At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

255 If I keep playing like this, can I really last for a month? [7/7, please subscribe]

"Bastard, these bastards have to force us to die!"

"Could it be that our Liaodong Army was raised by a stepmother? You bastard!"

"Sun Chuanting, wait for Lao Tzu, don't fall into Lao Tzu's hands in the future, or I will kill you! 39

After Zu Dashou and Hong Chengchou returned to their barracks, they were so angry that they cursed and smashed cups and bowls!

The other generals of the Liaodong Army were furious when they heard about this!

"How can this be possible?" Wu Sangui said anxiously: "Everyone, these soldiers and horses are all of our family. If we rush to the front, we will definitely be madly counterattacked by Jiannu, we have to clear them all!

"Yeah, these dogs don't treat us like humans at all, they just want to force us to die!"

"Lord Governor, this matter can't be left alone, can it?"

"Why are we rushing to the front?"

"Te mother, let's do it the other way around, I don't want to suffer from this kind of bird's arrogance!""

The other generals also screamed in anger!

Zu Dashou heard that his face was gloomy, and he slapped the table and roared: "Do you think Lao Tzu wants to be cannon fodder? Our Liaodong Army is raised by his mother's stepmother, and the emperor has long been upset with us. Know!

"Believe it or not, you dare to be passive and relentless in the front foot, and Sun Chuanting and others dare to shoot you in the back foot, and more than 200,000 troops are staring at us from behind, all with brand new flintlock guns in their hands!

"Whoever you motherfuckers thinks they can beat them will go to hell, I won't stop you, but you better think about your family!"

"If you make trouble here, Jinyiwei and Dongchang will immediately seize your family and exterminate them. Do you dare?"

Zu Dashou's series of scoldings immediately calmed the scene, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and all fell silent.

"But uncle~々!" Wu Sangui said unwillingly: "Should we just be cannon fodder?

"Yes, we only have this way!" Zu Dashou affirmed: "Don't think about passive slack, and don't think about taking refuge in Jiannu, it's useless, this is a dead end!"

"The situation is stronger than people, so I have to admit it!" Hong Chengchou patted Wu Sangui on the shoulder and comforted: "It's okay, as long as we fight hard enough, this old man will find some old friends to clear up the court, maybe After the war, we can still make a first contribution!

"At that time, we only need to go back to the Holy One or two, and then maybe we can also be equipped with a full set of firearms!"

"You are still young, and the days are still long, there will always be a day when you will let out this breath!"

Hong Chengchou's remarks completely set the tone of the matter. Although Wu Sangui was not convinced, he could only nod his head in agreement.

After everyone discussed it, they immediately buried the pot and cooked rice!

The soldiers feasted and immediately began the battle.

"Brothers, kill!"


Earth-shattering screams of killing sounded on both sides of the Hun River!

Now the river is still frozen, and it is not difficult for people to step on it to cross the river. The mighty army of hundreds of thousands rushed over.

"Kill! 35

On the other side, several phalanx defenses were already arranged, including the elites of the Eight Banners riding high-headed horses, and the Second Tartars and recruits holding the banners.

In the sound of war drums and shouts of killing, the two sides rushed together frantically. Many recruits did not react at all, and were carried into the battlefield, facing all kinds of swords, lights, swords and shadows!

Crossbows and old sleeves are constantly erupting on this battlefield!

Archers, cavalry, and more, they are constantly fighting!

Hundreds of thousands of people were strangled together, vying for every hill, every inch of land, corpses and broken limbs all over the ground, setting off this place like hell.

In the distance, Sun Chuanting and others are watching the battle with binoculars!

After seeing how brave the Liaodong army was, they all laughed, because this was exactly what they wanted to see.

"Send the order down, fire the cannon!"

"Aim behind the enemy and hit me hard!"

"Two generals, take action, take it easy, and play this battle slowly!"

While Sun Chuanting gave the order, he warned with a smile.

Li Dingguo and Cao Bianjiao nodded, and hurried down to let their troops attack.

The artillery positions of the three major legions were quickly constructed, and the rumbling artillery fire continued to smash into the rear of the enemy, washing the ground over and over again, and bombing the enemy's corpses everywhere!

Even occasionally, shells of Shenwei artillery smashed into Shengjing City, scaring the people in Shengjing City into panic!

Sun Chuanting's three soldiers and horses began to flank and nibble constantly. They were not in a hurry to fight with the enemy, but formed a battle formation to fight steadily, constantly using the advantage of the flintlock to solve the opponent!

With the advantage of this weapon, Jiannu's soldiers and horses suffered heavy losses, and the Liaodong Army also suffered heavy losses, but the soldiers and horses under Sun Chuanting's three men could be described as zero losses!

Shengjing City Wall in the distance!

Dorgon led someone to observe the battlefield with a monocular, and his face became more and more ugly.

Condescendingly, they could see clearly.

The Liaodong Army and the Jiannu Army were dying all the time, but Sun Chuanting's three-man army was not damaged at all, and they continued to line up to fire their guns steadily, so they couldn't fight!

Can I keep playing like this for a month?

"..Damn, we can't fight them in the field, these bastards' firearms are terrible, and our people have suffered heavy casualties!"

"It's a pity that the Tianyou Camp was wiped out last time (alright Zhao), otherwise we could at least return a few shots!"

"Prince Regent, what should we do now? It's not the way to fight like this, or you should go back to the city and defend!

The owners of the Eight Banners cried out in distress!

They saw with their own eyes that their soldiers and horses were bombarded by artillery again and again. This is their elite, and the loss is too tragic.

Keep fighting like this?

Not long after the start of the war, they discovered that the defensive circle they had worked so hard to set up was shit.

"If you can't keep it, you have to keep it, keep killing!

Dorgon roared unwillingly, and Jiannu's army of hundreds of thousands could only bite the bullet and continue to fight.

Outside this icy city of Shengjing, countless people have fallen in a pool of blood forever.

"Today Chapter Seven, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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