At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

254 Black belly, are you all so shameless? 【6/7, please subscribe】

This war of annihilation

No one is right or wrong, and there is no room for relaxation.

The Ming Dynasty and Jiannu have long been mortal enemies, and the feud between the two sides can't be finished for a day and a night, so there is no possibility of peace talks other than a bloody battle to the end.

Under Dorgon's order, all parts of Jiannu began to actively prepare for the war. Men over the age of 14 and under 60 were forced to join the army. Many children were less than one meter five, and they joined the emergency training with bows and arrows ignorantly. middle.

at the same time!

The soldiers and horses from all over Jiannu also fought and retreated!

Food, horses, and even people from all over the country were evacuated urgently, and they were all concentrated in Shengjing and the surrounding towns and villages dozens of miles away.

Dorgon built the surrounding area of ​​Shengjing into an iron barrel-like defensive front, with tens of thousands of elites from the Eight Banners, hundreds of thousands of Mongolian and Han Second Tartars, and hundreds of thousands of children and soldiers who had just joined the army. In this huge defensive circle.

Seven days later, the four-way army reached Shengjing dozens of miles away without hindrance.

Looking at the Jiannu line of defense, which was relying on Hunhe, Shaling Fort, and Pingluo Fort, everyone couldn't help but sneer.

The Jian 11 slaves who used to be awesome are also today? It's really funny to say!

In the past, they regarded Daming as a place for threshing grass, and they came to take a bite when they were hungry, and to drink blood when they were thirsty.

"It's ridiculous! Cao Bianjiao disdainfully said: "Isn't it saying that the Qing army is dissatisfied and invincible? Don't be a tortoise, who is better than Laozi's gun!


Many soldiers around burst into laughter!

At this time, the recruits of the Tianwu Legion had already become sophisticated and bloodthirsty after going through great purges again and again. Facing the once very terrifying Jiannu, now everyone is unafraid!

The guns and guns in his hands give everyone absolute confidence, and even if they face off against each other, they will never be afraid!

"General Cao, how to fight this battle? Is there a charter?" Sun Chuanting rode his horse over with a smile.

He was about forty years old, with a black armor and a burgundy cloak, followed by more than a dozen personal soldiers, looking majestic and full of energy.

"General Sun!" Cao Bianjiao hurriedly clasped his fists and said politely: "This Jiannu has put on a posture of strict defense, this battle is not easy to fight, it is better to set up camp first!"

"Alright, send the order to set up camp!" Sun Chuanting waved his hand and ordered his own soldiers: "Let's invite General Li and Governor Hong to come over to discuss the situation!""


The personal soldiers agreed and quickly rode down to report!

After a while, huge military camps were set up on the south bank of the Hunhe River, and a large number of soldiers began to repair and prepare for the battle.

Hong Chengchou and Zu Dashou brought dozens of personal soldiers to the Tianwu Corps camp to discuss the military situation.

"Everyone, be careful, the sage has always been dissatisfied with us, this time it's a lot of trouble, we can't find a chance for the other party to take action." Hong Chengchou whispered.

"Haha!" Zu Dashou said calmly: "Don't panic, although we didn't bring many people here, but Sangui and the others are still holding the army in the barracks. won't attack us.


Hong Chengchou breathed a sigh of relief, and then he calmly stepped into the main army tent!

As expected, there were no swordsmen and axemen in the tent. Li Dingguo, Sun Chuanting, Cao Bianjiao, and more than ten lieutenants were studying the sand table.

Seeing Hong Chengchou and others coming in, Sun Chuanting smiled and greeted him: "Governor Hong, General Zu, we haven't seen each other for many years! 99

"General Sun!"

"General Cao! 39

"General Lee!"

Hong Chengchou didn't dare to be arrogant at all. Together with Zu Dashou, he greeted everyone with a smile. The atmosphere at the scene seemed very enthusiastic.

But in the dark, everyone is on guard!

On the bright side, this Hong Chengchou is the highest level here. It stands to reason that he should be arrogant, but he dare not, everyone is smart.

"Governor Hong, how would you like to fight this battle?" Sun Chuanting asked with a smile.

"Yes, please also ask Governor Hong to make a charter!

Li Dingguo and Cao Bianjiao looked over with a smile that was not a smile, and a dangerous light flashed in their eyes. If they dared to fight, they would not be able to get out of here.

"Ha ha!"

Hong Chengchou laughed dryly, naturally he didn't dare admit it!

He didn't even think about it, and said decisively: "This Jiannu is surrounded by Shengjing, what else is there to say? Our army will crush it together!"

"Not bad!" Zu Dashou also pretended to be arrogant: "My Liaodong Army is willing to rush to the front, let us go up wherever it is difficult, just need your support!

"Okay!" Sun Chuanting laughed loudly: "The order given by the sage is to lay down Shengjing and destroy Jiannu within a month. At this time, more than half a month has passed, and we must complete Order 327 within ten days!

"Since General Ancestor voluntarily rushed to the forefront, we can't help but give the general face, and here we wish you all victory!"


"I wish the Liaodong army a victory!

"We will definitely cheer for you!"

Cao Bianjiao and Li Dingguo complimented with a smile.

Zu Dashou and Hong Chengchou's faces suddenly turned uglier than eating shit.

Holy crap, is it that dark?

I'm just being polite!

Only fools want to rush to the front, are you all so desperate?

"Everyone, this Liaodong army has just gone through a major war!" Hong Chengchou said with a smirk, "Would you like to add igniters and artillery to us, or give us some grenades!

"Firearms? We don't have many in the army!

"Yes, we also consume a lot!"

"In this way, after this battle, I will definitely ask the Holy Master to equip you with a full range of firearms! 35

"General Zu, Governor Hong, this battle is entirely up to you!

Sun Chuanting, the three old foxes, perfunctory happily, Zu Dashou and Hong Chengchou almost fainted again.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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