At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

231 Chongzhen draft, Princess Changping enters fairyland! 【4/7, please subscribe】

This asymmetrical naval battle

It lasted from morning to evening until it was over!

Zheng Zhibao led the navy to retreat all the way to Quanzhou Port. At this time, there were only more than 100 of the 500 large ships left, and most of them were swaying and their hulls were injured.

As for the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under his command, most of them have been buried in the belly of the fish.

But when he returned to Quanzhou and was about to report the situation to Zheng Zhilong, he was disarmed and arrested by Zheng Chenggong who was waiting for work!

After two consecutive defeats, the Zheng family suffered heavy losses.

However, most of the dead were mercenaries, as well as soldiers and horses under Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Zhibao.

With his cronies and the support of Cao Bianjiao, Zheng Chenggong easily took control of the situation and carried out a major purge!

Zheng Zhibao was killed, Shi Lang was killed!

More than 30 Zheng family elders were killed!

More than 5,000 pirates with bad deeds were beheaded for public display.

This terrifying purge quickly put Zheng Chenggong in control of the situation and eliminated all unfavorable factors.

Next, he was ordered to form a navy regiment!

With the elite soldiers carefully selected by the Zheng family as the backbone, a large number of refugees were recruited for training, plus the nearly 800 large ships and thousands of small ships left by the Zheng family!

The combat power of this naval regiment, 313 is believed to be formed soon!

As for whether Zheng Chenggong would betray and dare to play tricks, Chongzhen was not afraid at all.

With Ji Han behind the back, who would dare to mess around?

With so many soldiers and horses behind them, who would dare to be presumptuous?

Chongzhen can equip Zheng Chenggong's navy regiment with flintlock guns and new-type artillery, and he can also cut off his supply of artillery shells, so he can be cleaned up at any time.

So he didn't worry about Zheng Chenggong's rebellion at all!

In fact, Zheng Chenggong didn't dare, because the Zheng family had no way to retreat, and they got on the battlefield of the Ming Dynasty. If they wanted to retreat, they had to die.

After World War I

Li Dingguo deeply realized that his naval regiment still had various flaws, and of course he also realized the sharpness of artillery.

While asking for an increase in the artillery configuration, he urged the three major shipyards to step up the production of ships!

In addition, there are two large shipyards in Quanzhou. This Chongzhen can hold five shipyards in one hand, and every month, more than ten or twenty large ships can be launched into the sea, which is quite terrifying.

Therefore, Li Dingguo also has (bbed) confidence!

He drilled troops and horses every day, led the navy to attack, patrolled the sea areas along the coast, and rectified the messy situation along the coast.

Although the Ming Dynasty had already eliminated the rebellion of Japanese pirates during the Jiajing period, in fact, how could these robbers and smugglers be so easily eliminated?

When the Ming Dynasty was decadent, countless bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods were secretly doing things along the coast.

Pirates, remnants of Japanese pirates, smugglers, or gangsters who pretended to be Japanese pirates robbed their homes, all kinds of smuggling were common, and each of the major clans along the coast made a lot of money.

Li Dingguo's move can be said to have cut off their fortune!

Many people are so popular that their teeth are itchy, and they secretly curse their mothers every day.

However, under this iron-fisted approach, the coastal environment of the Ming Dynasty became extremely good.

The Zhenhai Regiment and the Suppressing Naval Regiment are also developing vigorously, and it will not take long for them to become a powerful fighting force that the Ming Dynasty can rely on, and will also become a maritime hegemon that terrifies the whole world.

at the same time

In the Daming Palace, there is a beauty pageant.

More than a thousand young women stood in a row, waiting for the primaries of the eunuchs to be selected by Chongzhen himself.

Naturally, this was to choose a maid for Ji Han.

The last time he was drunk and boasted, Chongzhen dared not forget. After discussing with Lao Zhao and Lao Li, he decided that each would send a hundred beautiful maids to the immortal master.

And Chongzhen has his own mind!

Didn't you see Wang Mushi and Yang Zi that Lao Zhao sent to the past, are they mixed in the fairyland? Are they deeply loved by the immortal masters?

We can't be left behind!

It happened that his second daughter Zhu Yuzhuo, titled Changping, had a gentle personality, was knowledgeable and reasonable, and her appearance was also beautiful.

He wanted to give Princess Changping to Ji Han for a long time to bring the relationship between the two parties closer.

So this time, he was very attentive. Not only did he select maids from the palace, but he also selected a large number of beautiful girls from the people, and they all declared to the outside world that they were sent to the fairyland to serve the immortal master!

These women were all anxiously looking forward to it, and they all showed their best posture.

The selection is also very strict.

Go through the standard process of a series of draft girls first.

Don't have moles on the body, don't have an innocent net worth, don't have fair skin, don't have a bad figure!

Bad breath is not good, too much hair is not good, this is not good, that is not good!

More than 1,000 people finally selected 100 people. These 100 girls are all top-notch and beautiful, and all of them are young women who are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and they are definitely the best women in the Ming Dynasty.

They will be trained for three days!

These trainings can ensure that they understand the rules and etiquette enough, and will not anger the immortal master. At this time, Chongzhen is relieved.

"Changping, with their help in this fairyland trip, I will feel more at ease, and you won't be too lonely with them! 35

Outside the Qianqing Palace, Chongzhen looked at these women with satisfaction, and said softly to a tall girl beside him, dressed in apricot-colored palace clothes, with bright eyes and benevolent eyes.

"Thank you for your comprehensive arrangement." Princess Changping gave a slight blessing, and said with a light smile: "Don't worry, your daughter will definitely please the Immortal Master, so that I can protect the Ming Dynasty for thousands of years!"

For her mission, Princess Changping naturally knows in her heart!

Living in this royal family since she was a child, although she lived a carefree life, she also knew her own destiny, and she was nothing more than a tool to maintain the imperial power.

Therefore, she did not resist going to the fairyland to serve the Immortal Master this time, and she even had a slight expectation for the mysterious Immortal Master in her heart.

Hearing that the Immortal Master was unusually handsome and gentle like water, a little girl like her was already full of fantasies.

And it's not that you can't come back when you go to Wonderland, and Chongzhen will also pass every three or five minutes, which is a beautiful thing.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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