At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

219 This is most likely the Jiaolong he raised, who dares to move? [6/7, please subscribe]

Kyushu Southeast Military Region

Inside the wartime headquarters

An emergency high-level meeting is being held

Senior officers at all levels were anxiously staring at some images on the big screen, and heated discussions broke out.

"Now this unknown sea monster has passed through the Jingjiang River and is heading upstream towards the Qilizhou area. We have no idea what its purpose is! 99

"We don't know what its purpose is, but we have reason to suspect that it may cause great harm to our country and people!"

"So I suggest locking it with a radar satellite right now, and then using a missile attack to destroy it completely!"

A middle-aged officer yelled and slapped the table.

"Fuck your motherfucker, this is our Jiuzhou Jiaolong, it didn't hurt anyone at all, it's a spiritual thing, you dare to kill it, aren't you afraid that the people will tear you apart?"

"What if you use missiles to attack casually and cause casualties? Can you be responsible for this?"

"Yes, 11, this matter has not been decided yet, what do you mean by jumping up and down?

The other officers responded angrily!

The scene suddenly became a mess.

Some people support the attack on Jiaolong, some people don't, and everyone is arguing.

"Report!" A technical soldier reported loudly: "The target has crossed Qilizhou and is still moving forward. I don't know its destination for the time being, please give instructions!"

"Continue to monitor!" Lin Zhenhai, commander of the Southeast Military Region, ordered with a frown.

"Yes! 35

The soldiers agreed and continued to monitor Jiaolong!

From satellite monitoring and radars in various places, they can barely catch the traces of this behemoth. After all, in relatively shallow waters like the Yangtze River, the signs are still very obvious.

As for the attack on the public that everyone feared, it did not happen!

Along the way, several unlucky boats blocking the road were overturned, and no casualties have been caused, so no one dared to issue the order for this attack.

Lin Zhenhai stared at the map for a while with an ugly face, and suddenly a place name came into his eyes - Dongshan City!

Is it a coincidence that if you go upstream from the Yangtze River system, you can go directly to Dongshan City?

No no no, this is definitely not a coincidence!

In this world, apart from this god-like existence, who else can control the dragon?

Only he is worthy of summoning such terrifying beings, right? It all makes sense, why is this sea monster going upstream from the East China Sea!

"Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji, how mysterious are you!"

Lin Zhenhai frowned secretly, but a storm had already set off in his heart.

Seeing that everyone was still arguing, he couldn't help shaking his head depressed, arguing!

It's very likely that this is a Flood Dragon that exists and raises, who dares to touch it? Looking for death!

"Everyone go out, immediately!" Lin Zhenhai solemnly instructed: "This commander is now going to talk to the higher-ups. This is absolutely confidential, and no one is allowed to appear around the conference room! 39


Everyone got up quickly, saluted and evacuated quickly!

Even the security guard evacuated more than ten meters, guarding at the entrance of the corridor, and did not dare to approach the conference room at all.

In the end, Lin Zhenhai dialed an extremely confidential contact account. After a while, a video call appeared on the big screen, and there were more than a dozen middle-aged and elderly people sitting opposite.

These people are very powerful!

Either the old man of the top family in Yanjing, or the person in charge of each department, each is enough to influence the trend of Kyushu.

At this time, the Jiaolong incident was raging, and this incident could be big or small. These bigwigs gathered together, and all of them had dignified faces.

Because smart people can see that there may be a deep meaning behind this incident, and it may not necessarily affect the entire Kyushu, so everyone is very concerned about it.

"Commander Lin, how is the situation now? Please tell me!" A big boss asked in a deep voice.

Lin Zhenhai took a deep breath and said solemnly, "It has now been confirmed that there really is a sea monster that looks like a dragon, upstream, and the destination is unknown!"

"But it didn't attack anyone, and there were no casualties. It just kept moving forward. I guess its final destination is Dongshan City!"9

"Dongshan City?"


The big guys were dumbfounded.

The old man Lin in the crowd was so frightened that his face changed wildly, and then he showed a look that really was the case.

"Because there is an old monster in Dongshan City who has lived for thousands of years!" Mr. Lin said, "This is most likely the Jiaolong he raised, right? 99

"Yes!" Lin Zhenhai nodded and said, "Master, you think the same as I do!

"What are you doing? What does this mean?"

"Lin Lao, what nonsense are you talking about? What old monster that has lived for thousands of years?

"Are you all crazy? Or what do you all know?"

The bosses were terrified and exclaimed, and everyone was shocked by the conversation between the father and son of the Lin family 313.

"Everyone should know that recently, various departments have dispatched experts to study the history of immortals, right?" Mr. Lin swept his eyes away and said solemnly: "This matter is true, our Lin family is fortunate enough to meet this big man, and He also once created Qinjia Village!


"This is impossible!"

The bosses exclaimed again, especially the people from the Qin family in Yanjing, who were even more stunned.

"You can't be wrong!" Elder Lin said with his eyes slightly condensed: "He is very, very scary, I dare not say too much, I can only tell you that there are too many things in this world that we don't know!

"Now our Lin family is fortunate enough to come into contact with this existence, but we don't dare to disturb too much, we can only do some chores for him.

"I also advise you not to provoke him, if you provoke such a person, you will be in bad luck!

"As for this Flood Dragon, I advise you not to mess around, if it is really his, no one can afford to pay! 55

Mr. Lin said sincerely!

The bosses were stunned, the world view collapsed again and again, and everyone thought they had auditory hallucinations.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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