At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

257 Jiannu is completely extinct, the world is sensational! 【2/7, please subscribe】

The siege battle of the three major armies is completely different from that of the Liaodong Army!

They are reluctant to use the precious lives of soldiers to pile up.

Because every soldier's life is very precious, not only does it require dozens of taels of training costs, but also 36 shi of rice, or two or three hundred taels of pensions!

Chongzhen had already issued an order!

Those who can bombard indiscriminately, never use human life to pile them up.

In the words of Ji Han, it is to change the thinking of war and abandon all ideas in the age of cold weapons, and whoever dares to rush will have to be punished.

Under this high-pressure policy, the three major legions naturally have their own unique ways of sieging cities.

"The artillery position, the target city wall, three consecutive shots!

Boom boom boom!

More than 100 large-caliber Shenwei cannons and thousands of mortars had been prepared, bombarding the city wall wildly.

The roaring sound of the explosion shook the entire radius of a hundred miles, the ground was cracking, and the city wall was constantly collapsing.

A large number of Jiannu screamed and were blasted to pieces, or buried under the ruins of the city wall. There was no one alive within a hundred meters of the city wall. The scene was terrible!

"The whole army assault formation, alternately cover, come on!"

After another order

I saw the soldiers of the three major legions take cover alternately, stepping through the seemingly scattered and dense formations, and began to step through the ruins of the city wall and enter the city.

The Jian slaves in the city were frightened and trembling!

They were all blocked in the streets, or hiding in the houses to prepare for street battles with the Ming army.

Unfortunately, they faced a terrible massacre.

The Ming soldiers began to clean up the streets and lanes of the whole city with a squad platoon as the base, and they threw a few grenades when they encountered a crowd of people.

Encountering a house where the enemy may be hiding is a burst of gunfire!

When encountering a narrow alleyway, he would carry a shotgun to search and advance. Any Jiannu who wanted to sneak attack would be blasted away by this domineering indiscriminate attack, and he was hit with bullet holes all over his body, and the scene was miserable.

Under the crushing of this epoch-making weapon, the Jiannu army was defeated layer by layer, and there was no way to escape at all.

Half an hour after the Daming army invaded the city, the Jiannu army suffered heavy casualties, and countless people were so frightened that they knelt down and surrendered, and they had no desire to resist.

Inside the palace, Fulin, Concubine Zhuang and the others were so frightened that they shivered.

Now there are fires all over the city, all kinds of screams are endless, and it seems that the situation is not very good.

"Report! Report to the emperor, Prince Zheng Jier Harang!"

"Report! The whole army with the blue flag was wiped out, and no one survived!"

"Report! Prince He Shuosu died in battle, and the entire Zhenglan Banner was wiped out!"

One battle report after another, urgently sent to the palace!

Everyone was so frightened that their scalps went numb and their mouths stunned.

Concubine Zhuang pulled Dorgon and said anxiously, "Prince Regent, what should we do now? Think of a way!"

"Go out!" Dorgon gritted his teeth and said: "Gather the elites of the Eight Banners to charge with me, let's go out and go to Goryeo!

"To Goryeo?"

Everyone was shocked, no one expected Dorgon to be so decisive.

Did Shengjing just abandon it like that?

"I can't hold it anymore, I have to go!" Dorgon said helplessly: "We still have tens of thousands of troops in Goryeo, and we can still delay for a few days if we retreat now. If we don't leave, everyone will die here!

"Yes, yes, the regent is right, let's go!"

"Quickly gather troops and horses, withdraw!

Fulin and Concubine Zhuang anxiously agreed.

At this time, they didn't have time to think too much, they just wanted to kill them quickly.

Dorgon stopped talking nonsense, and immediately gathered the remaining elite troops and went straight to the north gate to kill.

At this time, the city was in chaos, and there was no one to stop them.

Dorgon led tens of thousands of troops and easily passed through the north gate, trying to escape to Goryeo.

But as soon as he left the gate of Shengjing, Dorgon's face changed greatly, because a large number of Ming troops had already been deployed outside the north gate.

Sun Chuanting rode on a high-headed horse, his face full of playfulness, and looked down at Dorgon, as if he was looking at a mentally retarded.

"You don't think we can let you go easily, do you? What if you escape to Goryeo?"

・・For flowers.......

"To tell you the truth, whether you fled to Korea or Dongying, they are all on my list of conquests of the Ming Dynasty this time!

"So accept your fate, don't humiliate the reputation of your ancestors, don't make us look down!

Dorgon blushed when Sun Chuanting spoke!

He slowly drew out his saber and roared: "Kill your sons!"


The last elite of the tens of thousands of Jiannu let out a hysterical roar, and rushed over on their horses.

At this moment, everyone knew that they couldn't escape. They only had two choices: deadly useless and deadly heroic. Under the leadership of Dorgon, they rushed towards the opponent frantically.

"Ha ha!

"It's still a man, kill it!"

Sun Chuanting waved his hand in satisfaction, and the soldiers surrounding him in all directions began to frantically pull the trigger.

bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of gunshots, the roar of artillery, and the explosion of grenades are endless!

When the dense firearms army was ready to meet a pair of cold weapon opponents, all that was waiting for them was the massacre. The soldiers of the Township Legion calmly fired, loaded, and fired again!

So repeatedly, the bullets are endless and dense like rain!

Coupled with the countless shells smashing into the crowd, the open space outside the north gate of Shengjing City suddenly turned into a hell on earth.

In such a narrow place, the surrounded Dorgon army was only slaughtered except for being slaughtered, and all the soldiers fell on the way to charge.

Half an hour later, Jiannu, the last elite, was wiped out!

Dorgon died in battle! Fulin and Concubine Zhuang were arrested, and there were countless other high-ranking officials and two Tartars who surrendered.

This also heralded the complete demise of Jiannu, and the Ming Dynasty officially recovered the land thousands of miles in the north.

The news is back to Daming!

The capital is sensational, and the world is sensational.

Countless people were excited and praised, and Chongzhen's reputation once again soared to a peak.

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