At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

259 History depends entirely on compilation, the imagination of Korean people! 【4/7, please subscrib

When the Ming Dynasty sent troops

Completely change history and capture Dongying and Goryeo!

In the 21st century, Dongying and Goryeo have also undergone many changes silently under the revision of time and space.

Goryeo , Hanseong

The densely packed office workers are taking the subway bus to work, and the streets are full of traffic and lively.

But the famous tourist attraction in Hancheng, the square outside the ancient city Gyeongbokgung Palace, was crowded with people, and a grand sacrificial ceremony was being held.

Tens of thousands of people gathered here, a large number of tourists, reporters and media were watching, and many TV sets were also broadcasting live.

Dozens of sacrifices dressed in traditional Goryeo costumes are holding solemn expressions, singing and dancing, as if they are holding some kind of ceremony.

"What is this doing? How is it like a dancer?

"This should be a traditional festival of the Korean people, it seems to be held every year! 99

"What are you doing? It's funny!"

Many foreign tourists smiled and pointed, and took pictures and videos from time to time. No one took this event seriously, thinking it was a cultural performance created by the scenic spot.

But at this time, many local reporters in the crowd began to interview a thin middle-aged man who wore golden glasses and looked gentle.

His name is Park Yongjun, a professor of history at Hancheng University, and the guidance expert for today's ceremony.

"Mr. Park Yongjun, what are you doing here?"

"Is there any special significance to this ceremony?

Many invited foreign reporters asked curiously.

"Everyone, our ceremony is a traditional ancestor worship ceremony!" Park Yongjun said triumphantly: "It is said that our ancestors of Goryeo, after defeating the invasion of the enemy army again and again, held sacrifices to commemorate the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in heroic battles. , This is a symbol of the bravery and fearlessness of our Goryeo ancestors.

"Huh? Damn, what kind of enemy army, are you talking about the ancient Kyushu people?"

"There is no enemy country around Goryeo, and it has also fought a few battles with Da Sui, Da Ming, and Cao Wei."5

"Hehe, how many times have you defeated the invaders? This bastard will really put gold on his face! 39

Many Kyushu tourists around couldn't help cursing!

Park Yongjun ignored him and still boasted in front of the camera: "As we all know, Korea is an ancient civilization with a long history that has been passed down for thousands of years. We have many splendid cultures!"

"The compass, papermaking, gunpowder, the Dragon Boat Festival, etc. don't need to be mentioned. Everyone knows that this was invented by our ancestors!"

"Taking advantage of today's event, I want to publish a new research result. After verifying a large number of historical facts, we found that the giant sea monsters that had appeared in the East China Sea before were actually raised in the sea by our Korean ancestors!



The surrounding Kyushu tourists are all stunned, you should be shameless when you say this?

Did you invent all the compass papermaking?

Are the dragons still raised by you?

Is this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

"In fact, we believe that this suspected immortal person in Dongshan City is actually our ancestor of Goryeo!" Park Yongjun continued: "These are all based on history. The sacrifices we are performing today are said to be taught by an immortal!

"Nima, it's too ruthless to rub the heat?"

"Why don't you say that Yanjing is also your Gaoli's?

"Fuck, does this guy still have a face?

The surrounding Kyushu tourists are completely indignant!

Many Koreans believed it to be true, and even many Western tourists believed in this rhetoric.

"Oh my God, this Goryeo really has a long history!""

"Watching this sacrificial show is really interesting! 35

"God, this is such a respectable country!"

Western tourists are talking about it!

Seeing this, Park Yongjun smiled with satisfaction.

In fact, his rhetoric today is not an impromptu one, but a rhetoric that the entire Goryeo history academic circle has invariably made, and many experts have repeatedly appeared on different occasions.

There are immortal practitioners and dragons in Kyushu, and the people are proud of their profound heritage!

Of course, Goryeo is no exception. It must be a little bit of heat, and who can tell if this is true?

Believe it or not, Koreans believe it anyway!

In various programs and academic lectures, such remarks are constantly mentioned, and there are many scholars similar to Park Yongjun.

"Everyone!" Park Yongjun continued to brag: "The third step of the sacrifice you are seeing now is called Inzu worshipping the sky. According to legend, the sixteenth emperor of Goryeo, Inzu Li Yu, was brave in Wenzhi and martial arts. world!"

"At that time, the Qing army was very strong at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty was defeated by the Qing army.

"Facing Ming's request, our great Renzu agreed to send troops to rescue, and specially set out to sacrifice to the sky in public. In order to commemorate this scene, later generations of Koryo people specially compiled it into the sacrificial dance music, so that everyone can see our history. !

Park Yongjun's big blows made the Kyushu tourists present with their faces bewildered. Didn't Renzu Li Ju bow three times and nine times to Huang Taiji, saying that Jiannu is a guy from the suzerainty country?

How did he become the savior of the Ming Dynasty?

He still dares to send troops to fight Jiannu?

"Fuck, this history is all made up!

"Don't be ashamed, the Ming Dynasty at that time still used to ask you for help?

"Nima, who will give him a slap, this guy is too good at blowing?"

The Kyushu tourists turned green with anger and wanted to argue, but they didn't know where to start.

There were no historians present, and many people knew little about history.

So in the face of Park Yongjun's boasting, everyone could only blushed with embarrassment, but didn't know how to refute it.

However, at this moment, a thunderous thunder and lightning flashed, and the terrifying vision of the dark clouds over the top appeared out of thin air in the sky above this cold city, arousing everyone's astonished eyes.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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