At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The 225 military parade, this is the style of my Ming Dynasty! [5/7, please subscribe]

Ming Dynasty

The thirteenth year of Chongzhen, the twenty-sixth of October

After preparing for half a month, the grand military parade was finally held in the capital, at the foot of Xishan outside the city of Peiping.

A very large viewing platform has already been built here, and the endless open space is filled with various flags.

Millions of people gathered from all over the world early in the morning, crowding the neighborhood into a sea of ​​people.

A large number of envoys from various countries were also seated on the viewing platform. Many blond and blue-eyed foreigners looked particularly dazzling, and many dignitaries from all over the Ming Dynasty also came.

This is another grand military parade in the Ming Dynasty since the military parade during the Yongle period, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Coupled with Chongzhen's recent actions to benefit the people, he has gathered countless people's hearts, so this military parade is also particularly attractive.

Many small traders came here early, carrying rock candied haws and starting to sell, and occasionally there were some cries of snacks, which brought a little vitality to the lifeless Ming Dynasty.

The people's numb faces also had a hint of blush and smiles, all of which were inseparable from Chongzhen's recent efforts.

"Brothers and gentlemen, have you seen it? This is the style of my Ming Dynasty!" Chongzhen sat on the dragon chair, enjoying the admiration of the people, and quietly started the live broadcast.

Ji Han, Ying Zheng, Li Shimin and others are watching from time to time!

Of course, the civil and military generals under Ying Zheng and various veteran officials under Li Shimin also gathered around a lot. Everyone wanted to see what happened to the military parade in the Ming Dynasty!

First, let's look at Daming's strength, and second, I also want to learn and strengthen my military.

In this regard, everyone has long been tacit.

"The population of the Ming Dynasty is quite large, and it can easily gather millions of people. I heard that there are hundreds of millions of people, which is more than ten times more than my Tang Dynasty~々!"

"My Datang population is indeed too small, and we need to multiply more!

"Are these blond and blue-eyed people the legendary foreigners? They really look ugly, even uglier than this Huns!""

"Haha, but this foreign grandmother is not bad, she has a good figure!

Daqin and Tang Dynasty civil and military veterans talked a lot, obviously they were very novel about all this, Ji Han and others were very calm, quietly waiting for the opening of the military parade.

Auspicious time arrives!

Chongzhen led the Ming Dynasty to worship the ancestors!

After a series of red tape, the preparatory work was completed and the military parade was about to begin.

But then Ji Han suddenly thought of a question: "Old Zhu, is your music ready?"


Chongzhen was a little confused. Of course he knew what the music of the military parade was. He had seen the video before!

But he also forgot to prepare for this.

After returning, I was busy everywhere, and the time for the military parade was tight again. I have been busy with training, but I forgot the music.

This seems a little embarrassing!

Chongzhen's complexion turned ashen at the thought of the soldiers hustling and drinking coldly in the military parade later.

"You are not very reliable, so look at me!"

Ji Han laughed dumbly, and hurried back to the room to free up his two super loud speakers, and then connected them with a battery!

Then use the U disk to insert the music for the military parade into it, and then just click to play, and it can be played repeatedly.

Anyway, the music of the military parade is the simplest, just a few tunes come and go, and a live broadcast is also possible!

After finishing it, Ji Han threw this thing into the trading ring to choose the trade, and then exhorted: "Old Zhu, get it, you can place these two big speakers on both sides of the auditorium, and press the button in the middle to continue playing!"

"Thank you sir!

Chongzhen was overjoyed, and quickly took out the loud sound from the trading ring, and then gave a few words to Wang Chengen beside him.

All the people around are stunned!

No one could understand where Chongzhen took out these two big guys, and many people even thought they were blind.

When the sound is on!

Chongzhen immediately ordered: "The military parade, begin!

After Wang Chengen pressed the button, the thunderous sound began to play the bloody march of the military parade, and the audience was stunned at once!

Foreign devils are stunned!

Daming dignitaries were shocked!

Millions of onlookers were also stunned, because no one thought that such a loud voice could be heard from these two inconspicuous things, and the eardrums of those who approached were almost shattered!

"What, what kind of artifact is this? Why does this little thing make such a loud noise?"

"This rhythm is so intense, it has a feeling of blood boiling, it's really good!""

. I heard that there are immortals helping the saint, this must be the handwriting of the immortal master of the holy temple, and this music is also the joy of fairyland! 95

"It must be like this, great, my Daming has the protection of immortals, and it will definitely be brilliant for thousands of years!

The people in the audience were talking with excitement!

Ambassadors from various countries also whispered on the stage.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the army lined up in the distance finally began the military parade.

The first to appear was the Shenwu Corps under Huang Degong.

I saw Huang Degong wearing armor, riding a tall horse, tens of thousands of cavalrymen behind him, marching mightily into the martial arts arena, followed by 90,000 infantrymen!

clap clap!

The sound of neat footsteps seemed to be stepping on everyone's heart.

A total of 100,000 people overwhelmed the sky and the earth, and Wu Yangyang rolled over, a terrifying aura condensed invisibly, and with this passionate music, it instantly brought a huge impact to everyone.

Hundreds (very good) thousands of people, all stunned!

The ambassadors of various countries also took a deep breath.

The military appearance and temperament of the Shenwu Regiment consisted of 100,000 people.

This scene is a million times more majestic than the military parades of later generations, which is the advantage of having more people.

"Da Ming, Wan Sheng!

Huang Degong pulled out his sword and roared hysterically!

"Da Ming, Wan Sheng! 99

"Da Ming, Wansheng!""

"Da Ming, Wan Sheng!

The 100,000 army roared in unison, and one after another, the tidy mountains and tsunamis aroused everyone's blood in an instant.

"Musket formation, nine shots, fire!" Huang Degong ordered again.


Tens of thousands of infantrymen neatly raised their muzzles, then pulled the trigger decisively.

"Bang bang bang!"

Thousands of guns were fired in unison, and this scene shocked everyone's scalp.

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