At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

238 steam engine, let the three dynasties step into the steam era! 【4/7, please subscribe】

Ji Han gave an order

The corrupt life of singing and dancing begins immediately!

In this fairyland-like garden, hundreds of girls from the three dynasties took turns in battle, some played the piano and music, and some danced in teams!

The girls danced beautifully and tried their best to show their most beautiful side in an attempt to win Ji Han's favor.

The performances one after another enhanced the banquet and made Ji Han in a good mood.

There is wine, food, and beauties, and Princess Changping serves on the side. This is a life like a fairy.

Now this small manor is what he dreamed of, not just a farmhouse.

At the same time, I admired the singing and dancing of the top beauties of the three eras. I am afraid that Ji Han is the only one who has this treatment. Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a "three one three" smile on his face.

"Meiniang, are the sisters dancing well?" Ji Han teased the little girl in his arms.

"Okay, it's so beautiful, the sisters are awesome!" Wu Meiniang jumped happily: "Sir, will Meiniang learn to dance in the future?"

"Okay, you can learn anything you want." Ji Han rubbed her little head and said indulgently.

"Thank you, sir!"

"In the future, Mei Niang will dance for the husband every day!"

Wu Meiniang's cute words caused everyone to burst into laughter. This little girl is really well-behaved, and it's not bad to keep her by her side. At least Ji Han can make her look what she wants from an early age.

Maybe there will be one less queen in the world in the future!

One more mysterious and unpredictable immortal cultivator is unknown.

"Yangzi, make a pot of tea!" Ji Han suddenly ordered.


Yang Zi obediently agreed.

She sat on the side of the tea table, and started to boil water to make tea. All the movements were as beautiful as art, so many people couldn't help but observe secretly.

"This is the legendary electricity, right?" Princess Changping couldn't help asking: "It's really amazing that it can heat a kettle out of thin air.

"There are a lot of novel gadgets here." Ji Han said casually: "These will be taught by Yang Zi and Mu Shi later.


"Thank you sir!"

Princess Changping nodded happily.

After drinking for three tours, Ji Han said with a smile: "Now the development of Daqin and Datang is relatively stable. After Lao Zhu returns to carry out the big cleaning, the Ming Dynasty will also enter a period of stability!

"So now it's time to start developing new technologies, like steam engines!

"Steam engine?"

Everyone's faces were stunned, and they obviously didn't understand what it was.

"Sir?" Ying Zheng asked curiously, "Is this a new type of weapon? 99

"Technology does not only represent weapons. 35 Ji Han laughed dumbly and said, "Weapons are just a way to enhance national strength, as well as various scientific research, medicine, infrastructure and other aspects. "

"Steam engine is a machine that uses steam as the principle and uses coal as fuel. It can be applied to ships, making thousands of large ships run as fast as horses, and say goodbye to the trouble of wind direction and sails!"

"If it is used on land, it can create a train that can travel thousands of miles a day and transport tens of millions of tons of goods without the need for horses to pull it!"

"If it is researched, it will definitely bring great changes to the three dynasties!"

Ji Han's eloquent remarks made everyone smack their tongues secretly, is this steam engine so powerful?

But is it easy to develop? It sounds like it is very high.

Everyone knows that Ji Han will not give you things directly, everything has to be studied by the craftsmen under his hands.

This is giving them a headache!

"Sir!" Li Shimin asked curiously: "Is the principle of this thing complicated? Can our craftsmen develop it?

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded and said, "The principle of the steam engine is very simple, and it can be developed by any craftsman after thinking about it.

Ji Han picked up a piece of paper, rolled it up and inserted it into the spout of the kettle, completely blocking it.

After the water boiled, the lid of the pot immediately trembled wildly, and the violently tumbling boiling water overturned the lid, and the scalding boiling water spilled on the ground, scaring Yang Zi to avoid it again and again.

"What do you mean, sir?

Everyone was stunned, but Ji Han laughed.

"How? Did you see it? What did you see?" Ji Han pointed, "Did you observe that the lid of the pot was tossed over by something?


Everyone immediately became interested.

That's what Ji Han meant.

Wang Mushi chuckled and asked, "Sir, do you want to say that the lid of this pot was overturned by the steam?

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded: "When we boil water, it will generate violent steam. This steam is hot and hot, and it has high energy and great power."

"This is the principle of a steam engine. Think about it, if we design a large boiler, the bottom of the boiler can be filled with coal to make a fire. Once the hot water in the boiler is hot and steam, then we can use it. Is it? 39

"At that time, you only need to design a piston and a pipeline, and let the power of steam push the piston to move left and right, and you can use the principle of various gears to use this kinetic energy!

Ji Han writes and draws on paper while talking!

The ancient craftsmen were very smart. They had long understood the principle of using gears. Many ancient tombs had gears formed by gears. Daqin gears were especially good at this.

Once there is a stable 4.3 kinetic energy, combined with the guidance of this gear, wouldn't there be a stable force?

At that time, you only need to keep shoveling coal under the boiler, and you can make the train or steamboat keep flying. Don't these three dynasties have the technology of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

This seemingly unattainable thing, in fact, after breaking the principle, it is as simple as that.

"This steam engine doesn't seem to be too difficult. Let the craftsmen develop it when I go back, and try to get it out as soon as possible!"

"Hahaha, when it comes to this mechanical technique, there are quite a few ink practitioners under my command, and it just comes in handy.

"Yes! With the guidance of Mr., how difficult is this steam engine?"

Ying Zheng and the others were beaming with joy, and they all became very interested in this thing.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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