At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

237 The family plan, the merit is in the society, the profit is in the future! 【3/7, please subscrib

Sure enough, it is very difficult to fight against a class!

At first glance, these landowners and scholars seem to be nothing, that is, they are just landowners, but in fact, once the number of people increases, it will form a qualitative change.

Chongzhen's tough tactics will definitely cause their backlash, and when there is a commotion, the world will definitely be in turmoil.

They didn't even start a rebellion, just driving up the price of goods and rice, and deliberately holding down the land and not renting it out, which is enough to make many ordinary people unable to live.

What will Chongzhen do then?

Could he still force everyone to rent out the land-?

"During the Wanli period, the imperial court tried to promote a whip bill! 39 Chongzhen said with a wry smile: "The resistance encountered at that time can be imagined, but it didn't take long for the bill to go ahead, and it was abruptly abolished!"

"Now I'm going to play bigger and more ruthless than this whip method, and the scholars and landlords in this world have to make big troubles!

"Even if I have a gun or a cannon in my hand, it won't work, I really have a heart!

Chongzhen's concerns attracted everyone's approval.

Sometimes I'm really not afraid that someone will rebel. After all, the enemy knows where they are, and they can be leveled by shooting them with real swords.

The most fearful thing is that people will do things in secret, and you have no excuse to clean them up, which is disgusting.

After all, although the emperor has a high position and authority, he can't kill people indiscriminately. As a guardian of the imperial power and laws, he should be a famous teacher. Killing people indiscriminately will lead to the collapse of the law.

"Actually, this is not unreasonable!" Ji Han laughed dumbly and said, "The power of a class can never be underestimated. There are so many clans and landlords in the world, and the power of so many people together is enough to shake the imperial power! "

"So we must not only have tough military means, but also have soft power shrewd enough to deal with them!"

"What you are worried about is that the landlords drive up the price of rice, and then hold down the land and not rent it out, trying to starve the common people to death, right?"

"Then you will divide the land for the people, and then order the land to be re-measured before the spring and autumn ploughing, and all the fields that are not cultivated will be nationalized, you see if they are afraid!


Everyone's eyes lit up, and everyone was secretly shocked!

This is a wonderful trick, this is definitely a ruse!

"This, this tactic is really cruel!" Chongzhen said in surprise: "Sir, what you said is very good, this abolition of the guards and the fields of the powerful and powerful is enough to allow me to resettle many refugees and common people!

"These fields can be rented to the common people for free cultivation and stabilize the people's hearts! If everyone has free fields to cultivate, where will they go to cultivate the high-priced land of the landlords?"

"At that time, no one will cultivate the land of the landlords, and if they want to make trouble, they will not be able to make trouble. If they have the ability, they will plant it by themselves. Haha, then I will justly nationalize these fields and make them mad!

The more Chongzhen thought about it, the happier he became, and he immediately realized the vicious tactics in Ji Han's words.

For the landowners, this is definitely a slap in the face, one move after another, one ring after another, completely calculating them.

None of these methods are indispensable. Obviously, Ji Han has already thought of everything and calculated the overall situation!

"Thank you sir for your plan, I admire it!"

Chongzhen got up and bowed excitedly, and Princess Changping also quickly got up and saluted.

Ji Han's scheming for the Ming Dynasty can be regarded as meritorious in the future, enough to withstand their salute.

"That's right!" Ji Han smiled with satisfaction: "Actually, that's the truth. If the landlords want to make trouble, we will let them make trouble. They can't farm the land themselves. be isolated!

"There is no one to plant the fields, and the court's reclamation is a justifiable thing. They can't make any tricks. In the end, in order to avoid losses, they either hire the common people to plant the fields at a high price, or they have to sell their fields at a low price!

"Think about it, didn't this turn the situation around so easily? From now on, these landlords will no longer be able to control the people, nor will they be able to pose a threat to the imperial court, and can only be honest little rich peasants.

"If they dare to drive up the price of food, you don't have to panic, isn't Lao Zhao and Lao Li here? How much food you want, they can support you as much!

· Ask for flowers...

"After a period of time, they will naturally die and let you slaughter and manipulate them, are you still afraid that they will fail?

Ji Han's advice immediately made Chongzhen go wild with joy.

"Hahaha, well said, sir is right!"

"I don't have much else, but there is a lot of food. I will support you as much as you want, Lao Zhu!"

"Yes, yes, I have a lot of food in the Tang Dynasty. I will give you a few million stone when I turn around, and you can exchange it with guns and guns!"

"That's right, the power of this Shenwei cannon is astonishing, I'll order a few hundred more.

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin cheered their support. Obviously, the two had been greedy for the guns and guns of the Ming Dynasty for a long time, and they naturally wanted to make a fortune when they had the opportunity.

Chongzhen is also happy to see it happen!

Now his military and artillery bureaus have been expanded three or four times, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the daily output is also getting higher and higher.

Exchanging high-tech things like guns for food is definitely a good business for huge profits. Not only will he not lose money, but he will make blood!

"Okay, it's settled!" Chongzhen raised his glass in surprise and said, "Thank you sir for your guidance, thank you two brothers for your help, let's have a drink."

"Okay, have a drink! 35

"Drink together! 95

Everyone smiled and pushed the cups and hands, and the atmosphere suddenly became a lot more eager.

Seeing this, Ji Han said, "How can you not sing and dance if you have wine and food? Changping, you go and arrange it, so that all the girls are busy, and it will also open my eyes."


"Wait a minute, sir!"

Princess Changping happily agreed!

She gave a gift and hurriedly conveyed the order.

This is a good opportunity for the girls to perform, and if they can win the favor of the immortal master, this is a beautiful thing in one step.

So when Princess Changping brought the words to everyone, all the three hundred girls jumped up and down happily.

The girls hurriedly put down their salutes, not caring for a rest, and all of them happily began to prepare their own good tricks to beg.

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