At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

252 These dogs won't be slaughtered! 【4/7, please subscribe】

The Ming Dynasty at this time is somewhat similar to the later Kyushu!

It is also a dynasty that is keen on infrastructure and likes to crush everything by quantity.

When the first ironclad ship was launched and the trial sailing was successful, the same style of ironclad ships in the next two months will be released continuously!

One for two, three for four!

In just two months, Chongzhen had ten ironclad ships, and each ship was equipped with 120 Shenwei cannons of various calibers.

This kind of behemoth is like an ancient beast, and it is terrifyingly docked at the port. Compared with other wooden boats, it appears more domineering and terrifying.

At the same time, these ten ironclad ships have also become treasures in Chongzhen's hands, so that Zheng Chenggong wrote many times to transfer a few ships, but Chongzhen rejected them one by one!

What a joke, these are all things that are about to go out, how can they be scattered?

If you want to equip ironclad ships, I will equip you later. Now these ironclad ships must go out, and they are going to expedition immediately!

Chongzhen can't wait to know-?

With the gradual clarity of the domestic situation in the Ming Dynasty, everything was improving, the chaos gradually subsided, and the soldiers had almost finished their training.

When will I not go out at this time?

The Ming Dynasty had money, soldiers, guns, and cannons. In addition, the winter is bitterly cold, and the people are very sad. When will they not go to war or grab food?

As for what kindness and morality count as a ball!

Looking for an excuse, Chongzhen declared war on the mainland of Dongying as well as Goryeo and Jiannu.

As soon as the news came out, the government and the opposition were in chaos. Hundreds of officials objected. No one thought that Chongzhen would be so crazy!

First, there was a series of random killings in the north and south of the big river, and the blood was flowing into rivers, and there were many sorrows. Now they are about to send troops to fight. Isn't this crazy?

"Your Majesty, you can't. Dongying and Goryeo are the 10 non-conquerable countries designated by the Taizu. His old man once said that the descendants of future generations should not be easily conquered. This is disrespecting the ancestral system!

"Going to war everywhere is an act of contempt, this is a conscription for the subjugation of a country, and the Holy One must not be reckless!

"The direction of the wind on this boundless sea is uncertain, and the Holy One is the ruler of a country, how can he be steered and conquered by himself?"

"Think before you, sage, if you want to go on a personal expedition, just step over the old minister's corpse! 99

The Ming courtiers were opposed to each other, and in the end, even an old official like Shi Kefa stood up. First, he opposed him to go to war, and second, he opposed him driving personally to expedition.

In desperation, Chongzhen had no choice but to give up the plan of expedition by himself, and instead Li Dingguo led a 100,000-town naval regiment to conquer Jiannu and Gaoli by sea, and finally killed Dongying.

As for the land route, Cao Bianjiao and Sun Chuanting led the two armies northward to directly attack the capital of Jiannu, Shengjing, and the capital of Goryeo.

Sun Chuanting's Army of Suppressing the Country just wiped out Li Zicheng's troops two months ago. Now all parts of the Ming Dynasty have a new look, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. His Army of Suppressing the Country has been in battle for a long time, and its morale is high. It is the most suitable for battle!

The two armies attacked from land and sea, and Chongzhen really had the ability to swallow the three small ants around him.

"I ordered Li Dingguo to go out to sea immediately, kill from the sea to the hinterland of Jiannu, cooperate with the land attack, and remember to bring citrus and other items to the sea. The Immortal Master once said that eating this food at sea can prevent septicemia!"

"Instruct Cao Bianjiao and Sun Chuanting's army to immediately go north to fight Jiannu, and be sure to conquer Shengjing within a month!"

"Another 100,000 people are recruited to transport food and grass along the way, and the supply of food and grass must be guaranteed for the army, understand? 35

Chongzhen's series of orders, Wang Chengen quickly wrote down!

After the imperial decree is issued, the army will immediately start to attack Jiannu and other places. I believe that they will definitely be unable to stop this kind of terror.

Today's Ming Dynasty climate has become!

Under Ji Han's guidance, all kinds of domestic problems have been swept away, people's hearts are stable, and even military technology has made great progress. Who can resist this terrifying behemoth?

··For flowers...

Hundreds of thousands of troops were killed, and everyone would have a headache!

66'Your Majesty!" Wang Chengen reminded: "How to deal with the Liaodong Army in this battle? Did Cao Bianjiao and Sun Chuanting secretly clean them up, or sent them to fight Jiannu?"

"Of course we have to send them to fight Jiannu, not only to fight, but also to beat me ruthlessly!" Chongzhen said with a sneer: "The Immortal Master asked me to keep them and raise them before, and what I've been waiting for is today!

"Immediately send someone to send an order to let Hong Chengchou lead all Jiliao troops to kill Jiannu. If they dare to find an excuse to delay the time, or be passive, let Sun Chuanting and Cao Bianjiao kill them!"

"If they fight to the death, I can give their family a chance!

Chongzhen sneered and decided the fate of Wu Sangui and others!

Now he has guns and artillery, strong horses, and the Liaodong faction is still those old sleeves and cold weapons, how to fight him?

They only perish except perish!

There is simply no third way.

If you obediently go all out, you may even save your family's lives. If you dare to steal and play tricks, you will have to exterminate their nine clans with an excuse. These people will not be wronged no matter how much they kill.

"Your Majesty!" Wang Chengen smiled sullenly on the side: "If you want to use them, I'm afraid you have to be careful that they take refuge in slaves, these dogs will not be slaughtered!"

"Ha ha ha!"" Chongzhen sneered again and again: "I wish they would take refuge in Jiannu, no matter how they jump, they will have to kill themselves in the face of absolute power!"

"You immediately send someone to pass a secret message to Sun Chuanting and Cao Bianjiao, telling them to be careful, they are all smart people, and they naturally understand how to do it!


Wang Chengen quickly agreed!

With the transmission of the imperial edicts, the huge war machine of the Ming Dynasty also started!

Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians began to devote themselves to this war that was enough to go down in history.

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