At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

022 A Shocking Discovery In The Ancient Tomb Of The Qin Dynasty! 【25, Ask For Flowers】

The three grandparents of the Wang family did not expect it!

The lighter they were fighting for was like a butterfly on the other side of the ocean. After gently flapping its wings, it caused a huge wave in future generations.


late at night

When Ji Han is sleeping!

Near the Qinling Mountains, however, there is a team of archaeologists excavating a large ancient tomb.

Xu Chuyun, who has a beautiful appearance and a hot body, is closely following behind her mentor, Dr. Tang Zhengqing, to make the final cleaning of the main tomb of this ancient tomb.

This is an ancient tomb from the Qin Dynasty, which was only recently discovered.

But unfortunately, it has already been visited by tomb robbers. Except for the main tomb, other places have already been looted by tomb robbers.

The main burial chamber survived the accident because of its ingenious design and was buried too deep, which made everyone secretly rejoiced.

"Teacher, can you be sure who this ancient tomb belongs to?" Xu Chuyun asked curiously.

"From the inscription at the entrance of the tomb and the inscription in the main tomb, it can be inferred that this should be the tomb of Wang Yuan, the great-grandson of Wang Jian of the Qin Dynasty!" Tang Zhengqing's sworn answer immediately made all the archaeological team members present excited.

This is a big man.

Such an awesome ancient tomb has only been discovered now, which is a big loss!

"Fortunately, the main tomb was not opened by tomb robbers, otherwise there would be nothing left inside!" Xu Chuyun sighed softly.

"Doctor!" An archaeological team member said in surprise: "The main tomb has been opened, there is no silt in it, everything is well preserved, and the main coffin is found!"

"it is good!"


"Immediately carry out the final inspection!"

Tang Zhengqing trembled with excitement, and led everyone straight to the main tomb.

I saw that this was a stone room with a size of twenty or thirty square meters, and there were some broken wooden shelves, earthen pottery, several bronze cauldron furnaces and a huge sarcophagus.

After everyone came in, their eyes were immediately attracted to the sarcophagus.

It has relief carvings inside and outside, and it looks quite delicate. At first glance, it can only be used by people with very high status.

"Open the coffin!"

Tang Zhengqing decisively ordered the sarcophagus to be pushed open after several archaeological team members carefully checked it.

I saw a well-preserved ancient corpse placed in this coffin!

Judging from the appearance and physical characteristics, it should be male.

The clothes, silk, fabrics and other things of the ancient corpse have all rotted, only some gold, silver, jewelry and jade are still intact.

On the left side of the corpse, there is also a jade box!

On this jade box, there are four big characters written in small seal script, "The Immortal Master Bestows the Treasure".

"Immortal Master bestows treasure? What do you mean?"

"What is this? Who is the Immortal Master?"

"If this ancient tomb is the tomb of Wang Jian's great-grandson Wang Yuan, then this immortal master should be a person from the Qin Dynasty, but there is never a record of this person in the history books!"

"Teacher, do you know what's going on?"

Everyone was surprised and talked a lot, and Xu Chuyun was also full of surprise!

Tang Zhengqing was also secretly excited, he felt as if he was about to discover a big secret!

After he took a deep breath, he opened the jade box curiously, and saw that there were two strange-shaped objects inside, one looked like a kitchen knife and the other looked like a lighter.

Both of these things have been heavily oxidized,

The exterior has not only changed color, but also rusted!

But anyone looking at them can recognize them as kitchen knives and lighters.

"W-what's the matter? Isn't this nonsense? Does Qin Chao have a kitchen knife?"

"Yes, there should be, but why is the shape of this kitchen knife so modern?"

"And is this a lighter? Why do I think something is wrong? How can Qin Chao have a lighter?"

"Wouldn't this be put in by tomb robbers?"

Everyone looked at each other, all dumbfounded.

Everyone thought they would see some earth-shattering treasures, but when they opened the jade box, why are these two things so familiar?

This is so wrong!

"Teacher, what's going on?" Xu Chuyun exclaimed.

"Don't rush to a conclusion!" Tang Zhengqing frowned and analyzed: "This thing similar to a lighter has the most rust, many parts have been glued together, and it is completely corrupted, so it is impossible to judge its true use."

"This knife is a good judgment. It is indeed something similar to a kitchen knife, but how could the great-grandson of Marquis Wucheng bring such a thing to his funeral?"

"And you didn't find out that this knife can barely maintain its shape after more than two thousand years of oxidation. It should be doped with many trace elements, similar to the product of stainless steel!"

"Oh my God, it's incredible, incredible. As we all know, the iron smelting technology in the Qin Dynasty was still very backward. Most of the weapons were bronze. How could there be stainless steel?"

"And who is this Immortal Master? Why is the treasure he gave so strange?"

One question after another kept being thrown, and everyone present became excited, because everyone realized the importance of this.

Once these problems are solved, it will definitely have a huge impact on the rewriting of history.

Isn't the lifelong wish of the archaeologists present to dig out unknown historical secrets?

At this moment, everyone was naturally ecstatic.

"Doctor!" At this time, a team member outside the ancient tomb said: "A reporter came to interview the news of the ancient tomb overnight, and I want to see you no matter what, what should I do?"


"Okay! I'll be out right now!"

"You take this jade box and follow me!"

Tang Zhengqing's eyes lit up, and he chose to be interviewed decisively.

He can't wait to announce his major discovery to the world.

He knew that only by attracting more attention would his research receive more funding, and he would ultimately receive more honors and benefits.



"Note: Stainless steel does not necessarily rust, but it is not easy to rust. Thousands of years have passed, no matter how good stainless steel is, it is still rusted."

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