At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

243 major events, a reward of up to 10 billion US dollars! 【2/7, please subscribe】

Dongshan City

Security Bureau headquarters meeting room

Once again overcrowded, a large number of elite police officers, experts and high-level officials gathered here.

Jiang Weiming, director of the Provincial Security Department, and Lin Jiamin, who has just been promoted to the deputy director of the Dongshan City Security Department, presided over the meeting.

"Why are you here this time? It doesn't seem like there's been a big case lately!"

"Yeah, it's really not easy to get a notice and climb over in the middle of the night. 99

"No, I just fell asleep.

Everyone talked in a low voice, and the conference room was noisy.

Seeing this, Jiang Weiming raised his hand and pressed it down, and said, "Everyone, don't be impatient, if there was no major incident today, I would never have called everyone here. Next, please introduce the situation to Director Lin!

"Everyone!" Lin Jiamin said solemnly: "Look at the big screen, now you are looking at the reward page of the dark web, and a total of 37 rewards have been found on this page!

"These bounties were sent from different countries and different organizations and forces, and the contents of the bounties were similar, all of which were to seek out the details and locations of the immortals in Dongshan City! 39

"These rewards range from tens of millions of dollars to hundreds of millions of dollars, and the total reward has exceeded 10 billion dollars, so it has also attracted a large number of killer organizations and terrorists!

"And according to the information we have obtained, agents from more than ten countries have infiltrated Dongshan City, and the secret missions they performed are also related to the legendary immortal! 99

Lin Jiamin's series of introductions immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

No one would have thought that Dongshan City had just made a wave of limelight, and so many people were staring at it at once, and this time it would be a big trouble.

"Aren't these dog things afraid of angering the cultivators?" An old police officer frowned and complained, "People can control the existence of Jiaolong, what if they get angry?"

"It is said that the world's top scientists have held a meeting in the past two days!" Lin Jiamin explained: "They all agreed that this is not a cultivator, but a genetic mutant, or an alien creature. 99

"What? Genetic mutants?

"Aliens? What are you kidding?"

"Even if they can't accept the legend of our Kyushu immortal cultivator, there's no need to belittle this existence so much, right?"

"Damn! How can these foreigners really think that he is an alien, and his whole family is an alien!"

Everyone complained in dissatisfaction!

Now many people in the country have already determined that there are legendary cultivators in Dongshan City, and everyone is excited and proud.

The arguments of these foreigners are clearly belittling people, who will be convinced?

Could it be that Ji Han, the legendary fairy who has lived for thousands of years, is just an alien creature?

But think about it, it's right, foreigners don't have the concept of cultivating immortals, and in their minds, they can only be understood as aliens.

That is to say, they don't have much awe for the immortal master Ji Han. In their eyes, this mysterious existence may still be the object of a study.

"These goddamn things are killing themselves!"

"I heard that an aircraft carrier fleet in the North Pacific has just been destroyed by Jiaolong, and the lighthouse country has been covering up this matter, and I thought we didn't know!

"Hehe, if they are courting death, let them court death!

Everyone sneered again and again, and all were a little gloating!

Jiang Weiming, however, knocked on the table and said solemnly: "Shu Jing, this matter is not so simple, the above has already issued a death order, these people must be cleaned up as soon as possible, and they must not disturb this adult!"5

"Now the General Administration of the National Security Department has sent a large number of elites, and the Southeast Military Region and the provincial military police have also sent a large number of helpers, ready to assist us at any time!

"We must confirm the identities and intentions of these people in the shortest possible time, and then wipe them all out. Do you understand?"

"Yes! 35

Everyone stood up and growled.

Everyone understands the importance of this matter.

If the assassins of secret agents disturbed the legendary cultivator and angered him, it might bring trouble to Kyushu, so everything must be nipped in the bud.

It's also an opportunity to perform!

Kyushu executives definitely want to take this opportunity to show their abilities to gain Ji Han's favor. Everyone knows this, so everyone is very positive..

Because this is a chance for everyone!

If you perform well, promotions and salary increases are all pediatrics.

"Don't be too happy, everyone! 99 Lin Jiamin reminded seriously: "After the Jiaolong incident, a large number of media, reporters, anchors, Internet celebrities, and netizens gathered in Dongshan City!

"There are also many foreign experts and tourist reporters coming, and now the hotels in the suburbs of the city are full, and there are at least tens of thousands of outsiders!

"It is difficult for us to investigate so many people in a short period of time, it is too easy for these killer agents to mix into the crowd, and we are very passive now.

"So I ask you to go all out, mobilize all your strength, and find these people immediately!"

"And these people are all armed. This mission is very troublesome and may be very dangerous. At the same time, we can't cause any casualties to the people. Do you all know?


Everyone agrees again!

But this time, there was no expectation on everyone's face, instead there was a trace of solemnity and worry.

Lin Jiamin's reminder is not without reason!

The Killer Special 4.3 workers were among so many people that it was very difficult to find them out, and they also brought weapons, all of them were amazingly effective.

This is a big battle, and it will be very cruel. I don't know how many comrades in arms will fall in a pool of blood.

"Everyone, go down and prepare, from now on, you will be on call 24 hours a day!"

"The personnel from the whole city and even the whole province were divided into groups of 12 and began to carry out carpet-style inspections of the whole city!

"All personnel are equipped with firearms and live ammunition. When encountering suspicious personnel, they can shoot directly without asking for instructions. Everyone pay attention to safety!

Jiang Weiming exhorted seriously, and everyone said yes!

After the meeting was disbanded, a silent battle began to unfold, and the entire Dongshan City secretly became more turbulent.

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