At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

221 Mysterious posts broke the news, there are immortals in Dongshan City! 【1/7, please subscribe】

"Fuck, fuck, I wasn't dreaming just now, was it?

"No, it's all real, I filmed it all!

"Who is this person? Why is this? Is he a legendary cultivator? 33

After Ji Han left, the passers-by along the riverside streets fell into shock and commotion one after another, and a word suddenly appeared in everyone's mind - Xian!

The ethereal temperament of Ji Han and Wang Mushi, the docile and domineering Jiaolong, and that poem, the more you think about it, the more flavorful it is!

They have left a deep imprint on everyone's mind, making everyone unforgettable for a lifetime.

Everyone felt as if they had unearthed a great secret.

It turns out that this is the reason why the Jiaolong is going upstream, it is actually looking for its own master?

Passersby excitedly forwarded these videos to the circle of friends, Douyin, and major forums, which soon caused a sensation on the Internet.

The speed of communication in the Internet age is extremely terrifying!

In just half a day, more than 100 million netizens have watched this video. After all, everyone is waiting for the latest development of the event at 313 at this time, which is naturally extremely fast.

After watching the video, many people were shocked!

Especially when they saw a photo taken by a professional photographer, Ji Han flicking Jiaolong's forehead under the misty rain, many people were shocked by this scene and their scalps were numb.

Many people subconsciously want to use it as their computer desktop, because it is too artistic!

"Fuck, fuck, so beautiful, so beautiful, how could there be such a domineering immortal in this world?"

"No no no, 80% of the people are immortal cultivators, otherwise how could it be possible to envoy Jiaolong?"

"When the twilight is misty and raining in the south of the Yangtze River, the immortals are dreaming! How can I look forward to a long life? What does this verse mean? Is it saying that he is an immortal?

"My mother, this is too exaggerated, my world view is collapsing, okay!

"It turns out that this world really hides many secrets that we don't know, and we really have immortal practitioners in Kyushu!"

"Fuck, who knows where this great immortal is practicing in the mountain? I'm going to apprentice!"

Hundreds of millions of netizens in Kyushu, their eyes lit up with excitement.

Foreign netizens are also stunned. Many people subconsciously think that this is fake news, but when various videos keep breaking out, everyone has to be horrified to find that this is true.

Kyushu not only has ancient martial arts!

They also have Jiaolong, and even the legendary mysterious cultivator!

"Wumai, why is this happening? Is it possible to do whatever you want with a civilization that has been passed down for thousands of years? 39

"Damn, why do the oriental people have such a deep background, how can they have everything, on the other hand, our country has nothing! 35

"Fake, it's not fair, it's not fair at all!"

"Mysterious and ancient East, maybe this is the reason why they are the only inheritance of the four ancient civilizations!""

"I can't believe it, God, how terrible are these ancestors of the Kyushu people, and how many good things have been left for them!

"Now their descendants still worship foreigners, it's ridiculous, I want to worship Kyushu now!

The foreigners are talking a lot, all kinds of sour boiling, this incident is also constantly circulating on the whole network, and the popularity is getting higher and higher.

Because anyone with the slightest IQ knows what it means when something like this happens that science cannot explain.

This means that science is no longer the truth of human society.

Everything may collapse, and the worldview of all mankind may be constantly refreshed.

This is a revolution for all mankind, and maybe a disaster!

Everyone living on this planet cannot escape this kind of change, and maybe it will have a huge change in everyone's life in the future.

In this regard, the people of Kyushu are naturally rejoicing, because it is completely harmless to them.

But the foreigners couldn't help but feel frightened and even secretly trembling. They were afraid that this change would have an impact on their lives, so that the major stock markets in Europe and the United States have plummeted a lot recently.

A rumor similar to the end of the world began to circulate.

Many directors and screenwriters in Hollywood have been inspired by this, and they have created many high-quality works, all of which are protagonists from mysterious Kyushu!

This also changed the atmosphere of Kyushu's reverence for foreigners and foreigners!

Many foreigners have also begun to worship China and beautify summer!

At the same time, an inconspicuous post suddenly became popular on the whole network, and it quickly became popular all over the network.

This post is called - "Insiders Reveal the True Details of the Eternals, the Secrets of the World You Don't Know!"

The post was posted by a netizen named Shadow Fuxiang. He did not reveal his identity in this post, but revealed many unknown secrets.

From the treasure box presented by the immortal master in the ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty, to the excavation of the Touman City ruins, and all the details of the Daming burial pit, he revealed them one by one.

Even Xu Chuyun's argument about the immortal, and the investigation secretly launched by the top officials of Kyushu, were all disclosed by him one by one.

In the end, Han Ye's appearance, including the Qinjiacun and Jiaolong incidents, was clearly exposed by him, and the scalps of countless netizens who were shocked were numb.

At the end of this post, he wrote this paragraph: "It has been shown from various signs that there is a suspected immortal cultivator in our human society, and has survived for thousands of years!"

"He is likely to live in seclusion in Dongshan City, Kyushu, and secretly control the development of the entire world! 35

“This is an opportunity for us, a change for us, and more likely a disaster!!!35

As soon as this post came out, it immediately stunned countless people!

Because everyone has learned too many secrets from this post, and combined with recent events, after connecting them one by one, everyone finds that this analysis is very likely to be true!

Dongshan City really hides a legendary immortal!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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