At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

241 The brand new gameplay of using barbarians to control barbarians, cargo dumping war! 【7/7, pleas

Ji Han's twelve-character mantra

It seems simple, but in fact it contains infinite mysteries.

Everyone pondered, and for a long time they didn't know how many mysterious things were there, because everyone couldn't guess his mind at all.

"Actually it's not that difficult, most of them are literally!" Ji Han explained casually: "The principle of making friends from afar and attacking close is very simple, don't give up near and seek far, first fight Gaoli to destroy Jiannu to clean up Liaodong, and then take advantage of the situation to attack Dongying, Nanyue, etc. land, and finally hit the Western Hemisphere!""

"It is also simple to use barbarians to control barbarians. Someone proposed this concept a long time ago, that is, using aliens to govern aliens."

"But I use barbarians to control barbarians, but it's not in the ordinary sense of barbarians, but more advanced and flexible!"

"For example, if you have conquered Goryeo and Dongying, you can set up a slave army in Dongying, and then place it on the territory of Goryeo to manage the Koreans!

"Then collect a Koryo slave army and place it on the territory of Dongying to manage them, so as to avoid the problem of aliens being too big!


Everyone was secretly surprised.

This view is quite novel.

In the past, the 327 barbarians were controlled by the barbarians. After a land was built, the local aliens were used to govern their own people, so it was easy for problems to break out, and the aliens often made a comeback.

But now Ji Han, who uses the barbarians to control the barbarians, has solved this trouble in a new way. It is a good way to let the two ethnic groups supervise and control each other.

Once these slave soldiers are far away from their homeland, it is difficult for them to collude with their own people to rebel.

Second, they are unfamiliar in a foreign country, and if they want to survive, they must rely closely on the Daming defenders and be honest dogs!

Sanlai's slave soldiers are not facing their own compatriots, and they are more capable of ruthless attacks, which is more convenient to manage.

With Ji Han's coup, if they really knocked down Goryeo Dongying, the difficulty of enslaving them would be reduced a lot, and the success rate would be increased a lot.

"Dongying is a good place, rich in minerals and sufficient sunshine, which is very suitable for the growth of food crops, it is definitely a perfect granary!

"Koryo is also very good, with a lot of minerals, and Korean ginseng Korean sister, the location is quite good (bbed), suitable for warships to dock, and can control the Far East!

"These two places can be taken first, then Jiannu and Liaodong can be cleaned up, and the troops and horses of the Nine Frontiers can be reorganized, and the Ming Dynasty will definitely be full of vitality!""

As Ji Han commented eloquently, the blood in Chongzhen's heart was instantly stimulated.

If you say that, Dongying and Goryeo really have to fight.

"Sir, what do the last four characters of your twelve-character mantra mean?" Chongzhen continued to ask.

"Trade control is very simple!" Ji Han shrugged and said, "You can go and do business with them before you have time to play the east and west hemispheres!"

"Often only a few ironclad ships are needed to escort them, and a large number of private ships can be pulled across the ocean to do business with foreigners. One by one, the worthless ceramic tea leaves can earn sky-high prices when they go to the sea!

"It's the same with this stubborn old man, what they lack the most is tea, don't you take the opportunity to restrain their necks, are you stupid?

"Those foreigners who want tea and silk will exchange cattle, sheep, ore, and grain, but not gold, silver, or anything else. They will use our worthless things to exchange them for all kinds of materials, so as to strengthen their national strength and weaken each other. How cool is this? "

When Chongzhen heard the words, he immediately clapped the table and applauded!

"Wonderful!" Chongzhen said excitedly: "I always envy the grand occasion of Zheng He's voyages to the West. If I also ordered trade, I would definitely make a lot of money."

"Making money is a trivial matter, the focus is on the goods!" Ji Han said with a sneer: "Now European countries have not yet formed their own economic systems, using goods dumping to suppress their economies, keeping you safe!

"Cargo dumping?

Chongzhen was stunned for a while, obviously not understanding.

"Let's put it this way!" Ji Han explained seriously: "For the porcelain, tea, fine silk, etc. that they don't have, you have to raise the price to make huge profits!"

"But for things like ordinary cloth, which can be produced in other countries, you have to sell them in quantity and sell them at low prices!"

"Imagine what would happen if you put a lot of cloth into European countries like crazy? You can boost domestic employment and feed many people!

"Secondly, you will severely hit their local industries. Many of their fabric industries have to be destroyed by you. On the surface, it seems that foreigners are getting cheaper, but you are actually hitting their economy invisibly."

"Is this all right?"

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone is secretly horrified by this modern financial means.

It turns out that trading can be done like this?

Can finance also be a means of attacking the enemy?

"But sir, where do we get so many pieces of cloth?" Princess Changping couldn't help but ask: "It's not easy to weave cloth, and the annual output of the entire Jiangnan exceeds several million pieces. It's not too much to dump. Easy.

"Of course that's not enough!" Ji Han smiled and said, "But if a steam weaving machine is developed, the efficiency of this weaving will be increased by a hundred times, and then you can have as many pieces of cloth as you want, even for a penny. If I don't make a profit, I will also destroy the cloth industry of European countries!


Everyone took a deep breath.

If this is the case, this kind of trade dumping is really possible.

On the surface, it seems that the foreigners have taken advantage of it, but in fact, their pillar industries have to suffer huge losses. I don’t know how many foreigners who make a living will lose their jobs and cannot survive.

This move is really ruthless, it is really wonderful to weaken the strength of foreigners layer by layer.

"Thank you for your advice, sir, I'll take it down!"

Chongzhen bowed and saluted excitedly, he could be said to have benefited a lot tonight and gained a lot.

Now he can't wait to return to the Ming Dynasty, and hurry up to display his own series of plans.

"Chapter Seven Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets, Ask for All Kinds of Support",

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