing mahjong, fishing, barbecue, and skewering!

After solving so many problems at one time, everyone was in a very good mood, and after a while, everyone was drinking to and fro.

Wang Ben and Cheng Yaojin drank each other frantically. In the end, after drinking to the fullest, they almost pulled the handle together.

At midnight, everyone went home happily after they were finished.

Before he left, Li Shimin patted his heart and shouted drunkenly, "Sir, it's not good that there are no beauties dancing here when drinking, I'll bring you twenty beauties next time!"

"I'll give you fifty!" Chongzhen's wine-flavored comparison.

"What is fifty, I will give you three hundred!" Lao Zhao also made a bold promise.

Ji Han's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this.

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