At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

270 How can it be fun without making a big scene? 【2/6, please subscribe】

After some courtesies

Cao Cao only had one or two hundred more good guns and a lot of grenade bullets in his trading space. These things were definitely not enough to equip the army.

But it's more than enough for him to use for self-defense!

In this way, it did not violate the rules set by Ji Han, nor did it affect the overall level of the Three Kingdoms.

After solving these matters, Cao Cao is in a good mood!

He raised his glass excitedly and said, "Thank you sir, thank you all for your support, Meng De will give you a few glasses!"

"Okay, let's drink together!"

"Why are you being so polite? If you want to thank Mr., find some more beautiful women to serve him!"

"That's right, there are many beauties in the Three Kingdoms era!

After three rounds of drinking, Lao Zhao and the others laughed and joked.

Cao Cao's eyes lit up, he glanced at the girls around him, and immediately understood what it meant.

This is a good opportunity to get closer to the immortals!

Immortals also need someone to serve, don't they? It seems that Lao Zhao and the others have already sent a lot of women, so he can't fall behind!

"It really should be!" Cao Cao said quickly: "When Cao returns, he will definitely collect beautiful women from all over the world and send them to serve the Immortal Master! 99343

"Speaking of these beauties of the Three Kingdoms, Diao Chan is the first person, and Sun Shangxiang, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are all good!"

"Zhen Mi is not bad either. In history, Liu Bei's wives and concubines were all top beauties, and they were all snatched up to serve the gentleman!"

"Hahaha, it's so good! It would be a beautiful thing to steal all Liu Bei's wives and concubines.

Everyone chatted while drinking, and the atmosphere immediately became a lot more eager, especially when it came to the beauties of the Three Kingdoms, everyone was even more interested!

After eating and drinking!

After-dinner entertainment starts quickly again!

Mahjong, barbecue, tea tasting, fishing, playing cards, there are so many entertainment items that Cao Cao was stunned.

After he learned it, he immediately became addicted to it, and even playing mahjong was quite arrogant, and he lost a lot.

"Sir!" Princess Changping asked with a chuckle, "Why did you lie to Cao Mengde?"

"Cheat?" Ji Han asked incredulously: "Why cheat? We didn't cheat him!""

(bbed) "In history, the crusade against Dong Zhuo by the eighteen princes was not so thrilling at all!" Princess Changping snickered: "What you are talking about with him is all about Romance, I have read that book, and there is a mixture of truth and falsehood. Together, weird!


Ji Han burst into laughter when he heard this!

This girl is really smart.

What other people didn't see, she saw it, in fact it was.

The history of the Three Kingdoms that Ji Han and Chongzhen wanted to talk about were all true and false, and some of them were mixed with romance.

Why is this? Because they want to see this scene!

The Three Kingdoms in everyone's dreams should be like this. You, Cao Mengde, have to act. How can it be fun if you don't make a big scene?

"You little girl is very smart!" Ji Han chuckled: "Is it alright to live here these few days?"

"The concubine's life here is naturally excellent!" Princess Changping's face was full of satisfaction, and it could be seen that she had indeed had a good time here these few days.

"Hmm! 35

Ji Han nodded in satisfaction.

After some entertainment, three dishes and five flavors were served, and everyone was hilarious until late at night.

Because Ji Han has already adjusted the time flow rate back to one to one, everyone is not worried that if they play here for too long, their dynasty will pass for too long.

Staying up all night is not good for your health, everyone just stay up all night!

So after the day was gray and bright, everyone got up and said goodbye to Ji Han!

Before leaving, Ji Han suddenly said: "Old Cao, after your situation has stabilized, remember to help me find Hua Tuo!

"Hua Tuo?"

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what he wanted to find Hua Tuo for.

Do immortals still need to see a doctor?

Ji Han didn't explain too much, but just smiled: "Anyway, you just remember, if you find Hua Tuo, take him to worship him alone in front of the statue, I have something to do with him!


"Don't worry, sir, Meng De has written it down!"

Cao Cao quickly agreed, although he didn't know what Ji Han was going to do, he didn't dare to neglect this matter.

He secretly remembered that when he returned, he would send someone to look for Hua Tuo!

It is said that this fellow Hua Tuo travels around helping people to see a doctor.

It's not a big deal for Ji Han to find him, he just wants to deploy more power for future generations.

With the current Qinjiacun and Hanye organization alone, his control over the real society is still very weak, and his influence is not enough.

During this time, he has been thinking about how to increase his influence on modern times, and finally he decided to follow the old plan and cultivate a bunch of hidden characters in ancient times.

As for who to train? It's not hard to choose!

Kyushu has a long history of traditional Chinese medicine culture and is quite capable, among which Hua Tuo Bian Que is one of the best!

If Ji Han exchanged a few medical books in the system, and then passed it on to Hua Tuo through sacrifice, and ordered his descendants to obey orders, wouldn't it be easy to complete this time and space correction?

In addition to traditional Chinese medicine, there are many good things in Kyushu, such as Feng Shui Kanyu Technique, Luban Organism Technique, Taoist Technique, and Maoshan Technique!

These are all good things passed down by our ancestors!

Many things have been lost to later generations, which is really a pity.

If Ji Han lays it out now, it would be a beautiful thing to pass them down from generation to generation!

"Old Zhao, if you have time, help me choose a Mo family disciple, two shrewd young people, to make sacrifices at the holy temple, do you remember? 35 Ji Han continued to instruct.


"Don't worry, sir, I'll do it when I go back!

Ying Zheng agreed casually, Cao Cao didn't understand what Ji Han wanted, but he knew exactly what Ji Han wanted.

Isn't this the same as Ku, Jian, and Dun before? Ji Han wants to experiment with them!

But it doesn't matter, just go back and find someone!

Anyway, Da Qin didn't have much, and this person had as much as he wanted, and he was absolutely obedient and powerful.

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