At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

253 The fangs of the Ming Dynasty, Dorgon's countermeasures! 【5/7, please subscribe】

The early fourteenth year of Chongzhen

The cold north is still windy and snowy

In this severe cold climate, the Ming Dynasty decided to send troops north and go straight to the Jiannu base camp to kill!

Cao Bianjiao and Sun Chuanting, one after the other, rushed out from Xifengkou, intimidating Meng people all the way, and killing Shengjing!

Hong Chengchou, Wu Sangui and others did not dare to neglect the imperial decree. They mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops and rushed to Shengjing. In just a few days, they fought bloody battles with Jiannu many times. Both sides suffered casualties. .

The 100,000-strong naval regiment led by Li Dingguo took ten ironclad ships and 500 large ships of more than 1,000 materials to attack Liaodong Bay.

After easily defeating Jiannu's junk fleet with only a few dozen broken ships in World War I, Li Dingguo left an army to guard the fleet's ships, and then "327" himself led the troops of the two armies to enter from the camp entrance!

Yingkou was only more than 300 miles away from Shengjing. This place already belonged to the hinterland of Jiannu, and Jiannu was now facing the enemy.

Such a four-way army attacked together, as if four sharp knives were inserted into the enemy's heart, frightening the Jiannu all up and down in an uproar, because no one expected Chongzhen's means to be so explosive.

After the last war, Huang Taiji died tragically!

Dorgon supported Fulin in the upper position, Jiannu has not been relieved, and there are only 40,000 to 50,000 elite children of the Eight Banners!

The Mongolian and Han Eight Banners, the Goryeo Eight Banners, and the Dongying Eight Banners have captured a lot of cannon fodder in the past few months, and the number has recovered to more than 100,000, but their combat effectiveness is quite weak.

It is conceivable that the fighting power of the Jiannu two Tartars is not high.

The consequence of a hasty confrontation is successive defeats, and the troops and horses from all over the world will collapse at the touch of a button, and the attack of the Ming Dynasty cannot be stopped at all!

Today's Ming Dynasty is ferocious and scary!

Not to mention the soldiers of Li Dingguo, Cao Bianjiao, and Sun Chuanting, Hong Chengchou, Wu Sangui and the others attacked like crazy in order to survive.

All the way to siege the city and pull out the village, there is no one who can stop it!

When the news came to Shengjing, a wave of terrifying despair began to spread everywhere, and many Jiannu realized that it was not good, and the senior members of various tribes also changed their expressions!

"Damn it! How could this be? When did these dogs become so scary?"

"It's not right. It used to be said that the Qing Dynasty was dissatisfied with the ten thousand, and the ten thousand were invincible. Now they dare to attack us?"

"Who gave the guts to these darn bastards? Lao Tzu is going to kill them! 99

Inside Shengjing Palace

The owners of the Eight Banners roared in exasperation.

On the dragon chair sat the fearful Fulin, while Dorgon stood aside with a gloomy face, a hint of impatience hidden in his eyes.

Since Huang Taiji imitated the Ming Dynasty to establish the imperial court, the court of Jiannu has had a bit of atmosphere. After Huang Taiji's death, Dorgon supported Fulin and became the actual controller of Jiannu!

Seeing how these reckless eight-banner banner owners were screaming, Dorgon's face was full of impatience and disgust. These brainless things, did they think they could retreat from the enemy with a few shouts?

"It's all a bunch of stupid pigs, but it's a pity that Fan Wencheng and the others have been cut alive by Chongzhen, otherwise I wouldn't even have anyone to discuss!"

Dorgon was secretly angry!

Seeing that everyone was getting more and more noisy, he was angry and scolded: "What's the noise? Can the noise solve the problem? Now that the Ming Dynasty has the advantage of firearms, have you forgotten the last war?

Dorgon's scolding made everyone calm down!

On the one hand, everyone was afraid of his power, and on the other hand, they also remembered the scene of being beaten by Chongzhen last time. The power of this artillery and flintlock gun is still frightening!

"Now that Li Dingguo's troops have come from Yingkou, they have conquered Dongchangbao, Tashanpu and other places all the way, unstoppable!

"Sun Chuanting and Cao Bianjiao's troops will attack from Xingwangtun and Mashibao!

"The most abhorrent thing is the army of Hong Chengchou and Zu Dashou. They have killed more than 100,000 people from Jinzhou to Panshanyi, Liaohe and other places, and now they are approaching Shengjing!

"The enemy is coming, with a total of 500,000 troops, and our troops are scattered all over the place, how can we resist?

Dorgon made a series of roars, pointing to the map for everyone to take a closer look, and everyone was again frightened into a cold sweat.

"Prince Regent!" Fulin asked fearfully, "What should we do now? It is not easy for us to repel any of the four armies. It is better to seek peace with Daming. I am willing to honor Daming as your father! 39

"It's useless! 35 Dorgon shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Chongzhen is a ruthless bastard. According to our spies' report, he beheaded no less than a million people throughout the Ming Dynasty, and it is impossible to make peace! 99

"Then what should we do?" Fulin said in horror, "Are we going to fight them to the end?"

"We must fight to the end!" Dorgon sneered coldly: "We must not report the slightest bit of luck, although our number is not as good as them, but if it is freezing cold today, the terrain is extremely beneficial to us!

"I suggest giving up other places, withdrawing all the troops to Shengjing to guard against it, and resolutely implement the strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields, and lengthen the supply line of the Ming army!

"Their 500,000 soldiers have to consume a huge amount of food and grass every day to eat horse chews. As long as it is delayed for a month, they will definitely retreat, and then we can easily regain the lost ground!"

Dole 4.3 Gun's remarks made everyone heave a sigh of relief!

If this is the case, there is hope to hold on to it. After all, if you rely on Shengjing's strict defense, you will have a chance to defend even in the face of several times the force.

"The regent's words are wonderful!" Fulin said excitedly, "I'll leave everything to my uncle!"

"Don't worry, the emperor, the old ministers will definitely defend Shengjing!" Dorgon clasped his fists and shouted: "I also ask the emperor to immediately order all the ministries to return to help, and ask men over the age of fourteen and under the age of sixty to report immediately to the headquarters of Niu Lu. We must gather the strength of the whole country and fight to the end with the Ming Dynasty!"

"Blood battle to the end!

"Blood battle to the end!

The other eight flag owners were hysterical with excitement, and their momentum was aroused one by one.

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