At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

246 Twelve Saints, is this the rhythm of doing big things? [5/7, please subscribe]

"News came from Team No. 3, and the target was successfully killed! 99

"News came from Team No. 6, and the target was successfully killed! 35

"News from Team 32, the target was successfully killed!

"The target of Team 72 fled and is currently being tracked, requesting support from nearby teams.

Victoria Hotel

Inside the Presidential Suite on the top floor

The three elders of Fu Lu Shou in Qinjia Village were happily playing chess and drinking tea, but the atmosphere in the hall was preparing for battle at this time.

There is a map on the big screen, and the many red dots on the map have dimmed. Several killers are constantly tapping and reporting in front of the computer, sending orders to other teams from time to time.

Shangguan Jian, Luo Dunhong, and Feng Muku stared at the map closely, listening to reports from their subordinates from time to time.

In this silent confrontation, they have achieved a preliminary victory, and most of the targeted killers and agents have been cleaned up.

With the cooperation of the top killers of Cold Night and Qinjiacun masters, these turkeys are no opponents at all. So far, more than half of the enemies, 327 people, have been killed!

It's just that the faces of Shangguanjian and the three of them have not been very good-looking, because they have not found a trace of the most important opponent, it is called - the Twelve Saints!

This is an ancient killer organization in northern Europe. It is said that it has been passed down for more than 100 years. It was secretly incorporated by the Lighthouse Kingdom more than ten years ago, and has since withdrawn from the killer world.

Ordinary people and even many young killers have rarely heard of their legends, and they disappeared for more than ten years as if they had evaporated from the world.

Their former fame has long been drowned in the long river of time, and is no longer remembered by the younger generation.

However, Shangguan Jian and the others received secret news that the Twelve Saints had been activated again and had already sneaked into Dongshan City.

They didn't worry about anyone this time, just worried that this group of people would do something, but no matter what channels they searched for, they couldn't find any trace of these guys.

Dongshan City is so big, it is not easy to hide some people.

It is even more difficult to find them in this city of more than one million people, even in the cold night, it is not easy to do, after all, they are not gods.

"If you can't find them again, something big will probably happen!" Feng Muku reminded with a frown.

"Let the No. 1 to No. 12 groups continue to hunt, and the other groups will all go out to find them!" Shangguan Jian gritted his teeth and ordered: "No matter what method you use, you must find them! 35

"These damned dog things can really hide." Luo Dunhong said angrily: "Don't be found by Lao Tzu, if you find them, crush them to death.

"Cabinet Master, there is a situation!" A killer suddenly exclaimed and reported: "We have been monitoring the computer network of the Dongshan City Security Bureau. A minute ago, we suddenly discovered that there was a mysterious email in their mailbox. 99

"Huh? 39

"What mail?"

"Quick, call it out and see! 35

Feng Muku and the three hurriedly ordered, only to see the killer typing quickly on the keyboard, and after a while, he quietly transferred an email.

This is the top professional hacker in the cold night, quietly invading the network of the Security Bureau, for them it is as simple as eating and drinking.

I saw that in this email, only a few large characters were written - at 8:00 in the morning, a ton of fireworks will be presented, please accept it with a smile!

The bottom image of this email is a pattern of twelve smiling skeletons. After seeing them, the faces of Shangguan Jian and the others turned extremely ugly.

This is the sign of the Twelve Saints!

They really came to Dongshan City, and they dared to take the initiative to challenge the Security Department.

What does a ton of fireworks mean, no one must understand?

These dog days are the rhythm of doing big things!

"Are they crazy?" Shangguan Jian said in shock: "Why are they doing this? This will kill a lot of people, aren't they afraid of angering the top officials of Kyushu? 35

"Haha!" Feng Muku said with a sneer, "These bastards have always been lawless, so they won't be afraid. As big as this matter is, they want to make trouble. 35

"Recently, a fleet in the North Pacific has been destroyed, and many merchant ships have mysteriously sunk in the waters of Dongying and Goryeo!" Lawton said solemnly: "These things are related to the dragons raised by the gods, and also related to the gods!"

"They can't find trouble with Jiaolong in the vast sea, and they will inevitably do something when they feel aggrieved in their hearts!"

"Moreover, the news of honoring the gods has recently been exposed, and a proud atmosphere has formed on the Kyushu website, which has led many foreigners to worship China and beautify the summer. This is not what they want to see."

"If you put a ton of fireworks here, you can get revenge, and you can divert people's attention, creating an illusion that God is not invincible, and attacking the morale of Kyushu. Do you think my analysis right?""

Luo Dunhong's remarks suddenly silenced everyone. Although everyone didn't want to admit it, this should be the truth that is closest to the truth.

It is really possible for these lawless bastards to do this, and since so many killers and agents have died this time, they are hiding in the dark like mice, and I am afraid they are already mad in their hearts.

In this way, it is not uncommon to make crazy actions.

"What should we do now?" Feng Muku asked with a frown.

"Yes? What should I do?"

Shangguanjian and the others were all stunned, it seemed that it was beyond their scope of handling.

What can they do now?

It's not easy to find each other with only these hundred and ten people, not to mention that it is less than three hours before dawn!

"Notify the security department!" Luo Dunhong said helplessly: "They may not understand what this means, nor how dangerous it is. We have to inform them if it is reasonable!"

"If it's still not done before eight o'clock, maybe I'll have to inform Zun Shen!" Feng Mu smiled bitterly and said, "At that time, I don't know what kind of anger the old man will be like?"

"Do your best to obey the destiny!

"That's all, let them know!

Shangguan Jian and Luo Dunhong were secretly anxious.

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