At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

239 Ironclad, the big killer of the ocean overlord! [5/7, please subscribe]

Ying Zheng and others have been with Ji Han for so long

Others may not have been learned, but this vision is still quite vicious, and he can see the great prospects of the steam engine at a glance.

If it is true that steamboats and trains are built as Ji Han said, the benefits are countless.

First of all, this train is enough to change the way of freight transportation in the three dynasties. From then on, there is no need to ride in a wagon from south to north, and there is no need for horses to pull the goods one by one.

If it is used to transport troops, it can get miraculous effects!

Transporting 100,000 troops thousands of miles away in one day will increase the control of the three dynasties over the frontier to the extreme.

"This steam engine must be developed! 39

The three of Ying Zheng secretly made up their minds, they believed that the craftsmen under their hands would never let them down.

"Once you develop this steam engine, your three dynasties will enter the steam age, which is definitely an epoch-making leap.

"In the future, in addition to trains and steam ships, you can also use steam engines to develop automatic textile machines and other 11 series of automation industries!

"Also, after the steam engine is installed on the ship, you can also develop an ironclad ship, so that you can be invincible in naval battles!"

"Iron armored ship?

Chongzhen immediately became interested!

Today's ships are all made of wood, can they still be made of iron?

"Sir, this iron is so heavy, doesn't it sink?" Li Shimin asked inexplicably.

"Yeah, this iron shouldn't be difficult to make a boat, right?"

"Wood boats are made of buoyancy, so if an iron block is thrown into the water, doesn't it sink?"39

Everyone was puzzled, apparently not understanding the principle.

Ji Han laughed dumbly, picked up an iron basin for washing vegetables and threw it into a nearby creek, only to see the iron basin drifting down the creek without sinking into the water at all.

"See, if it's an iron block, of course it will sink!" Ji Han shrugged: "But if it's shaped like a basin, a barrel, or a big ship, it will have extremely strong buoyancy, even more than Wooden boats are stronger."

"Imagine how terrifying it would be to have a warship as large as a thousand-year-old ship, made of stainless steel and equipped with more than 100 artillery pieces? 99

"Hehe, if I had one, I would dare to single out more than a hundred wooden boats of the same rank and hit them with full power, and all the wood would rot!

Ji Han's description made everyone drool!

Damn, this is a big killer.

If it can be developed, who will be afraid of in the sea in the future?

Chongzhen has the most say in this regard!

Today's Ming Dynasty is one of the most powerful naval overlords in the sixteenth century, and he dares to fight with any empire on the sea.

With this cannon alone, he is not afraid of any European foreigners.

But he is not invincible, if he really fights hard, he will inevitably kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

But if there is this iron armored ship, he is still afraid of the fart!

Even if there are only a few dozens of ships, and with one or two thousand wooden ships, he can sweep across the world's major oceanic powers.

"This iron armored ship must be developed!" Chongzhen said excitedly: "Sir, please enlighten me, how to develop this thing? Is it enough just to have a steam engine?

"The steam engine is the heart of a boat. With it, other problems are not a big deal!" Ji Han took a sip of tea and chuckled: "In the beginning, you can ask the craftsmen to build a piece of iron plate, and then hang it on the wooden boat. On both sides, it can protect ordinary solid shells.

"After the craftsmen are familiar with these craftsmanship, they can try to make an iron-clad ship with a whole body of iron. This thing is made of steel from beginning to end, and it does not need a wooden bar, so the difficulty is a little higher!"

"The difficulty is how to splicing pieces of steel plates together without leaking water. It can't use the tenon and tenon process like a wooden boat, it has to use hot riveting technology!


"What technology?"

Everyone was stunned and obviously didn't understand.

Chongzhen tried his best to understand, but with his cultural and technological level, he obviously couldn't understand this ranking.

Ji Han laughed dumbly, and wrote on the paper with a pen - the big characters of hot riveting technology.

"This technique is not difficult, just use a mold to make a piece of steel plate, and then leave a hole in the steel plate! Where the two steel plates are attached together, use an iron nail thicker than the thumb to pass through it, and then burn the red iron Nail and hammer it into shape!"

"This kind of nail will make the two iron plates fit better after cooling, and then use welding technology to weld the gap again, and then brush some boat paint on the outer layer!

Ji Han tries to explain this technique as simple and straightforward as possible!

With his writing and drawing, everyone will understand as soon as they hear it!

This hot riveting technology is actually not difficult, it is just hammering with red nails, and welding is not difficult!

Welding technology has appeared in ancient times more than 2,000 years ago. There are traces of welding on many swords and handicrafts, and the craftsmanship is very superb.

327 The final boat paint is even easier to find, and the paint that the shipyard paints on the wooden boat is very good, so wouldn't all the problems be solved?

"Wonderful, I didn't expect this iron-clad ship to be so simple, just go back and let the craftsmen develop it!

"Sir's words will make us better than reading a hundred years of books, hahaha!"

"I seem to have seen the ironclad ship beckoning to us, thank you sir!"

Chongzhen, Yingzheng and others laughed excitedly. Obviously, everyone was in a good mood after they understood these techniques.

Often Ji Han's casual instruction is enough to raise the technology and craftsmanship of the three dynasties to the level of more than a thousand years.

This is about to jump to the era of steam engines, how can everyone be unhappy?

"After I develop this iron-clad ship, I will definitely send hundreds of large ships to sweep across the countries, conquer the sea, and make my Daqin the largest empire of this era."

"Yes, hahaha! My Tang Dynasty must not fall behind!"

"Don't brag about it, two brothers, I haven't spoken yet in the Ming Dynasty, we must have developed it first!

Chongzhen and Li Shimin also laughed and joked constantly.

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