At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

230 Shenwei cannon, the Ming Navy is beginning to show its edge! [3/7, please subscribe]

above the vast sea

Five hundred large ships cover the sky and the sun is endless

Zheng Zhibao and Shi Lang were ambitious, looking for the main force of the Zhenhai Regiment, and wanted to teach each other a good lesson.

But at this time they didn't know that Zheng Zhilong's 50,000 army had already been easily defeated, and they were all captured without any resistance.


"Thirty nautical miles to the southeast, enemy troops are found!"

On the boom of a large ship, a sailor holding a monocular in charge of looking out quickly found the trace of the enemy.

Thirty nautical miles away, two hundred large ships were heading here, and the dragon flag was hanging on this ship.

"Okay, it's them!"

Zheng Zhibao's eyes lit up with excitement.

He was still afraid that he would not be able to find the other party, but now that he has finally found it, let's see where they run.

"The whole army is ready, spread out in battle formation, all guns are loaded, and ready to fight!"

Zheng Zhibao cried out excitedly, and the soldiers on the 500 large ships immediately started to get busy.

If it is said that the Lu Zhan Zheng family is a mob!

Well, in this naval battle, they are definitely very professional.

These sailors, helmsmen, and gunners are all veterans who have experienced large and small naval battles, and they are all very professional.

I saw five hundred large ships quickly dispersing, like a giant net, rushing directly towards each other.

In the distance, Li Dingguo held a binoculars and watched the movements of the other party silently, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

He had no experience in naval combat, and was a landlubber himself, who had only recently learned to swim.

At the same time, most of the soldiers and horses under his command are new troops, and the training time does not exceed two months. It is really difficult to come to fight this battle suddenly.

But fortunately, he has recruited many veterans of the coastal guard navy, at least in terms of operating the helmsman, it is not much more than the contrast.

"What's the wind direction now~々?" Li Dingguo asked with a frown.

"Report to General, it's the southeast wind now!" A soldier replied beside him.

"Send orders to all ships!" Li Dingguo ordered without hesitation: "Left full rudder, advance to the southeast, and fire back fire when the enemy approaches within five miles!"


The soldier roared in agreement, waved the flag quickly, and issued the order.

The two hundred large ships quietly dispersed, as if they had been defeated, fleeing in a panic to the southeast.

"Hahaha!" Zheng Zhibao exclaimed excitedly: "Run? Can you run away? Chase me!"

The two large ships chased and escaped, and the distance gradually narrowed!

After the two sides were five miles apart, when Zheng Zhibao was still struggling to get into range, Li Dingguo had already ordered: "Fire! 35

"Boom! 35

Four or five hundred artillery pieces, roaring wildly!

The ships of the Town Navy Regiment are equipped with newly developed artillery, and the Artillery Bureau named them Shenwei Cannon.

There are three calibers of this cannon!

One is a 210mm caliber with a range of three miles!

One is a 280mm caliber with a range of eight miles!

One is a 350mm caliber with a range of 15 miles!

These three kinds of artillery are all newly developed after the successful development of the mercury primer and the principle of imitation mortar, and the whole body is made of refined steel.

These Shenwei cannons have a long range, great power, and can be fired continuously.

This was also the reason why Li Dingguo dared to bring the new army to fight with the opponent at sea. As long as he ran while firing, then this range alone could make the opponent despair.

Under the shocked gazes of the crowd, a round of shells drew a perfect parabola and smashed into the Zheng family's 500 ships.

At this time, the two sides were five miles apart, and the Zheng family's solid cannonballs couldn't hit that far. Seeing the other party's cannonballs fall, everyone was stunned.

"How can this be? Why are their shells so weird?

"Why do you get so far? Wait, watch out!

"Everyone be careful to avoid!"

When Zheng Zhibao was puzzled, he quickly discovered that something was wrong, and was so frightened that he screamed and roared desperately.

It is a pity that it is very difficult for the big ship to turn the rudder, the shells have already fallen, and it is too late to escape.


Earth-shattering explosions sounded one after another.

Most of the four or five hundred shells smashed into the sea, and after the explosion, a spray of water more than ten meters high was set off, and the surrounding ships shook wildly.

There were more than 20 rounds of good luck, and they hit the ship in one fell swoop.

After these shells hit the hull, an earth-shattering explosion occurred on the spot. The large wooden ships of this era looked like clay sculptures under the fire of this caliber.

Seven or eight large ships were bombed to pieces on the spot, and the sailors screamed and were blown away. The scene was terrible!

There are more than a dozen other ships that were lucky and only blew up the corner of the ship, but this kind of shell is just like Bartley hitting a human body. No matter where it explodes, the ship has lost its combat effectiveness and can only emit black smoke. Fire in place.

"..impossible, it's impossible!""

"What kind of gun is this?!"

"Fight back, fight back!"

"Fire! 99

Zheng Zhibao was so frightened that he roared desperately, and the gunners of the Zheng family quickly adjusted their muzzles and started to ignite!

Chi Chi Chi!

After a burst of sparks burned the lead, the cannon roared, and the solid iron lumps were knocked out!

But after they flew out for two or three miles, they fell into the sea with a thud, causing Li Dingguo's army to laugh in unison.

Now the fool can see that something is wrong! (Very good)

The morale of the navy regiment suddenly soared, the soldiers were all excited and inexplicably excited, and the artillery bombed round after round, making the opponents crying and calling their mothers.

The fear in the hearts of the new army soldiers has long since been swept away!

Afraid of a ball, if the opponent can't hit us, we can kill them, only fools are afraid.

The morale of the Zheng family naturally plummeted wildly, and they were chasing and being beaten by others.

After seven or eight rounds of artillery bombardment, the Zheng family's 500 large ships lost hundreds of them!

Moreover, as the gunners on the opposite side became more experienced, the projectiles became more accurate, and the Zheng family's losses became more and more severe.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Zheng Zhibao angrily ordered to retreat!

But Li Dingguo turned around like a mad dog, chasing after him, and the artillery bombing kept coming, killing them in fear.

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