At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

260 space-time magnetic field reproduction, is this the real history? 【5/7, please subscribe】

"What's going on? It was sunny and sunny just now, so why did the thunder and lightning suddenly start?

"It's getting dark so fast, why isn't it right?

"Is it going to rain? Why did the sky suddenly change?"

Many people were curious and talked about it.

But soon everyone found out that it was not going to rain!

Because of a strange wave, it suddenly spread throughout the cold city.

The huge city seemed to be enveloped by a strange magnetic field, and everything around it seemed to slow down.

The surrounding space, scenery, and high-rise buildings are constantly distorting!

Everything you see seems to be constantly changing.

This scene directly scared the audience.

"What the hell, what's going on here? What happened? 39

"Why does the scenery here seem to be moving? What's the matter with the air fluctuating?

"Look, these buildings have disappeared, what about the surrounding high-rise buildings? Why are they gone?"

"Wait, do you think you have seen this scene somewhere? Could it be the legendary space-time magnetic field?"

"My God, it really seems to be the space-time magnetic field, the space-time magnetic field that once appeared in the ancient snail city of Annan!"

People in the whole city were talking about it excitedly, and soon some people remembered the time-space magnetic field event that had been uproar.

Could it be that this strange space-time phenomenon will also occur in Hancheng?

"Hahaha, great, great, this seems to be a space-time magnetic field!

"Oh Mai, I'm so lucky, this must be because we have a long history in Korea, and there are so many things that can be recorded by time and space, so this kind of scene appears!

"I'm looking forward to it. I want to see how our ancient people lived. Our ancestors must be very powerful~々!"

Many Korean people were excited and excited!

Everyone took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and after a while, the world had changed.

It is similar to the time-space magnetic field in the ancient conch city last time!

After the entire city was enveloped by the space-time magnetic field, all the high-rise buildings seemed to have disappeared, and the surroundings became a strange scene.

Low and dilapidated dirt house!

Potholes covered the muddy streets.

An ancient man with a disheveled face and ragged clothes.

Everything is so real, but this time you can't hear what the ancients said, you can only see that they are busy.

Some people are selling, some people are carrying sedan chairs, some people are doing business, it seems that there is an inexplicable depression in the whole city.

"This? This is ancient Goryeo?

"Fuck, is it so ragged? 99

"No, how could this be?

This scene directly shattered the pride in the hearts of many Koreans.

History books can deceive people, but the space-time magnetic field in front of them will not deceive people.

If ancient Goryeo was really strong, it wouldn't be so shabby, right?

Just looking for an ancient city in Kyushu is more than this!

"This, the level of infrastructure technology in ancient times is like this, don't feel strange!" Pu Yongjun explained awkwardly: "The Ming Dynasty and many Western countries at that time were not as good as us!

"Really? Why do I think this is a bit wrong!

"I've been to many ancient cities in Kyushu, why aren't they so shabby?"

"God, I think it's so backward here!

Many western tourists don't buy it now!

How much bragging just now, the Koreans are now slapped in the face.

Seeing the dilapidated house that his ancestors lived in in front of everyone's eyes, it was like a man who boasted that he was a rich second-generation, only to be seen that his father lived in a thatched hut.

Disgraceful, there is not even a decent stone road.

The disdainful eyes of the tourists made Park Yongjun and others have no courage to raise their heads. Are you embarrassed to death?

But what scene is projected by the magnetic field in space-time?

Why doesn't the screen appear?

Just when everyone was curious, countless shells suddenly fell from the sky, and the scene of rumbling explosions ravaged the cold city.

Countless ancients screamed and were blown away!

Countless houses were bombed to rubble.

This terrifying scene shocked everyone!

"Fuck, what's going on? Has Hancheng suffered such a brutal war in history?

"How come there are so many shells? What dynasty is this?"

"It's terrible, how many people will die?"

Countless people exclaimed, everyone seemed to be watching a movie and experienced this earth-shattering scene with their own eyes, and they were all stunned.

This sudden artillery bombardment easily turned the cold city into ruins. Half an hour later, a group of troops wearing the armor of the Ming army rushed into the city.

They were armed with flintlocks and shotguns, and they killed anyone they saw, and opened fire when they saw resistance!

The cold city natives reluctantly organized thousands of soldiers with cold weapons, screaming and wanting to resist, but in the end they were directly bombed by a wave of grenade corpses.

In the end, a middle-aged emperor wearing a red dragon robe was dragged outside the Gyeongbokgung Palace by several soldiers embarrassedly.

You can't hear what they are saying!

I only saw that the emperor desperately kowtowed and begged, but he was still shot in the head by a general riding a high-headed horse, which directly resulted in his life.

"6. This, this seems to be Renzu Li Yu (Okay Zhao), God, how could he be killed like this?

"These demons are from the Ming Dynasty. They wear the armor of the Ming Dynasty, and the banner is also the banner of the Ming Dynasty!"

"My God, this is impossible. When did our Hancheng fall to the ground by the Ming Dynasty?"

"How could Renzu die so foolishly? Is this the real history?"

"No, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible, I don't believe it!

Countless Koreans were stunned with grief and indignation!

They never thought that their ancestors had suffered such a humiliating history, and they didn't know all this.

They thought that the great heroes or emperors of Goryeo were actually as embarrassed as dogs in which era. How could they accept this?

A humiliation and humiliation made the entire cold city become strange.

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