At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

258 The crazy output of the Ming Dynasty, Dongying is desperate! [3/7, please subscribe]

After the Shengjing War

Li Dingguo, Sun Chuanting, and Cao Bianjiao are busy with each other!

Li Dingguo led the township navy regiment back to Yingkou, boarded the battleship, and went straight to the mainland of Dongying to kill.

Sun Chuanting led the Zhenguo Army and went straight to Goryeo to kill!

Cao Bianjiao, while escorting the Liaodong army back to the capital, sent people to suppress the remnants of Jiannu in various parts of Liaodong, guarding various prisoners and trophies, and was very busy.

The demise of Jiannu indicates that most of the war has been completed.

At this time, Goryeo and Dongying were weak chickens, and they were often bullied by Jiannu. For example, Goryeo was often enslaved.

Sun Chuanting killed a legion and easily pacified Goryeo.

As for the mainland of Dongying, it is not difficult. With the fleet under Li Dingguo crushing it, the overall situation of the "327" in this battle is already doomed!

seven days later

The naval fleet led by Li Dingguo swaggered around the entire Eastern Ying mainland, and finally killed Edo!

One of his actions is to frighten Dongying, and secondly, he is to directly attack the opponent's nest and make the people of Dongying unable to escape!

As long as their fleets are routed, and their main forces are eliminated, then the Ming army's control of this land will become very easy.

Sure enough!

The news of Jiannu's defeat in the battle had already reached Dongying.

Especially when Li Dingguo took the fleet to spare Dongying for a week, it was even more frightening that the mainland of Dongying panicked, and both the military and civilians could not help but panic.

Tokugawa Iemitsu of the shogunate immediately ordered to prepare for war.

When Li Dingguo's fleet arrived near the Edo waters, thousands of large and small ships, as well as hundreds of thousands of shogunate troops had already assembled and were ready to fight stubbornly.

When Li Dingguo saw this scene, he immediately laughed!

Most of the ships of the Eastern Ying people are ridiculously small, and even fishing boats are used to make up the number. Not to mention compared with the ironclad ships of the Ming Dynasty, even if they are compared with ordinary ships of thousands of materials, they are the difference between giants and children.

"Brothers, did you see it?"

"This is the homeland of Japanese pirates. I have been ravaged by Japanese pirates for many years in the Ming Dynasty. Do you want to express this viciousness?" Li Dingguo roared loudly.




One hundred thousand troops roared in unison!

Every soldier's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The enmity between the Ming Dynasty and Dongying could not be finished for three days and three nights. There was no need for Li Dingguo to stimulate it, and the soldiers were already murderous.

"Okay!" Li Dingguo laughed and ordered: "The entire army's fleet spreads out in a fan shape, aiming at the opposite fleet, and give me a hard bang!

"Spread out, fan out! 33

"The artillery is ready!



The flag bearers desperately waved the flag and gave orders, and the commanders of the large ships roared and roared.

Ten ironclad ships and five hundred thousand-material ships quickly dispersed, forming a fan-shaped appearance, blocking the sky and the sun and blocking the dozens of miles of water near the Edo Bay.

The next moment, the artillery roared!

Since the Ming Dynasty has just developed the Shenwei cannon in less than half a year, it has only produced a few thousand guns. Most of these 500 large ships are equipped with old-fashioned artillery!

But I can't stand the sheer number of them!

Thousands of rounds of Shenwei artillery shells, plus ten thousand rounds of solid shells, rumbled past, and the Dongying people in front were immediately scared to pee!

Originally, they thought that their ships were small, and they were stuck in Edo Bay to fight to the end, so how could they delay it for a while.

But who knew that such a dense crowd of ships would become a target, and the terrifying shells kept falling and bursting open.

The waters of Edo Bay suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire!

A large number of ships and Dongying sailors were smashed to death by solid shells. After the dense shells exploded, there were screams on the sea, and many ships were blown to pieces on the spot, setting fires.

In the face of the terrorist attacks of the Ming Dynasty, the people of Dongying had no power to fight back.

They only had dozens of large ships not long after the war, and they were destroyed to pieces, and countless Dongying sailors fell into the sea and fluttered!

The sea is full of blood and corpses, all kinds of ship wrecks, the scene is terrible!

After three rounds of artillery bombardment, more than 1,000 large and small ships in Dongying were almost completely lost, and tens of thousands of soldiers and sailors died tragically here.

"Ironclads, advance side by side, crush them!"

Li Dingguo ordered again, ten ironclad ships quickly lined up in a row, like ten behemoths, and they rolled over in such a mighty manner.

Most of the Dongying ships in the Edo Bay waters have been damaged, and the remaining small ships were quickly crushed and smashed by the ironclad ships!

Countless Dongying soldiers jumped into the sea in horror to escape, but they were shot and killed by the Ming soldiers on board.

A flintlock gun and shotgun, occasionally with a large number of grenades thrown into the water, suddenly became the hypnotic charm of these drowning soldiers.

An atmosphere of despair and panic is quietly spreading!

The naval battle turned directly into a massacre.

And when ten ironclad ships were docked at the port of Edo Bay, more than a thousand Shenwei artillery had been silently aimed at the Edo city wall.

This ancient capital sacred place in the eyes of the Eastern Ying people is just a lamb to be slaughtered in front of the terrible artillery.

"Shenwei cannon, ten bursts!"


Li Dingguo's domineering roar ordered, proclaiming that the end of Edo Castle was coming.

Boom boom boom!

One after another, the shells fell from the sky like meteorites, constantly hitting the city walls of Edo 4.3, and also continuously smashing into the Edo Castle.

The city wall was blasted to ruins on the spot!

In the Edo Castle, artillery fire was also roaring, and the explosions continued. Countless soldiers and people of the East were killed tragically by the artillery fire!

The sea of ​​fire spread, screaming in despair!

This is destined to be a terrifying attack that Edo Castle has never suffered in the history, and countless Dongying people are full of awe and fear at this moment.

No matter how proud people were, under the terrible suppression of the Ming Dynasty, they couldn't help shivering, desperately avoiding prayers!

"It's over, it's over!"

"The terrible Ming Dynasty, we can't stop it, surrender! 35

In the General's Mansion, Tokugawa Iemitsu sighed in pain, and finally decided to surrender.

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