At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

021 Li Siguan Is Reinstated, Shameless Wang Jian! 【15, Ask For Flowers】

Inadvertently, Ji Han's influence on Da Qin is deepening!

Among them, the one who has benefited the most is naturally Fu Su. This guy was not taken seriously by Ying Zheng before, and he was often reprimanded and punished.

But now Ying Zheng is not only amiable to him, but also after going to Wonderland together, Fu Su is in charge of making waterwheels and making paper, which is a great achievement.

This made his status in the eyes of Ying Zheng and Bai Guan continue to soar!

The opposite of him was Hu Hai. This unfortunate boy didn't provoke anyone. Ying Zheng beat him up when he had time. He took the test and taught his knowledge when he had nothing to do.

Ying Zheng's trick euphemistically called the strict father to teach the son!

Hu Ji was distressed with tears. She wanted to plead for Hu Hai several times, but was scolded by Ying Zheng, and she was demoted all the way from the wife to the beloved.

"Immortal Master Zeng Yun, the fault of not raising the godfather!"

"I used to dote on you so much that you were so arrogant at such a young age!"

"Starting today, I will correct your stinky habit."

"Kneel down for me, just move it and drag it down for thirty!"

Outside the Ideological and Political Hall, Ying Zheng roared angrily.

Hu Hai and Hu Ji, the poor mother and son, knelt outside the hall tremblingly, not daring to move.

"Your Majesty!" A young eunuch said cautiously, "Criminal Li Si brought it here."

"Bring him in!"


After a while, the embarrassed Li Si was brought into the hall.

He knelt down on the ground with a bitter face, and shouted: "Chen Li Si pays his respects to His Majesty, the minister is guilty, and I ask His Majesty to take heavy responsibility."

"Li Si, you are a smart person." Ying Zheng said with a sneer, "You know that I have no evidence to deal with you, and you are still willing to plead guilty, which really impresses me."

"Since the immortal master has said that the minister has committed a serious crime, then the minister is guilty. The guilty minister does not dare to argue, and only asks His Majesty to decree to grant him death."

Li Si desperately kowtowed and begged!

During this time, although he was imprisoned, he also learned about recent events from various sources.

A series of events proved that Daqin really had an immortal master.

At this time, Li Si knew that he was going to die, and he didn't dare to take chances, he just wanted to die quickly so as not to implicate his family.

Based on what he knew about Ying Zheng, if he dared to beg for mercy and contradict, the hundreds of members of the Li family would have to die.

But what he didn't expect was that Ying Zheng didn't kill him!

Instead, he waved his hand to the little eunuch beside him and said, "Come on, give Zuo Xiang a seat!"


The little eunuch nodded respectfully and quickly moved a chair.

This is the chair that Ying Zheng had sat at Ji Han last time, and after he felt comfortable, he came back and let the craftsman make it.

Li Si trembled with fright, but he didn't dare to sit down.

"Your Majesty, this minister is guilty, how dare you sit down?" Li Si continued to plead, "I beg Your Majesty to grant me death!"

"Okay!" Ying Zheng waved his hand indifferently and said, "The Immortal Master said that you have made a big mistake but not a big sin, but you are just too serious about your rights. I forgive you for your innocence, the official is restored, and you will do well in the future. I will do my best to help Qin!"


Li Si was stunned, he never expected this result!

He almost doubted his ears, did he hear it right?

"I thank you, Your Majesty, and Xianshi!"

"I will repay His Majesty's great kindness!"

Li Si burst into tears and knelt on the ground for a long time, refusing to get up.

A kind of ecstasy for the rest of his life, making him both respect and awe of this Immortal Master!


South of Xianyang City

Inside the royal mansion

Wang Benzheng respectfully reported to his father, Wang Jian, all the matters of this trip to the fairyland, and his son Wang Li was also on the sidelines.

"It's incredible, it's incredible!" Wang Jian squeezed his beard and sighed in admiration: "I didn't expect that there are such strange people in the world. Fortunately, the Immortal Master blesses me Daqin, otherwise Daqin will be in danger!"

"What the eldest father said is very true!" Wang Li couldn't help laughing: "My father was fortunate enough to set foot in the fairyland with His Majesty. The status of my royal family is really as stable as Mount Tai."

"Hahaha, it's natural!"

"The Immortal Master also gave me a treasured sword and a fairy weapon!"

"This knife and fairy can become the treasures of my royal family.

Wang Ben happily took out his kitchen knife and lighter, showing off again.

Seeing this, Wang Li was a little embarrassed, and said weakly: "But father, I heard the officials talking in private, saying that these things you are stealing from the Immortal Master, isn't that bad?"

"Fuck!" Wang Ben was so angry that he said, "Can the affairs of my old Wang family be called stealing? This is what the Immortal Master rewarded me for seeing my heroism, understand?"

Wang Li and Wang Jian, the grandfather and grandson, were stunned and stunned on the spot!

Nima, are you so shameless? Do you believe what you say?

"Don't talk nonsense, do you want this thing?" Wang Ben said indignantly: "This was brought back by my father."

"Yes, of course the boy wants it!" Wang Li hurriedly agreed with a smile.

But it hasn't waited for him to take the lighter!

Wang Jian snatched it away. The old man glared and said angrily, "You two bastards, do you still have an elder like this old man in your eyes? You can blaspheme this immortal thing too?"

"Come, come! Let the old man keep it, the old man is tough and can stand it."

"After the old man returns to heaven, this treasure will be passed on to my great-grandson. What's the matter with you two?"

After speaking, Wang Jian happily played with the exquisitely shaped lighter, turned around and left the hall without looking back.

Wang Ben and Wang Li looked at each other again!

After a while, Wang Li sighed in embarrassment: "Father, I'm afraid you have inherited your thick skin from your eldest father!"

"It's natural!" Wang Ben muttered dissatisfiedly: "This old man is so thick-skinned, shameless!"


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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