At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

215 From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult! 【2/7, please subscribe】

After the big boa constrictor is resolved

Ji Han and Lao Zhao quickly forgot about it, and didn't think about it any more.

Especially Lao Zhao, he will be very busy next time!

It can be said that he has benefited a lot from the long talk with Ji Han this time. After returning to Daqin to rest for a while, he began to convene the ministers for a meeting and formulated a series of latest policies!

The first is the Baiyue land just laid!

Send Tu Sui army and Feihuo army stationed in place to guard against rebellion of various ethnic groups!

Then a large number of officials were sent to the local area to educate the Baiyue people and encourage local women to marry Qin people!

After that, young and middle-aged people are recruited to serve labor, build roads and rivers, and divide fields for their families!

After the implementation of this series of policies, it is foreseeable that within a month or two, the land of Baiyue will be completely free from troubles of turmoil!

Because the young and middle-aged are taken away!

Who dares to make trouble? Who dares to disobey the management?

Of course, Lao Zhao did not forget about the Royal Group, he ordered Fusu to take charge of the matter!

Fusu's work ability is still very strong!

In just a few days, on the most conspicuous and widest street in Xianyang City, a special store for the Royal Group appeared with a golden lacquer plaque!

This store is luxuriously decorated, with eight doors lined up, dozens of beautiful maids standing at the door to welcome customers, and there are a lot of strange things on the shelves of the store!

On the day of the opening, there were soldiers guarding the streets under martial law. Ying Zheng, along with a hundred civil and military officials of Daqin, invited Xianyang dignitaries to come here by the way, crowding the street and attracting countless people to watch.

"What is this for? How can a small store open up, attracting so many powerful people?"

"It's not just the dignitaries, even His Majesty is here, didn't you see what it says on the plaque, this is the property of the Royal Group!

"What is the Royal Group? Is it a store opened by His Majesty? This is quite rare, and I don't know what it sells~々!"

The people were talking a lot, and the dignitaries were full of stunned faces. They didn't understand why Ying Zheng suddenly opened this store!

The world belongs to him, so why bother?

How could there be an emperor who opened his own shop to do business? Scholars, peasants, businessmen, and merchants have the lowest status. Isn't this a mess?

"Zhu Qing!" Ying Zheng smiled and said: "This Royal Group is not an ordinary store, all the goods sold in it are the goods hand-picked by the immortal masters, and many good things that can't be bought outside!

"For example, this soap, made of various precious materials, can be used to wash hands, face, and bath. After washing, the fragrance is fragrant and refreshing!"

"And it also has the effect of beauty and beauty, and eternal youth, you can try it later!

"Also, this tea is nourished by the spiritual energy of Kunlun Mountains, and then picked piece by piece from beautiful virgins, and it is carefully fried through 108 ancient methods! 35

"These things are my favorite things, and they are also special offerings of the palace, everyone will take a look at them later!"

In order to make money, Lao Zhao went out of his way and brazenly boasted, causing everyone to be in an uproar from time to time.

"This is a product hand-picked by the Immortal Master? No wonder Your Majesty will open such a store!

"These things seem to be very interesting, you can try them later!

"It is said that your Majesty must drink this tea every day, and the fragrance is refreshing. It must be a thing in this fairyland!"

The ministers subconsciously boasted for a while, and immediately raised the grade and force of this Royal Group store!

But after entering the store and taking a few glances, the powerful ministers present were all shocked and stunned.

Holy crap, is this price too expensive?

Three hundred dollars for a small bar of soap!

Three thousand dollars for a pound of tea!

Eight thousand dollars for a rug!

The price was so expensive that it made people vomit blood. Many ministers trembled with fright on the spot and almost fainted.

The price of Daqin is about 30 yuan per stone grain, and the price of Ming Dynasty is about 8 to 14 two per stone grain, which means that the purchasing power of Daqin money is also very strong.

The prices for these things are too scary!

"A small bar of soap is worth 10 stone grains, this, is this made of gold?

"It's too expensive to buy!"

"Yeah, how can I have so much money!"

"This is too pitiful, not worth it, not worth it!

The dignitaries complained, but at the same time they snapped up their purchases.

Didn't you see Lao Zhao here?

No matter how expensive it is, you have to bite the bullet! Do you dare not give face?

And these things can't be bought outside. What's wrong with the good things produced by Wonderland?

They complained, but in fact everyone couldn't control their hands. The law of true incense will always exist, and many people have bought a lot of goods.

This store is suddenly selling hot, and it is making gold every day!

This scene naturally made Ying Zhengle blossom. He knew that once these things were tried, the powerful would inevitably become vulgar.

The so-called transition from thrift to extravagance is easy, and from extravagance to thrift is difficult!

After trying a good thing like soap, they must be unable to extricate themselves, and it is impossible to wash their face and bathe with water in the future.

"...Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty!" Wang Ben said with a smile on the side: "Your Majesty is going to earn blood this time! 99

"Huh?" Li Xin found out that something was wrong and asked curiously, "Marquis Tongwu, why don't you buy it?"

"There is no shortage of these things in my house.

Wang Ben was perfunctory casually, but he knew the inside story. This is Ji Han's gadget for the rich and powerful, and he was stupid to buy it!

But when Li Xin heard the words, he showed off triumphantly: "Tongwu Hou, that's what you are wrong, this Qian Sheng didn't bring (Nuo Zhao) to death, why don't you spend time talking now? it is good!"

"Look at Ben Hou when you buy this soap, ten dollars at a time, without blinking your eyes, it's not worth the money! As a Duke of Tongwu, you can't even afford one piece of soap, it's a shame!"

"Haha!" Wang Ben rolled his eyes and sneered, "I can set foot in a fairyland, why should I care about these things?

"Look at my inkstone, made of thousand-year-old icebergs and jade, each for ten thousand dollars, are you willing to buy it?"

"I can step into fairyland!"

"My high-grade wool handmade carpet, are you willing?"

"I can step into fairyland!"

"You don't have this mahjong and high-end jewelry!""

"I can step into a fairyland!


"Hahaha slave!"

Ying Zheng watched the two quarrel from the side, and laughed heartily.

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