At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

023 What Was Lost Last Night, In This Ancient Tomb? 【35, Ask For Flowers】

"Ding! Congratulations on getting a correction value of 1000!"

"Congratulations on your whole body attribute +2!"

"Congratulations, you have activated the system mall, you can view and buy things at any time!"

A series of system prompts appeared on time at eight in the morning.

Ji Han was awakened directly from his sleep, his face was stunned, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Why did I get the correction value again? What did I do?"

Ji Han was puzzled, he just fell asleep and did nothing, how did he get the modifiers and rewards?

Is there something wrong with this system?

However, the opening of the system mall surprised Ji Han secretly, and he chose to open the mall directly in his mind.

After a while, a large number of treasure icons appeared in his mind!

What kind of beast spirit pills, Shiquan Dabu pills, high-tech blueprints, magical weapons and other things, what are you asking for? Ji Han was dazzled after watching it for a long time.

These things are all exchanged for modifiers, and the price is very expensive!

He only has six thousand corrections now, and he doesn't seem to be able to buy anything good.

"Nima, is there a golden elixir that can become immortal after eating one?"

Ji Han laughed dumbly, but as soon as he finished speaking, the system store automatically searched, and then the graphic introduction of several treasures popped up!

[Dao Jindan] - the treasure of heaven and earth creation, you can get an era of life if you wear it, the golden immortal cultivation base, the ** correction value required for exchange!

[Nine Turning Golden Elixir] - the most precious treasure of the immortal way, you can become immortal immediately after serving it, and you can exchange the required ** correction value!

[Humanity Golden Elixir]——The most precious treasure of humanity, you can become an immortal if you wear it, and enjoy a thousand years of life. The exchange requires 6,000,000 corrections!

One after another bizarre introduction, Ji Han suddenly stunned.

Nima, this system is too awesome, right? All these things?

It's a pity that the exchange price is too high, otherwise Ji Han would have to exchange a few coins.

But for him, this is also a happy event. Sometimes it's good to exchange something in the system mall.

"How did this correction value come from? How can I continue to earn it?"

Ji Han thought hard, but he couldn't come up with a clue even after breaking his head.

After washing up, he cooked noodles for himself, teased Xiao Hei while eating noodles, and turned on the TV.

"Audience friends, now insert a news!"

"Last night, the staff of our Yanjing archaeological team found an ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty in the mountains of the Qinling Mountains. The owner of this tomb is confirmed to be Wang Yuan, the great-grandson of Wang Jian, the god of war in the Qin Dynasty!"

"Our archaeologists have made a great discovery that shocked the world in the ancient tomb. Now we have the leader of the archaeological team, Dr. Tang Zhengqing, to introduce us!"

In the TV show, a female reporter was chattering excitedly, and in the background there was a scene shot of an ancient tomb.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Zhengqing appeared on TV!

He said to the camera: "Everyone, audience, we found two antiquities that are suspected to be stainless steel in the main coffin of this ancient tomb!"

"Oh my God, stainless steel? How is this possible?" the female reporter clapped aside.

"You can't be wrong!" Tang Zhengqing continued: "These two pieces are neither common bronzes nor ordinary irons. Judging from various details, it should be inferred that they are special steels forged with many trace elements, which are different from modern steels. Very close!"

"Our archaeological team has reason to suspect that the forging technology of steel has already appeared in the Qin Dynasty. Next, we will bring these two ancient artifacts back to check and test!"

"Once our inference is confirmed, the historical ranking of ancient special steels in the world will change dramatically!"

The more Tang Zhengqing talked, the more excited she became, and the female reporter was also constantly cheering!

And when the picture focuses on these two antiquities, Ji Han suddenly becomes dumbfounded, because he recognizes that it is his kitchen knife and lighter.

This kitchen knife has a peculiar shape. He asked the old master in the village to make it specially. There is still a big hole in the back of the knife.

As for the lighter, it was given by a classmate.

Ji Han has been using this lighter for several years, and has been reluctant to lose it. Now even if it is rusted, he can recognize it at a glance!

He even saw the four big characters "Treasure from the Immortal Master" written on the jade box!

"W-what's the matter?"

"Damn it, why is the thing I lost last night in this ancient tomb?"

"Illusion, it must be an illusion!"

Ji Han shook his head desperately, constantly reminding himself that it was an illusion.

But after staring at the TV screen for a long time, Ji Han can finally be sure that all this is not an illusion, this is actually true.

"Lao Wang? Lao Zhao? Ying Zheng? Wang Ben?"

"No wonder, no wonder!"

The more Ji Han thought about it, the more wrong it was!

A bold guess suddenly popped up in his mind. Could it be that these two guys, Lao Wang, Lao Zhao, are transmigrators?

They traveled from ancient times to modern times?

No, or they can travel between the two worlds?

If so, that would explain it all!

It can also explain why they are so ignorant and why they behave so strangely!

"System, is my guess right?" Ji Han asked.

Unsurprisingly, the system, which had been silent, continued to remain silent.

Ji Han didn't want to get a response from it, in fact, he had already confirmed his judgment in his heart.

After all, it can be seen from the two nights of getting along that Lao Wang Lao Zhao and the others are really out of tune with this world.

Even an old farmer who is the most local can use a smartphone, but they don't understand anything. Isn't this unreasonable?

So Ji Han affirmed his inference.

Although I don't know what magical changes have happened after the system upgrade, they can run to their own small farm every night!

But that must be at the heart of all this change!

Thinking of this clearly, Ji Han's eyes became brighter and brighter.

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