At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

214 Temple guardian beast, enjoy the sacrifice of the blood of the people! [1/7, please subscribe]


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The boa constrictor that swallowed the spirit beast pill seemed to have undergone some transformations, its physique grew larger, and its eyes became unusually agile.

It already has a temperament that can only be seen from Xiao Hei and them, a temperament that belongs to Ji Han!

From today, it will be exclusive to Ji Han!

The god-level animal control technique and the grace of the spirit beast pill made this not-so-smart python remember the appearance and aura of his master.

"But that's not enough, come here!

Ji Han waved casually, and the big python swam over meekly, scaring Wang Mushi and Yang Zi to retreat.

"Not bad!"

"This drop of blood is yours! 35

Ji Han caressed the python's head with satisfaction, and after seeing how well-behaved it was, he directly dropped a drop of Tiannu's blood over it.


The boa constrictor swallowed the blood excitedly, and its icy bloodline quickly merged into this drop of Tiannu blood, and then various strange changes occurred.

"System, if I throw it into ancient times and let it stay hidden, can it live for thousands of years?" Ji Han asked with interest.

"No!" The system intelligently replied: "The original lifespan of this python has 22 years left. After swallowing the beast elixir, it will increase by 30 years, and after swallowing the blood of Tiannu, it will increase by 50 years. It can live up to 102 years. year!

"Only 102 years?"

Ji Han frowned secretly, obviously not satisfied with this conclusion, but there should be no problem detected by the system.

So that means his idea is not very successful, right?

Even if this thing is thrown into ancient times, it will only live for more than a hundred years at most, and it is impossible to live all the way from the Qin Dynasty to the modern age.

"Master!" The system continued: "If you groom its body with divine power, and then allow it to absorb the power of faith, its lifespan may be greatly increased.

"Oh? 35

Ji Han's eyes lit up, what is the reason.

Combing your body with divine power can make you stronger. Ji Han naturally knows it, but what does it mean to absorb the power of faith?

"How to absorb?" Ji Han asked.

"Carve a totem of a big python in the holy temple, place it near your statue, and order it to be the holy beast of the temple!"

"With your permission, it will enjoy the blood and food of all the people, and then continuously gain a trace of the power of faith."

"In this way, whether it is a human or an animal, it can break through the limits of its own lifespan and strength, and it is still very easy to live for thousands of years without incident.

A series of explanations from the system immediately made Ji Han laugh!

It turns out that this is quite reasonable, no wonder there are always all kinds of guardian children and mythical beasts in those temples.

If this goes on like this, will Ji Han end up with a giant monster?

In other words, will this big python become a dragon?

This suddenly made him curious.

As the saying goes, a snake turns into a dragon in five hundred years, and a dragon turns into a dragon in five hundred years, so what will it turn into after more than 2,000 years?

"You will be called Da Hei in the future, and be a brother with Xiao Hei! 99

"Remember, from now on lurking in rivers, lakes, and seas, don't show your body easily, don't attack humans, and don't easily step on land!

"Silently lurking, one day, I will call you!

Ji Han solemnly exhorted that these words seemed to possess magic power, constantly penetrating into Da Hei's mind, imprinting it in the deepest part of his mind, and becoming an imperial edict that transcended everything!

"Fizz! 35

The big python desperately nodded in agreement, obviously understanding.

"it is good!


Ji Han grabbed it and threw it away, it passed through the layers of mist, and finally disappeared through the door of light in Daqin!

Inside the Daqin Palace

Just as Ying Zheng was about to go back to sleep and rest, he heard a thud, followed by the exclamations of the soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

"Snake! How can such a huge python come through the door of light?

"What should I do? Could this be the fairyland snake?"

"Protect Your Majesty, hurry, protect Your Majesty! 35

There was a commotion, and the big pythons hissed into a ball, and a pair of snake eyes looked around, as if they hadn't figured out their own situation.

"What, what is this?"

Ying Zheng was also taken aback, why did such a big python suddenly emerge?

"Old Zhao, this is my pet!" Ji Han's communication was sent, and he urged, "You set up a statue for it in the holy temple, and then order someone to send it to the big rivers and lakes, don't worry. , it won't hurt you!

"Don't worry sir!

"I remember it!"

Ying Zheng was secretly surprised and nodded in agreement. He never thought that Ji Han would raise such a big python as soon as he turned his head.

This looks terrifying!

But it doesn't seem to really attack people.

So Lao Zhao Zhao Zhao 297 beckoned and ordered: "Come a few people, carry it to the nearest river and release it, remember not to hurt it, Wang Ben, you can do it yourself."


Wang Ben clasped his fists to lead the order, and hurriedly led people to start busy work!

After a while, more than a dozen soldiers used a large wooden board to carry the python out of the palace with difficulty.

"This snake is so heavy, does it really not attack people?"

"Nonsense, this is a holy beast raised by the immortal master, how can it be messed up? 35

"Let's go, hurry up!"

Everyone muttered and discussed, and finally carried the big python into a big river outside Xianyang City.

The big python raised his head and looked at the direction of the holy temple from a distance, then nimbly burrowed into the river, and disappeared after a while.

Soon, the giant python statue carved by Lao Zhao's order was also in place, when it was placed in the holy temple to enjoy incense offerings.

A trace of invisible power of incense began to pass through the void, and finally descended on the big python.

It curled up lurking in the big river, swallowing a swimming fish from time to time, and its body was undergoing various unknown changes, and even continued to grow larger and become hideous!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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