At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

240 Twelve-character mantras, why do you need to be benevolent and righteous to foreigners? 【6/7, pl

After some small talk

Ji Han has set the next road of technological research and development for the three dynasties.

Steam engines, trains, steam ironclad ships, these epoch-making products are the next research directions and priorities, which will greatly enhance the scientific and technological strength of the three dynasties.

It is believed that for a period of time in the future, Daqin, Daming, and Datang will become the overlords of their era, crushing other competitors under their feet.


"Sir knows a lot!"

"Mei Niang will also want to be as knowledgeable as her husband in the future. 95

The little girl Wu Meiniang exclaimed in a milky voice, Princess Changping and the girls looked at Ji Han with a hint of admiration.

This is such a fascinating man.

The three emperors are all respectful to him, how terrifying!

"Okay, don't be flattering, after this ironclad ship is built, the artillery can no longer be placed on the sides of the ship as before! 39 Ji Han chuckled and exhorted: "Once it takes up space, there are not many artillery pieces, and When you come to war, you can only face the enemy on one side, and the profit rate of artillery is not high!""


"Where are you not putting the sides?"

Chongzhen was immediately stunned.

In the Ming Dynasty, warships were opened on both sides of the cabin, and then the warships were placed, just like in the movie.

When the battle started, they would always face the enemy sideways, then fire in a volley, and then switch sides after three shots, and so on and so forth.

This kind of play is very backward!

If you build ironclads, you must not play like this.

"The artillery is placed on the deck!" Ji Han said: "The deck is open and the space is large. Anyway, the entire deck of the ship can be placed, and the cannons are installed one by one, so that the artillery is not afraid of being cut into the sea! "

"This cannon can create a kind of rotatable, anyway, our Shenwei cannon is not heavy, it can be rotated 360 degrees easily, and it can bombard the enemy in all directions without dead ends~々!"

"Imagine that when the enemy hits you, you have to fire sideways, and you can only use half of the artillery on the ship, but you have a wide field of vision on the deck, and all the artillery can be used. These hundred guns are equivalent to two or three hundred others. !95


"That's a great idea!"

Chongzhen's eyes lit up, and he slapped the table and laughed.

Just such a simple change can increase the combat effectiveness of a warship several times.

Even without ironclad ships, Chongzhen dared to single out any navy. This is really awesome.

"Sir, this hot riveting technique and the idea of ​​this fort are really amazing!" Chongzhen couldn't help but sigh: "It's hard for me to admire it or not, it is indeed the method of the Immortal Master!

"Speaking of this hot riveting technology, in fact, it can also be applied to the rails!" Ji Han said while enjoying the singing and dancing: "The rails are the tracks of the train!"

"After the steam engine is developed, it only needs to set up a locomotive, and it can drag a carriage and pull tens of millions of tons of goods."

"Of course, this train cannot change lanes like a carriage, because it is too heavy and can only travel on a relatively parallel track!

"So we need to ram the ground level first, then lay down gravel, then lay down blocks of sleepers, and then install the long rails!

"The rails will get stuck with the wheels of the train so they don't derail, and then when you pull, you can go fast!

Ji Han explained and searched with his mobile phone, showing the old train and the style of the rails to everyone!

The crowd was naturally shocked again!

However, this is actually not difficult. As long as the problem of the steam engine is solved, then the railroad trains are all pediatrics, and any craftsmen can make them.


Everyone smacked their tongues secretly, and everyone was full of surprise!

Everything Ji Han revealed in this talk and laughter shocked everyone, and it's hard not to admire such a method!

This is definitely enough to change the thinking of an era.

Of course, all of this is based on the eagerness of the steam engine. If the steam engine cannot be developed, then everything will be in vain.

Therefore, Chongzhen and others secretly made up their minds to step up research and development of steam engines when they went back.

"After the reshuffle of the Ming Dynasty, there are ironclads and trains again!" Ji Han commented with a chuckle: "By then, Lao Zhu, your life will be better!"

"Hahaha!" Chongzhen laughed and complimented: "This is Mr.'s credit, I remember it in my heart, thank you again, sir, I built this ironclad ship and immediately went out to sea to clean up foreigners.

Oh?" Li Shimin became interested and said with a smile, "Who are you going to hit?"

"It doesn't matter who you fight, the main thing is to fight!" Chongzhen sneered domineeringly: "Otherwise, why would I raise so many soldiers and horses? Of course it's aggression. Do you know what Dongyin Plating Company was established by these foreigners to invade and colonize everywhere? ?"

"Sir once said that the strength of a nation is destined to step on the blood and tears of other nations. I have a population of more than 100 million in the Ming Dynasty. How can I support it with only a few hundred million acres of land?""

"In these days, there are many natural and man-made disasters that are frightening. I don't invade alien races to grab money, food, and supplies, and I don't enslave them. How can everyone in the Ming Dynasty live a good life?"

Chongzhen's righteous remarks caused Ying Zheng and Li Shimin to nod again and again, apparently they also agreed with this point of view.

Ji Han burst out laughing!

This guy Chongzhen has learned fast enough. He has learned a lot about being ruthless towards foreigners.

For his point of view, Ji Han agrees with 10,000 people.

What kind of benevolence, righteousness and morality do you say to foreigners?

If you rob his mother, he will kill him if he refuses to obey, and enslave them severely.

It is the kingly way to use their blood, sweat and wealth to support hundreds of millions of Ming people and make them revere the Ming Dynasty.

"If you want to go to war, I have a suggestion for you! Ji Han pondered for a moment and then said, "This suggestion is just twelve words - attack from afar, attack with the enemy, control the trade! 35


Chongzhen's eyes lit up again, and he became interested again.

Could it be that Ji Han also pointed out the matter of war with the outside world?

"Far and close attack? Use barbarians to control barbarians? Trade control?" Chongzhen pondered these words and couldn't help asking: "Sir, what do you mean by this?

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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