At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

247 Who can solve this problem? [6/7, please subscribe]

"What? Twelve Saints? Years

"A ton of fireworks?"

"How can this happen! 99

In the Security Department, Jiang Weiming was stunned and dumbfounded!

When Han Ye informed them of the situation, Jiang Weiming completely understood the crisis that was about to be faced. This was the rhythm of a major event.

Tonight's hunt, the top and bottom of the Security Division are clear.

At first everyone was quite shocked, but when it was analyzed that Han Ye was doing things, many people were secretly surprised.

It just so happens that there are so many killers and agents that everyone can't handle it. Han Ye is willing to help, and everyone is naturally happy.

They were working in front of them, and the Security Department was in the back to collect the corpses and control the scene. Although everyone had not communicated with each other, they cooperated extremely well.

But who knew that there would be a Twelve Saints now!

"Damn, are these bastards crazy?

"If they dare so much, I have to crush them to death! 35

"These lunatics, outlaws!"

Jiang Weiming was so angry that he grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it on the ground, scaring everyone in the conference room to stunned, no one understood why he was so angry.

Lin Jiamin, who knew the inside story, also looked ugly!

If in order to find out the details of the immortals, some killer agents were sent from abroad, she would not find it strange at all, after all, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

But the actions of the Twelve Saints are a little too crazy. This is the behavior of a lunatic. What are they trying to do?

Intimidating people? Or really trying to get things done?

Aren't they afraid of offending the top officials of Kyushu? Aren't they afraid of offending 1.4 billion people?

"Jiamin, could this news be fake?" Jiang Weiming frowned and asked, "What if the people in the cold night make a mistake? Or, this thing is really just fireworks, and people will scare us. ?99

"Old leader, do you dare to gamble?" Lin Jiamin asked bitterly: "Even if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance that this matter is true, do you dare to pretend that you can't see it? If something happens, your future will still be lost. Don't? 35


Jiang Weiming was speechless for a while, and cold sweat broke out subconsciously.

Lin Jiamin is right, does he dare to bet?

Even if there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance, does he dare to pretend he is invisible? Does he dare not to react?

What if it did happen?

At that time, how many innocent people will be killed and injured, does he, the director of the security department, still want to do it? He has his share in jail!

So whether it is true or not, he must react, and he must report this matter immediately!

"Quick! Jiamin, you will immediately mobilize your staff to conduct an overnight investigation of all the densely populated places in the city!

"Immediately close all public places that are still in business and disperse all crowds!"

"There are still two and a half hours before eight o'clock in the morning, hurry up, absolutely remove all dangers before eight o'clock, and dig out the enemy for me!

"I'm going to report this matter to my superiors soon, you go and arrange it!

Jiang Weiming ordered seriously!

Lin Jiamin's face suddenly turned ugly.

This guy is trying to make her take the blame for the rhythm.

If she is the director and doesn't take charge of this matter, let her take charge, then she will have to help carry a big black cauldron.

However, Lin Jiamin couldn't refuse, so she could only nod her head depressed and agreed!

After a while, the city's police force was busy again!

Everyone suddenly heard the earth-shattering news, everyone was stunned, and a tense search began in the dark night.

Although every police officer has been busy all night without rest, but at this moment, countless lives are involved, who dares to complain?

Everyone can only anxiously search around, trying to dig out the target through various means!

It's a pity that as time goes by every minute and every second!

Everyone has yet to gain!

Not only the legendary Twelve Saints were not found, but also the fireworks were not found, which made everyone secretly anxious.

This is how to do ah?

If you can't find it again, something big will happen.

··For flowers...

After Jiang Weiming reported the incident, the senior officials of Kyushu were also taken aback. This is the rhythm of a major event.

But there's nothing wrong with it in half an hour!

In such a big city with millions of people, how can you find it? In just a few hours, there is absolutely no way!

In the end, everyone had to choose to give up!

Everyone can only silently pray that the news is not true. If something really happens, it will be troublesome.

"We have to go to Jijia Village!"

Inside the Presidential Suite

The three Shangguanjian finally made up their minds after struggling for a while!

They can't do anything without disturbing Ji Han, this time it's really going to happen.

Now, besides the Immortal Master, who else can solve this problem?

Maybe other people will continue to comfort themselves, this matter is likely to be fake, but the three Shangguan Jian dare not!

These lunatics of the Twelve Saints do what they say, this must be true, and something must happen at eight o'clock, they must be stopped!

Even Shangguan Jian vaguely felt that this matter was not so simple, and the opponent might have a deeper calculation.

So in the end they decided to inform Ji Han!

After seven o'clock in the morning, when it was still bright, they drove to the outside of the small manor.

At this time, the small manor was still shrouded in fog, and from a distance, only a lush mountain and trees could be seen.

The three of Shangguanjian did not dare to break through, so they could only stand outside the fog and shout: "The pavilion master of the three pavilions of the world in the cold night, pay tribute to the venerable god, the situation is urgent, and the venerable god will forgive me!


Ji Han's puzzled voice, like a thunderous roar, appeared in their ears, causing them to be stunned.

The next moment, the fog spreads out a trail!

The three of them were sucked by a gentle suction and were pulled into the small manor in an instant.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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