At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

236 Indecisive, scholar kills without knife! 【2/7, please subscribe】

All along, the reason why the Ming Dynasty was so chaotic!

There are actually many reasons, such as land annexation, sharp contradictions among various classes, etc.!

But now Ji Han's series of combined punches are going to reshape the entire Ming Dynasty. This is a rhythm that needs to be reborn.

"The landlords and gentry in the world control a lot of land!" Ji Han said eloquently: "They have money and food in their hands, and driven by greed, they often continue to attack the poor and the poor."5

"They will use various means to annex the people's fields, and even force the people to sell themselves as slaves, constantly eroding the people's fat and blood and sweat!"

"High rents and high-interest loans often force many people into ruin. If these landlords can't be cleaned up, the shortcomings of the Ming Dynasty will still be there. It's just a change of soup instead of medicine."

Ji Han's serious face is not joking!

Regardless of Chongzhen's tactics, a series of policies were issued one after another, but in fact they had little impact on the landlords.

Whoever becomes the emperor, they all still eat and drink spicy food.

If you don't take care of them, it is useless to take care of the dignitaries and the royal family in 313, because these people will continue to appear.

"The dike of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant's nest, and it was the continuous encroachment of these landlords that would eventually lead to the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, causing people's grievances to boil and the people to rebel."35

"Then where is the source of these landlords? It lies in the Ming Dynasty's preferential treatment for scholars!

"Once a scholar is admitted to a scholar, he can be exempted from corvée and tax exemption, and there are many preferential treatments. Many people will live in the name of the scholar in order to avoid taxes, so they form a large landlord family!

"These people will develop from generation to generation, and if they have money, they will cultivate more scholars, more scholars, and then annex more land!"

"The final result is that most of the Ming Dynasty's land is in their hands, they will hold the lifeline of hundreds of millions of poor people, and the court's orders will never be conveyed to the bottom!"

After Ji Han analyzed the pros and cons, everyone broke out in a cold sweat. No one thought that this inconspicuous landlord class would be the most harmful.

"But sir! Chongzhen tangled: "This landlord is too involved with scholars, do you really want to touch them? Do you want to slow down first?"

"Slow why? Ji Han said angrily: "How can there be so much time to play slowly, I cleaned them up at once, and directly abolished the rent-free preferential treatment for talented people, and pulled their foundations.


Chongzhen smiled bitterly, not daring to answer for a while.

He dared to abolish the guard system. After all, he had soldiers in his hands. Isn't it easy to clean up these old guards in various places?

He dares to revise the clan law, and a few clans can't make much trouble.

He dares to do it even if he is altruistic for collecting salt and iron. After all, some corrupt officials and salt merchants are only a few people, and they can't make much trouble under the repression of power.

Only this scholar's business, Chongzhen dare not do it!

This will offend scholars and landlords all over the world, and at that time he will have to betray his relatives.

Which civil and military officials in the Ming Dynasty were not scholars?

From top to bottom, which one has nothing to do with this?

Is it really worth it to offend all classes for a bunch of mud legs?

Does he dare to Chongzhen? He dare not!

It can even be said that there are few emperors in the world who dare to do so, even Li Shimin, at this time, is very concerned.

Only Ying Zheng sneered domineeringly: "What is a scholar? I kill only scholars, with guns and cannons in my hand, who cares about the sour scholar (bbed)! 99

"The first emperor's words are bad! Chongzhen said tangled: "This scholar is not simple, you are not just because you offended the Confucianism, and you were written and written indiscriminately, and portrayed as a generation of tyrants who burned books and pitted the Confucianism?"5


Everyone laughed when they heard this!

This makes sense, a scholar does not need a knife to kill someone.

They, who control the fishing reels, are united enough to give the emperor a headache.

"Humph!" Ying Zheng sneered: "Nowadays, the newspaper industry in Daqin is developed, and newspapers are delivered to Wanmin every week. I am the one who controls the fishing reels."

"Every scholar is bullshit, and all the scholars and schools of thought are not afraid, but you can't do it, brother Chongzhen! 35

"This?" Chongzhen sneered awkwardly: "The situation in the Ming Dynasty is different from that of the Qin Dynasty, this is like cooking a small fish, it should be done step by step.

"Step by step!" Ji Han raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Abandoned guards, abandoned clansmen, and abandoned salt merchants, isn't it enough to lay the groundwork step by step?!"5

"You think I was joking when I said that I wanted to kill tens of millions of people? You won't back down at the last moment, right? If this is the case, then your Ming Dynasty will last at most another hundred years, and you will still become the ghost you are now. !

"Do you have the heart to give up all your efforts? As long as you do this, the entire Ming Dynasty will be reborn again. You dare not fight?"9

"You forgot what you said then?"

"Do you want the Ming Dynasty to continue to rot?"

"Do you want your children and grandchildren to face the same predicament as you?"

"Do you want Westerners to step on our heads again?"

Ji Han's continuous questioning made Chongzhen feel a little ashamed!

He knew that he was too indecisive, and Ji Han was a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry sir!" Chongzhen said with shame: "I was wrong, I shouldn't hesitate! I will definitely abolish this talent treatment, but is it enough to just abolish it?"

"The scholars and landlords in various places have not made any mistakes. They hold a lot of land in their hands, and I have no excuse to raid their homes? 99

"If they are ruthless, deliberately suppressing the land without rent, or driving up the price of rice, causing turmoil in the world, what should I do?"

"After all, it's impossible for me to deliberately find excuses to slaughter them, right? It's even more impossible to forcibly snatch their fields?"

Chongzhen's soul torture will stun everyone!

Yes, if so how to solve it?

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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