At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

222 Thousands of years old monsters are in our city? 【2/7, please subscribe】

"+++, God, who is this shadowy fragrance? How do you know so much?"

"This post is definitely a supernatural post. I thought it was nonsense, but after reading it carefully, I found that it's all true!"

"God, please accept my worship. Recently, I have also heard that many strange things have been unearthed in various places. I have always wondered why this happened. It turns out that there are really immortal cultivators in this world!

"Damn it, the old monsters that have lived for thousands of years are in our Dongshan City. Isn't this too exciting?"

Countless netizens made an uproar and quickly regarded this post as a divine post, and continued to repost it.

Of course there are people who want to object!

But this Shadow Fragrance is very powerful. He clearly wrote the time, place and characters of all the arguments he put forward, and it is true to anyone with a discerning eye.

And although his views are bold, they are the most common sense and convincing!

Therefore, everything in this post was quickly recognized and spread by the majority of netizens.

Many media reporters and Internet celebrities even went straight to Dongshan City to kill without any hesitation, trying to gain some popularity.


In a huge classical manor

Mr. Lin and more than a dozen bosses were still in a meeting, and everyone's expressions were very solemn.

Since Mr. Lin confessed about Ji Han, many people were still skeptical, but with the spread of the Jiaolong confession video, everyone had to choose to believe it.

"Look at this post!" Qin Wenli, the second generation of the Qin family in Yanjing, was suddenly shocked and connected the tablet in his hand to the projector, and then posted a post on the big screen!

"This is a post that is now circulating on the Internet. The author named Shadow Floating Fragrance has exposed many things, and these things are all well-founded, you look at them!

Qin Wenli reminded in shock.

After the big guys looked at it, their scalps went numb, because there was more to this than they knew.

Who the hell is this shadowy fragrance?

Before today, except for Mr. Lin, everyone didn't have the concept of eternal life at all.

Now this shadowy fragrance has linked all the events together, and suddenly the big bosses couldn't help but take a deep breath. It turned out that the truth of the matter was like this.

They thought about what happened recently. After all kinds of fragmented events were gathered together, they finally found out that this is the truth!

"Who is this shadowy fragrance? How does he know so much? Can you find out his details?

"I asked the technical department to check, and the other party was using a wireless network and a new laptop to post. After that, the IP has never been logged in again, and the real identity of the other party cannot be verified!

"It turns out that this is the truth, this is the same as what Lin said, there really is a cultivator in Dongshan City who has lived for thousands of years!

"Fortunately, this is our Kyushu cultivator. If it is from another country, we must be scared to death."

"What should we do now? Should this post be deleted? Shall we visit this immortal cultivator? Also, what attitude should we take to face him?"

The big bosses were shocked and talked a lot!

Everyone has a lot of questions in their hearts.

At the same time, they were also secretly shocked. It was only when a netizen exposed what they didn't realize when they were in a high position, which was too embarrassing.

Should this post be deleted?

So will it cause social panic?

When the bosses were full of entanglements, Mr. Lin smiled and said, "Why did you delete the post? This post is the truth. What do we dare not let the people know?"

"And even if you delete the post, do you think you'll be able to block the world's lingering public? This is the age of the Internet, and now this post has been forwarded and saved by how many people, and it can't be deleted!"5

"Besides, does this post have any impact on us? No, it will only make the people understand more, quell panic, and even condense national pride!"

"When the common people think that there is a legendary existence in Dongshan City, they can't help being proud, and they don't know where this existence is, so they don't need to pay attention!"

Elder Lin's remarks immediately made everyone nod and agree.

・・For flowers.......

Qin Wenli even said: "Lin Lao is right. After this incident is exposed, it will benefit Kyushu without any harm. This can be regarded as increasing the soft culture and soft power of Kyushu!"5

"When European and American countries deal with our Kyushu again or become enemies, they must consider more aspects, especially this existence, they can't ignore it, this is also a shock to them!

When everyone heard the words, they nodded again.

Everyone agrees with these views.

At least for now, this matter is good for Kyushu, and there are no disadvantages at all.

"As for how to get along with Mr. Ji!" Mr. Lin said solemnly: "I suggest you stay calm, don't get in touch too quickly, don't approach it rashly, and don't try to be an enemy of it!"

"Because you don't even know how much heritage an old monster who has lived for thousands of years has, how many means and powers are hidden, let alone whether he can really turn his hand into a cloud and turn his hand into a rain!

"If he doesn't like everyone touching him, or doesn't like everyone's actions, then it's likely to anger him!

"It's not terrible to anger an immortal cultivator, but angering an immortal cultivator who has lived for thousands of years is very fatal. I believe everyone should know this!"

Elder Lin's reminder made all the bosses have to suppress their excited hearts.

Someone really thought about it just now, and they are going to visit them soon. If they can catch up with such an existence, this will definitely be a great happy event with great benefits and no harm.

But now everyone has to think clearly, once the opponent's fate is angered, the bosses look solemn and dare not say anything more. In fact, they already agree with Mr. Lin's statement.

"Lin Lao, if Mr. Ji has any orders in the future, please make it clear that we also want to do our part for him!"

"Yeah, if you have any chores you can help with, please speak up! 39

"My major families in Yanjing will definitely go all out! 35

The bigwigs complimented one after another.

The Lin family and the Qin family were the only ones who could get in touch with Ji Han, and their status soared a lot.

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