At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

242 Time ratio adjustment, the second additional buff! [1/7, please subscribe]

After talking about business, after drinking and eating

Everyone played mahjong again, and the game ended in the middle of the night after 300 rounds of bloody battles.

"It's all gone, tonight is your first night here, all have a good rest! 35

"Mu Shiyangzi, the two of you take more care and teach them all the precautions in this mansion.

"If you have nothing to do, everyone rest!

Ji Han ordered casually, and the three hundred girls hurriedly said yes, they were indeed quite tired after working so long.

However, the Immortal Master didn't call them to sleep immediately, which made everyone a little disappointed.

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi quickly arranged for everyone to rest!

Now that there are so many palaces here, they can fully accommodate so many people. They also have to teach everyone to be careful about sockets, wires, and how to use water heaters and other things!

But Ji Han has a headache about how to arrange Princess Changping and Wu Meiniang.

"Well, you live in the room next to me!

“The view is good and the room is spacious.

Ji Han took them up to the observation deck on the second floor of the main palace, where his room was in the middle, overlooking the entire wonderland.

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi lived in the room on the left, Princess Changping and Wu Meiniang could live in the right room, and the two took care of each other. After all, Wu Meiniang was too young to live alone.

"Sir, can Mei Niang sleep with you?

"Mei Niang is afraid!"

The little girl stared at her big eyes with a milky voice, as if she didn't want to sleep with Princess Changping, which made everyone snicker.

This little girl really understands stickiness.

Ji Han fondly rubbed her little head and said, "Okay, you sleep with me for two nights first, Changping, you can rest by yourself! 39


Princess Changping was full of envy.

She wanted to take the place of Wu Meiniang to accompany the Immortal Master, but she was thin-skinned and was too embarrassed to say these words.

So I can only serve Ji Han to rest, and at the same time tell Wu Meiniang not to make trouble at night.

Busy till midnight!

The little girl finally fell into sleep sweetly and sweetly. She hugged Ji Han's arm, and her whole body seemed to have a sense of security.


"Congratulations to the master that the number of believers has exceeded 10 million!

"Your godhead is promoted to an intermediate godhead!"

In the dead of night, the system suddenly sent a prompt.

The godhead in Ji Han's body suddenly seemed to have grown larger, and the illusory posture became more solid, and a terrifying aura quickly radiated from his body.

He felt that the divine power that he could control seemed to have increased by more than ten times out of thin air, and all kinds of magical means had also increased a lot.

"Intermediate Godhead? 99

Ji Han secretly clicked his tongue, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Because the three dynasties are now building holy temples everywhere, every state capital has temples to worship him, and as his miracles continue to spread, more and more believers.

This has increased his divine power a lot, and the upgrade is reasonable, but Ji Han didn't expect it to be so fast.

"System, what are the benefits after the upgrade?" Ji Han asked in his heart.

"Go back to the master, the power level that the intermediate godhead can use has increased a lot!" The system intelligently replied: "But there are two new functions, you can try it!"

"One is that you can add a second state to the three dynasties, and the other is that you can adjust the time ratio with the three dynasties!


Ji Han immediately became interested after hearing this!

Holy crap, this is a great thing.

First of all, the three dynasties have now added a good weather buff, which has greatly enhanced their development. If a second buff can be added, then there will be many benefits.

As for the time ratio, Ji Han has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Although one day in this world is equivalent to seven days for the three major dynasties, sometimes he still feels that Lao Zhao and the others are developing too slowly. If he could adjust the time to make them pass faster, wouldn't it speed up in disguise?

Maybe when you wake up, the Ming Dynasty has already entered the era of steam and built a lot of ironclad ships.

··For flowers..

"Not bad, these functions are very cool! 95

Ji Han sighed with delight, he first adjusted the time ratio between here and the three dynasties to 1:30!

In other words, one day here, three dynasties are one month!

This time ratio is still good, it will not cause him to lose control of the three dynasties, and it can also develop at a good speed.

If there is anything urgent, Lao Zhao and the three of them can communicate with him directly, and they will not interfere with each other in any way.

Then, Ji Han added a second BOFF to the three dynasties!

The Daqin and Datang added a flourishing state, which could once again increase the birth rate of their domestic population and greatly reduce the infant mortality rate.

Between this increase and decrease, it is enough to make the annual birth population of the two great dynasties more than ten times faster than before.

It is believed that within thirty or fifty years, the Daqin and Tang Dynasty will have a population of over 100 million. Only then can they lay a solid foundation for a great empire.

As for the Ming Dynasty, Ji Han added a technological innovation BUFF to it!

This state can increase the scientific research and innovation ability of the Ming Dynasty by 50%, the research and development level of craftsmen by 50%, and the productivity of technological products such as guns and ships by 50%.

This is absolutely very important for the Ming Dynasty.

After all, the scientific research ability of the Ming Dynasty is now first-class. With it driving the Daqin and the Tang Dynasty forward, the three dynasties can develop faster and more fiercely.

"Perfect! 35

After Ji Han got all this done, he began to rest contentedly.

But he didn't know that when he was resting, there was a turbulent undercurrent in Dongshan City, and a large number of mysterious agents had already sneaked in.

Each of them is well-trained and has received a fatal mission, quietly lurking like a poisonous snake.

At the same time, huge bounties began to appear on the dark web. They were also aimed at Dongshan City. A lot of killers and terrorists were excited by these bounties.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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