At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

2.26 million guns fired, the foreigners who were scared to pee! 【6/7, please subscribe】

The military parade of the Ming Dynasty may not be the most professional

But it is definitely the largest number of people, any phalanx will be 100,000 people, and any musket volley will be tens of thousands of people.

With this kind of terrifying aura, even Ji Han couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly.

The 90,000 soldiers of the Shenwu Legion fired into the sky in nine salvos, each time ten thousand, the bullets flew horizontally, and the smoke filled the air!

This scene directly scared many foreigners to pee!

"Damn, how can there be so many soldiers in this Ming Dynasty? They are all equipped with flintlock guns?"

"It's incredible, it's incredible!

"Who would dare to provoke such an army?

The messengers from various European countries were already trembling at this time.

At this time, due to the limitation of ships and national strength in European countries, there were not many people going out to the sea each time.

Even if you go to invade other countries, you will only bring a few hundred soldiers!

More than thousands of soldiers participated in the war, often enough to go down in history.

It was like this Ming Dynasty, who casually used an army of 100,000 or even a million to see a large area of ​​Wuyangyang at a glance, and the crowds were frightening to death.

The point is that they are also equipped with new flintlock guns, which is too scary, right?

Who can stop this army?

"Okay, this military appearance is really domineering!"

"313 It's an army of the Ming Dynasty. Although the soldiers don't have much suffocation, they look like a young new army, but the momentum is not bad!

"Your Majesty, my Daqin army must be equipped with firearms in the future, otherwise it will be too backward!"

The veteran officials of the two dynasties of Qin and Tang dynasties had a lot of surprise discussions, and their blood was boiled over by the military parade of the Ming Dynasty.

This domineering scene, combined with the bloody music, can indeed arouse human hormones.

After the Shenwu Army came to an end, the Tianwu Army, the 30,000 Forbidden Army, the Mighty Army, and the Tianxiong Army came off one after another.

The performance of each legion is eye-catching, domineering mess.

Finally, the finale is the artillery show!

5,000 mortars, 5,000 unscrupulous cannons, and 1,000 newly developed heavy-duty blaster artillery have already been arranged in the artillery positions.

"Load up, let go!

Boom boom boom!

10,000 artillery pieces fired in turn, and round after round, waves of artillery shells roared out.

Xishan, hundreds of meters away, was suddenly baptized frantically.

The sound of the earth-shattering explosion, the flames soared into the sky, and the ground shook within a hundred miles.

This huge mountain range has long been blown up, a large number of rocks are rolled and cracked, countless trees have been blown up, and the sea of ​​​​fire spreads at once, just like hell.

"My God! 39

Everyone present gasped in horror!

If the military parade of each legion shocked everyone, then this scene of ten thousand guns being fired is enough to shock the world.

The old officials of the two great dynasties of the Great Qin and Great Tang dynasties all had red eyes with envy.

Even those blond and blue-eyed foreigners were already screaming with fear, because they were still hitting people with solid shells, and suddenly they saw the scene of the roaring and exploding artillery fire, how could they not be shocked?

"Your Majesty!" A Portuguese foreigner named Lucas asked in blunt Chinese: "Do you use these cannons with explosives? Why don't they need to be ignited, just stuffed into the cannons? Can launch?"5

"Yeah, that's amazing too, isn't it?"

"Most of the most advanced guns in Europe are solid guns, and they need to be ignited and cleaned out, which is very troublesome!"

"Why are the artillery of the Ming Dynasty so powerful?"

The foreigners are asking questions!

If the new flintlock gun shocked them, then the artillery of the Ming Dynasty (bbed) has already shocked them.

Because no one thought that the Ming Dynasty had already opened the gap with Europe before they knew it.

Facing the fearful, awe, and curious eyes of everyone, Chongzhen laughed dumbly and said proudly: "This is the latest artillery and artillery shells developed by our Ming Dynasty Artillery Bureau, under the guidance of the immortals!

"Its power has already been tested on the battlefield between Daming and Jiannu, the once majestic Jiannu was easily defeated by our Daming artillery!

"Now all the new troops of the Ming Dynasty have installed a large number of various artillery pieces, as well as new flintlock guns, you can take a look and give more opinions.

Chongzhen's brilliance attracted everyone's envy, jealousy and hatred.

This Lucas's eyes were bright, and he took the opportunity to propose that he wanted to learn artillery and cannonball casting techniques, but he was naturally sternly rejected.

What a joke, I'm here to show you off, not to teach you skills.

If you want to learn such advanced artillery technology, what do you want to eat?

Chongzhen was not stupid, and so were the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone looked at the nose and nose, and no matter how the foreigners begged, they would not agree.

Even Dongchang and Jinyiwei have already placed a large number of spies in the Artillery Bureau and the Battle Bureau. All craftsmen are not allowed to go out all year round. Anyone who dares to reveal a little bit of secrets will be punished by the whole family.

In this highly confidential situation, foreigners can only envy and hate.

As for the representative of Dongying in the crowd, his legs were trembling with fright, because he always felt that Chongzhen was looking at him from time to time.

"I heard that Japanese pirates have been rampant along the coast recently!" Chongzhen said coldly: "Mr. Yamamoto, is there such a thing?"

"No, no, absolutely no! 35 Yamamoto was so frightened that he shook his head desperately: "His Majesty Ming Tian, ​​please Ming Jian, we are the most loyal partners and friends of the Ming Dynasty. I can guarantee that there will be absolutely no Japanese pirates, definitely not!""

"very good!

Chongzhen smiled with satisfaction.

This Yamamoto Yuta was a member of the shogunate, and if he brought a message back, these Dongying people would have to be scared to pee.

When the navy of the Ming Dynasty is reorganized, Chongzhen will send a large army to expedition, let them experience for themselves what despair is!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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