At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

220 When the twilight rains in the south of the Yangtze River, the immortals come to dream! 【7/7, pl

"I heard that this Jiaolong appeared on the Jingjiang Bridge. It is heading towards the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. I wonder if it will pass by our Dongshan City!"

"It shouldn't be possible. Dongshan City is hundreds of miles away from the sea. This river is meandering, isn't it afraid of getting tired?"

"This is the legendary Flood Dragon. I don't know where it came from, and where is it going now!"

Dongshan City

Near Linjiang Bridge

At this time, there were also many tourists watching curiously, and the food stalls along the riverside street were full of people.

Although Dongshan City is too far from the sea, it does not prevent everyone from visiting the riverside and posting a circle of friends by the way.

It's a pity that in the evening, there was a drizzle in the sky, which made many people complain.

However, in this special atmosphere, two special pedestrians attracted the attention of many people.

"My God, how beautiful!

Everyone subconsciously exclaimed, because everyone saw two passers-by, a man and a woman.

This woman is tall and slender, wearing a pale red dress, holding an apricot oil-paper umbrella, and holding a short sword in her left hand.

The man was dressed in a blue robe and had his hair combed upside down.

Although both of them were holding oil-paper umbrellas, they couldn't see their appearance clearly, but this outfit alone made many people's heart skip a beat.

"It's so beautiful, it's like a fairy couple, no wonder so many people like to wear ancient clothes now!"

"That's right, I used to see people wearing ancient costumes on Douyin, but in reality, it's the first time I've seen people wearing ancient costumes so good-looking!

"I really want to go up and ask for contact information, but I dare not!"

"Look, these two got on the bridge!"

Under the watchful eyes, Ji Han took Wang Mushi onto the bridge!

This was the first time he wore ancient clothes, and it was also the first time that Wang Mushi left the small manor.

Originally, she couldn't leave the small manor, but recently Ji Han used divine power to help her groom her body, so that she can now leave the small manor for a short time.

This time she came out with her!

The scenery along the way made her a little lingering.

As for this ancient costume, it was because Ji Han recently remodeled his small manor and dressed it up in a fairy-like manner, but the only one who stood out was himself.

Because he was wearing modern casual clothes, it was very inappropriate, so he simply exchanged a few pieces of ancient clothes, and then made a wig, ready to have a fashion style!

For his idea, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi naturally agreed with their hands, because they prefer Ji Han in ancient costumes.

The two girls happily dressed up for him, and finally they dressed up like this. This appearance is quite attractive.

As for the hot incident on the Internet, Ji Han has long known, but he doesn't care too much, even if he is photographed by the people around him.

Because the difference between him now and usual is quite big, so even if he shows something in public, he doesn't care too much, after all, Da Hei has already been exposed.

Anyway, we want to change the world, so what's the harm in letting everyone get used to it earlier?

Kyushu has ancient martial arts!

There are dragons in Kyushu!

Kyushu has so much to be proud of, and this is Ji Han's message.

Standing on this bridge and looking down, the billowing river water is tumbling, and the breeze and drizzle caress his clothes!

Coupled with the background of Wang Mushi next to him, an inexplicable pride surged in Ji Han's heart at this time.

"Come on~々!"

Ji Han chuckled and whispered, and the next moment there was a terrifying roar from the river in the distance.


The earth-shattering sound of the dragon roared up ten thousand tons of river water, making countless people stunned and stood up again and again!

"My God, Jiaolong, Jiaolong actually came here!

"Fuck, f*ck, take a picture and record it!

Tourists and passers-by on the riverside shouted excitedly!

Everyone looked in shock at the terrifying Flood Dragon that appeared below, and everyone couldn't help but feel their scalp tingling.

I saw that this behemoth was so fast that it was walking like a royal water, and the next moment it emerged from the bottom of the water and rushed towards the bridge excitedly!

"Be careful!"

Everyone was terrified, and everyone exclaimed.

No one thought that Jiaolong would make such a dangerous move. There were two people on the bridge, and many people screamed subconsciously.

But in the end, everyone took a deep breath again!

Because this Flood Dragon finally stopped abruptly by the bridge, its huge head stretched out in front of the man in ancient costume as if to please, and all kinds of excited neighs came out of its mouth, just like a loyal dog seeing its owner.

"..what, what's going on?"

"Fuck, how is this possible?"

"A hallucination, it must be a hallucination!

The people around were already stunned, and everyone's mind couldn't turn around. How could this terrifying Jiaolong behave like this to a person?

"Which big python is this?" Wang Mushi also said in shock, "Sir, you are so good at making it so good!"

"Just a fluke!"

Ji Han lightly smiled and flicked Jiaolong's horns and head, as if he was flicking his pet dog, making Jiaolong couldn't help but squinted his eyes comfortably.

After one person and one dragon silently exchanged heart and eyes for a while, Ji Han threw out an elixir to swallow, and at the same time exhorted: "This is the Dragon Transformation Pill, it will give you a chance to transform!"

"Go back to the sea now, and don't come out without my call!

"Also, eat less fish in the Kyushu sea area, if you want to eat it (it's good), eat it from other sea areas, let's go!


Jiaolong roared reluctantly, and finally turned around and dived into the water, and swam towards the sea again.

"When the twilight mist rains in the south of the Yangtze River, the immortals come to dream!

"Laughing proud of the world for thousands of years, what can you expect from longevity?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ji Han laughed loudly, turned around and walked away!

After a while, he and Wang Mushi disappeared under the darkness of the night.

Only the passers-by who were dumbfounded all over the ground were shocked for a long time!

"Chapter 7 Today, Asking Flowers for Evaluation and Punishment"

"There is an old brother in the book review area who asked the author Jun Fang to save all the manuscripts. The conscience of heaven and earth, I really have not saved the manuscript. The younger brother is really gone. Every day, it is done with one finger meditation until midnight."

"Woooooo, all kinds of tricks for support, thank you, thank you!".

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