At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

245 Hunting in the dark night, the fear of the dark world! 【4/7, please subscribe】

Chengxi Yanjiang Road

An unremarkable high-rise rooftop

Seven or eight blond killers are hiding here to rest.

They belong to a European killer group called "Blood Hell".

This is a terrifying existence that ranks among the top ten in the world. The organization has hunted down countless big people and accomplished many impossible tasks.

The reward for this trip to Dongshan City was so generous, they were inevitably moved, and secretly sent someone to sneak in here to inquire about the information.

It's just that because of their large number and their blond and blue-eyed appearance, they didn't dare to stay in a hotel at all and could only lurk in this inconspicuous place.

It is very quiet here, the surrounding retreat route is good, the rooftop is no one coming, and the view is wide, it is really a very good hidden place.

But at night when they were about to rest!

A muffled hum suddenly sounded, and a killer in the crowd was suddenly blasted in the head, blood spattered, and the bullet made a big hole in the wall not far away.

"Fake, sniper!"

"Be careful!

"Damn! Hide! Hide!"

Everyone was terrified!

One by one, they hurriedly rolled and hid behind the wall.

No one expected to be targeted so soon.

The other party not only knew that they were hiding on the roof, but also sniped one of their companions from a distance.

The nearest tall building here is more than 1,000 meters. Could it be that the other party shot at such a distance?

The vision at night is not good, and the snipers encountered this time are too scary, right?

"Three o'clock, 1,600 meters away!"

"The other party is using Bartley, we have encountered a master, what should we do?

The killers were extremely anxious, and there was a hint of panic on everyone's face, because they sensed a hint of crisis.

Under normal circumstances, even if they encounter snipers, they will not be cowardly at all, and they can even shoot back easily.

But now the enemy is aiming at them like this, and their sniper rifles can't hit so far, and what's more important is that the other party is using Bartley. This kind of sniper gun-like existence wall can't stop it at all!

The advantages of terrain, terrain, and weapons are all on the opponent's side. This time everyone will be unlucky!


When the killers panicked, the other party fired another shot.


The bullets roared, and a large hole was punched out of the roof wall on the spot. The two killers hiding behind the wall were blasted out with a scream, and their bodies were already bloody when they fell to the ground.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

The other killers were so frightened that they rushed towards the stairs without hesitation.

Once the wall can't stop Bartley, when the other side blows up all the walls with one shot, everyone will die here.

Second, the other party has just fired a shot, and it will take time to fire the second shot, and the stairway is only a few meters away from everyone, and you can rush over with a single stride.

This is a silver lining, anyone who does not seize the opportunity will die.

But just as everyone rushed into the stairs and was about to escape, they saw a sword light.


A terrifying sword light burst out from the darkness!

A figure was already lying in ambush here, his body was strong and sturdy, he scurried forward like a ghost, and the short sword in his hand was outright drawn.

The next moment, the bodies of the killers froze suddenly, and after a few seconds of silence, one by one, clutching their necks, they fell into a pool of blood in pain.

Cold Night Killer kills from a distance!

The masters of the Qin family raided in the chaos!

This wonderful cooperation easily sent these seven or eight top killers into hell.

At this moment, a similar scene

Happening rapidly in different places.

Dilapidated houses, hotels, restaurants, bars, KTVs, bathhouses, and even some inconspicuous garbage dump, any hidden killers and secret agents cannot escape the cold night's eyes.

They had already mastered most of the enemy's information, easily found their opponents, and eliminated them decisively and ruthlessly.

It was like a precise hunt.

One after another, the secret agents who sneaked into Dongshan City were quickly eliminated, and not many people were disturbed from beginning to end. Only the police in charge of the aftermath were stunned.

When they rushed to the crime scene again and again after receiving the alarm, they always found one body after another, and most of them were headshots, and there were few traces of fighting at the scene.

What does this represent?

This clearly means that these agents were easily crushed, the opponents didn't take them seriously from the beginning to the end, and they didn't have the strength to resist when they were dying.

A terrifying dark storm seemed to be shrouded in the sky over Dongshan City. While many ordinary people were sleeping, no one thought that anyone would carry out such a terrifying hunting plan!

at the same time!

One after another, photos of the tragic death of an agent killer were posted on the dark web and caused a huge sensation.

Killer organizations, terrorist organizations, and high-level officials from various countries all over the world are scared to the point of tingling their scalps.

Such a large-scale hunting is still the first time to see, and it is said that Han Ye and the Qin family joined forces to do it. How many people were beheaded in Dongshan City, this is too terrifying?

Many organizations participating in this mission quickly ordered their own people to evacuate, but they were shocked to find that their people had already been killed, and none of them could be evacuated.

The entire Dongshan City seems to have become a bottomless pit. Anyone who enters it will be swallowed up quietly (alright, Zhao), and will become a cold corpse forever.

"..damn, damn, how could this be?

"How dare they fight against so many of our groups? Are they crazy?

"Sure enough, as in the legend, Han Ye and the Qin family are all die-hards of that guy!

"It's useless to offer more money this time, if you have your life to make money, be careful to spend it without your life!"

Many bosses cursed their mothers secretly, and fearfully gave up the idea of ​​taking over this mission. Who should dare to play this kind of hell-level difficulty mission?

The few people who go there will definitely be swallowed up by the cold night, but there are many people who go there. Are you a vegetarian place for the Kyushu Security Bureau?

Believe it or not, the army will surround you every minute?

Therefore, no matter whether everyone is convinced or not, they can only admit their failures in this open and secret struggle.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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