At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

235 shuffles to end the chaos of the Ming Dynasty! [1/7, please subscribe]

After a hard decision

Chongzhen let out a long sigh of relief, and there was a hint of firmness in his eyes.

He fiercely poured himself a sip of wine, and his heart was even more murderous.

The problem of the clan must be solved, and this kind of trouble cannot be reserved for the next generation of emperors.

The Ming Dynasty must not keep these worms from generation to generation!

Otherwise, if the development continues, the number of royal clansmen must exceed one million.

"After cleaning up the royal family, the next step is to collect the benefits of salt and iron." Ji Han continued to point.

When everyone heard the words, they were startled again!

No wonder it's a big shuffle, Ji Han's big moves are wave after wave, and he has to wipe out the Ming Dynasty all at once.

Salt and iron have always been the most profitable and corrupt business in all dynasties. Many times this kind of business is nominally controlled by the imperial court, but in fact it has always been controlled by officials at all levels and giant merchants!

The price of a pound of refined salt at the seaside is only a few cents of silver, but when it reaches the inland, it becomes a dozen taels or even hundreds of taels, which is more than a hundredfold.

These profits amount to hundreds of millions of taels every year. How many corrupt officials and wealthy businessmen are supported from top to bottom?

Speaking of salt merchants these days, everyone knows that this is a rich man, whether it is a big salt merchant or a small salt merchant, all of them are rich.

For example, in the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River seven times and spent hundreds of millions of dollars, but he did not spend a tael of silver from the treasury. Why?

Because his consumption is all covered by the salt merchants!

In order to continue to control the profits and sales of this salt and iron, the salt merchants did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to coax Qianlong. From this, we can see how profitable the salt is.

"After the big reshuffle, all the capitals of the Ming Dynasty will be under your control again!" Ji Han continued to point out eloquently: "At that time, there will be more places for you to spend money~々!

"How long can the treasury be made of this amount of money? If there is no stable source of income, won't you end up with a poor clang?

"Your current glory is temporary. Once the money for raiding your home is spent, how will you support the army of hundreds of thousands? Can you still keep raiding your home?"

"So the benefits of salt and iron must be held in hand, and the water transportation must be cleaned up. By the way, we will kill a wave of corrupt officials in various state capitals, and resolutely implement high salaries to maintain integrity!""

Ji Han's remarks attracted Chongzhen's approval.

During this period of time, don't look at his majesty, in fact, he really spends money like water.

"Don't hide it, sir!" Chongzhen said embarrassedly: "Some time ago, when I had nothing to do, I flipped through the account book, and I was shocked. I thought that more than 100 million taels could be used for a long time, but who knows that most of it has been spent. 39

"More than 10 million taels have been spent on disaster relief, relief for victims, repairing rivers, and building heated kangs. Recruiting new troops for training, a soldier's head-to-toe equipment and horses, costs an average of 20 to 30 taels, which is another expense. Nearly twenty million! 55

"Hundreds of thousands of new troops need silver taels every day for training, shells and firearms, and 78,000 to 80,000 taels. One month is more than 2 million taels, and after a year, it is more than 20 million taels. !""

"There are also the costs of the war bureau, artillery bureau, and shipyard for shipbuilding, and the cost of high salaries and low costs, I'm afraid to think about it!

"If it weren't for the fact that the Royal Group and the charcoal sales made some profits recently, and the Zheng family took the initiative to hand over tens of millions of taels, I would not be able to live on this day!"

Chongzhen complained again and again, and everyone listened with sympathy.

It's really not easy to be an emperor. It looks like a beautiful scene, but it's actually very hard.

The livelihood of a large number of people is tied to one person, and the pressure is so great.

"So, the sale of salt and iron must be recovered!" Ji Han said solemnly, "Once so much money goes into the state treasury, how many things can be done to support how many soldiers?"35

"Secondly, how much corruption does so much profit breed? How much hidden danger does this cause when so much wealth is accumulated in the private sector?

"These salt merchants all support desperadoes. Once the world is in turmoil, they can take advantage of the situation. Can you tolerate them continuing to grow?"

Ji Han followed suit, and at once aroused Chongzhen's anger.

As an emperor, the most fearful thing is that someone has a self-respecting army and threatens his own rule.

From this point of view, these salt merchants really have to clean up, otherwise the trouble will be even greater.

"It's not difficult to rectify the salt industry and iron industry!" Chongzhen pondered for a moment, then said: "At that time, only one imperial decree will be required, and then troops will be sent to suppress these small children, but this will inevitably cause a great backlash, from top to bottom. It's boiling hot."

What are you afraid of, whoever does something will kill whoever!" Ji Han sneered: "I'm also afraid that they won't jump out, the more fun they dance, the better, corrupt officials raid homes, salt merchants exterminate clans, and directly take these assholes from top to bottom. Uproot it!"

"Okay, well said!

"Mr.'s remarks deeply touched my heart!

"It should be so arrogant, hahaha!

Ying Zheng and others praised one after another, and Chongzhen nodded again and again. Anyway, it was going to be a big shuffle, so it would be fine to kill more people.

"Haha!" Chongzhen said with a sneer, "I have a population of over 100 million in the Ming Dynasty, so how difficult would it be to kill him, a wealthy business moth with millions of corrupt officials and fishy people!


Everyone took a deep breath.

The little faces of Princess Changping and Wu Meiniang were even more frightened, millions of people?

When Ji Han and Chongzhen were chatting and laughing (very good), millions of people's heads would fall, which is creepy to think about.

But everyone thinks it's normal!

Princess Changping wanted to open her mouth to discourage her, but in the end she didn't dare to say anything, because women could not arbitrarily discuss government affairs.

It has been the purpose of all dynasties that the harem should not interfere in politics.

Now she is just a maid, how dare she say more?

"The first step is to evacuate the guardhouse, the second step is to rebuild the clan law, and the third step is to reap the benefits of salt and iron! Ji Han sneered and said, "The last step is to attack the landlords and tyrants, and completely wipe out the world. It is also a bright world in the Ming Dynasty!""

"last step?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they couldn't help but arouse the arrogance in their hearts.

Is it finally going to end the chaos of the Ming Dynasty?

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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