At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

223 Pride and Prejudice, this is a challenge to us! [3/7, please subscribe]

Northern Hemisphere


A secret meeting is being held in a five-star hotel.

All the elites, high-level executives and experts from Europe and the United States attended the meeting. More than 100 people gathered together, which was very lively.

On the big screen, various news and reports on the Kyushu Network are being broadcast!

In front of everyone present, there is a large amount of information and data.

A middle-aged blond woman, standing on the big screen, said in a slightly accented English: "What everyone is seeing now is all the information we got this time!

"God bless, we can now confirm that the sea monsters suspected of appearing in the waters of the East China Sea of ​​Kyushu are really raised by humans!"

"At present, a post about immortal cultivators has appeared on the "Three One Three" of the Kyushu Network. This post has been widely circulated. After verification from various aspects, we found that the content of the post is true!

"That is to say, the authenticity of this post has been confirmed, and the content of the post analysis is very likely to be true! What do you think?"

The blonde woman's voice just fell!

There was a commotion inside and outside the venue.

A black biologist couldn't help complaining: "Impossible, I still think it's a hoax, it's well known that Orientals are the biggest liars!"

"They are good at making all kinds of fishing reels to deceive the world. They are the most disgusting and filthy people!"

"We all know that it is absolutely impossible for a creature's size to exceed its own limits, even if it eats more things!"

"So I don't think it's necessary to continue to waste time discussing all this. This is simply a joke. God has already seen it all!"

The black brother is constantly complaining!

But everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a fool, and many people were secretly wandering, where did this guy come from?

Is your IQ mixed in for fun?

Everyone knows it's true, and you're still stealing the bell? Pretend it's fake?

Are you really lying to yourself, or are you really stupid?

"This world has too many secrets that we don't know!" The blonde woman said solemnly: "Steven, I hope you are more serious, this is something that has already happened and confirmed, and it cannot be covered up by your arrogance and prejudice!" 5

"Now we hope to come to a conclusion through analysis, will this mysterious Kyushu immortal cultivator pose a threat to us!

"Will this mysterious sea monster pose a threat to us? How should we deal with it, etc. These issues need to be discussed!"

"At present, the Kyushu side has acknowledged the existence of this sea monster, but they have no control over it, nor will they cooperate with us in its research and control, which is very troublesome! 35

The question posed by the blonde woman caused everyone to frown.

If there is no statement from the senior leaders of Kyushu, then they may try to use nuclear bombs and missiles, or send fleets to capture and study.

Even this so-called immortal cultivator is very likely to become their guinea pig.

The bold European and American people don't care about immortals, they are confident that the weapons in their hands can deal with any existence.

Even the superman Batman in Hollywood movies has to be deterred by the military's military power?

So they are very confident and proud!

In the bottom of my heart, I didn't take the cultivators in my eyes at all.

Even they don't have a specific concept of this mysterious existence at all, and at most they regard Ji Han as a pseudo-superman-like imaginary enemy.

It is a pity that the official attitude of Kyushu made their calculus in vain, and they did not dare to bypass this huge country and target a sea monster cruising in the East China Sea.

Therefore, there is no way to study the secrets contained in this sea monster.

"First of all, I suggest to communicate with these damn oriental people, maybe we can set up an association for the promotion of all human beings to study this sea monster and immortal cultivator together, in order to obtain the secret of its longevity! 95

"If they still refuse, we can push countries to put pressure on the East!

"Finally, I hope the military will come up with a plan. If we encounter this sea monster, what should we do?"

"Can our fleet completely tear this sea monster to shreds at sea? This is what we are most concerned about! 35

Everyone, you said my words, expressed your opinions one after another, and made plans for this matter.

Face everyone's doubts!

The Hexagon's military representative, Admiral Smith, shrugged and laughed: "Oh god, you don't think our missiles can't blow up this ridiculous sea monster head?"

"What advantage does it have besides being bigger? You must know that a bullet can kill an elephant, and we have the most powerful fleet in the world! 99

"I promise Jesus here that as long as it dares to leave the East China Sea for half a step, our fleet will deal a heavy blow to it and even kill it completely."9

"Oh, by the way, if you like to eat sea monster meat, I think you have to book in advance!


There were bursts of laughter inside and outside the venue.

Obviously, everyone does not think that this sea monster will pose a threat to the most powerful military force in the world.

But at this moment, an emergency call came in. After Admiral Smith answered it, 4.3's face became extremely ugly.

"What? Are you sure? Oh hell!"

"Our satellite radar suddenly detected this damned sea monster in the North Pacific midway area and it's surfacing to breathe!

"Damn it, it seems to be hunting fish in our waters, this is absolutely unforgivable!

"This is an invasion, this is a provocation for us!

Admiral Smith roared in exasperation!

The faces of the experts present became very ugly, and everyone couldn't help but start an uproar.

It is said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are coming, this sea monster really dares to come, this is the rhythm of the situation to escalate.

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