At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

271 Doctrine and the name of God, those who believe in me will have eternal life! 【3/6, please subsc

After Ying Zheng returned to the Daqin Palace

Immediately ordered to find three people for Ji Han.

These three are all young people, probably in their twenties, and one of them is a disciple of the Mo family, whose name is Qu!

The other two were both dead men from the Black Ice Terrace, and they were called Evil Husband and Tu.

Ji Han specially asked for a Mo family disciple, two obedient and clever young people, Lao Zhao naturally did not dare to choose random people, this dead man from the Black Ice Terrace was the most obedient.

"Come on! Kill three hundred cows, three hundred sheep, and three hundred horses!"

"Take 300 prisoners from the death row and behead them in the holy temple for sacrifice!""

With Ying Zheng's order, the holy temple outside Xianyang City immediately became lively, and Fusu, who was in charge of the sacrificial ceremony, was so busy that he didn't even touch the ground!

A large number of soldiers surrounded the entire holy temple, attracting many people curious ~ onlookers.

After some sacrifices and incense!

Ying Zhengmingqu, Evil, and Tu knelt in front of the statue.

The statue of Ji Han immediately burst into a soft light, covering the inside and outside of the hall. The pigs, cattle and sheep beheaded at the entrance of the hall, as well as the blood and souls of 300 death row prisoners, were quickly drained by a strange light.

This scene frightened the soldiers guarding around to look at each other, and all of them instinctively shivered. What kind of weird scene is this?

If you didn't know that this is the holy temple of the Immortal Master, everyone must be scared to pee!

"This is Immortal Master absorbing blood food, no need to worry, it won't hurt us!" Ying Zheng comforted casually.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

The next moment, a black light flashed in the eyes of this god statue, it seemed to be alive, and three divine lights were injected into the foreheads of the three evil men!

The three of them stood up suddenly, their eyes became dull in an instant, and Ji Han suddenly appeared in their minds, as if the sea of ​​consciousness had been invaded.

An indescribable means of inheritance, quietly opened!

The three of them were not only given a drop of Tiannu blood by Ji Han, but also helped them improve their physical fitness and brain development!

This will increase their physical speed ten times a hundred times, and they will become unforgettable, intelligent in their brains, and extraordinary in their hearts.

In the end, Ji Han also engraved the gifts he prepared in their minds one by one.

The Mohist disciple Qu won the "Luban Secret Technique" and "God-level Organ Technique"!

Hei Bingtai dead men, evil husband and Tu, respectively obtained "Feng Shui Kanyu" and "Maoshan Taoism Complete Solution"!

These things were exchanged by Ji Han from the system mall, and they were taught to them through the gods, as if imprinted in their minds, so that they would never forget them.

Of course, whether all this can be passed on to future generations, Ji Han is not sure, but there must be one or two of the three people who can pass it on.

"From today onwards, the three of you will keep your names incognito, get married and have children, and your family will be hidden forever, can you do it?"

A vast and boundless voice faintly resounded in the minds of the three of them.

The three of them respectfully bowed their heads and shouted, "Follow the oracle!

"very good!"

Ji Han smiled with satisfaction, the idol flashed black again, and it was completely hidden!

This thing has been done!

After the three of them have absorbed the memories in their minds, they will have a good fortune. As for whether they can pass it on, it depends on luck.

After all this

Ji Han started to think about another thing.

This sacrifice has been made. After Cao Cao returns to the Three Kingdoms, he will definitely produce a large number of masters in batches, and harvest a large number of believers by the way.

He suddenly remembered one thing now—the god of his beliefs has no name yet, like a wild god, without even a name or teachings.

This is not good, the force has been lowered, okay!

In the future, there will definitely be a lot of holy temples built to worship in the four dynasties, but when people worship, they only know that they are immortals, and they don't know the origin of the other party. Isn't this funny?

Thinking of this, Ji Han felt that he had to establish a perfect divine name and doctrine for himself.

After searching various religious books, Ji Han wrote and drew in his study, and ideas came up one after another.

・・Ask for flowers・

The first is the name of the god. A god must have a name, right?

The Lord of Eternal Life? The God of Infinity? The Supreme Creator? The God of the Four Seas?

Ji Han wrote several gods' names in the notebook, and finally decided to use the name of God of Eternal Life after thinking about it!

The sect in the future can be called the sect of eternal life!

The teachings use a combination of Buddhism and Taoism, and use a series of things such as benevolence, loyalty to the monarch and patriotism, kindness, filial piety to parents, accumulation of merit, and good rebirth in the next life!

Especially some things of the bald sect, which are of great benefit to missionaries, they are so arrogant, and fooling people is just a sure thing!

There are many benefits to this teaching!

In the first place, it will not have any influence on the rule of the monarch's right, or even be of great benefit, which is of great benefit to Lao Zhao's rule and domestic stability.

Second, it is very attractive to many people, and it is absolutely wonderful to be able to educate people to be kind.

Sanlai also has a great educational effect on the people in the foreign-ethnic areas that will be conquered in the future.

This kind of teaching will teach a person no matter how much pain and suffering he suffers in this life, not to resist, you endure it silently, and you will have good rewards in the next life in the end.

This sounds like a lot of bullshit, but there have been very good demonstrations in many places in the future, and many brave races have been brainwashed and abolished by these similar teachings.

In short, after Ji Han wrote and painted, he made up a lot of his imaginary god of immortality, from the name to the doctrine, from the background to the myth.

Especially with this background myth, he lost a lot of thought.

Every god has heels, and the heels Ji Han gave to himself is an ancient immortal god born from chaos. Those who believe in me will have eternal life!

Whoops, damn it, this force is pulled up in one fell swoop.

"Not bad, that's what it tastes like!

"Next time, let Lao Zhao and the others bring them back to preach, and keep it for sure!"

Ji Han sighed happily.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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