At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

027 Does Daqin Need Reform? Ying Zheng Is Furious! 【25, Ask For Flowers】

Fusu's thirst for knowledge is quite strong.

He is well aware of Ji Han's unfathomable depths, and also knows that once he digs out all kinds of shocking technologies from here, he can make Da Qin Shao take countless detours and continue to grow bigger and stronger.

So when he heard about the new term movable type printing, he immediately became interested and stared at Ji Han, like a hungry wolf.

"Moveable type printing is actually a type of printing. When you develop papermaking, you will find that it is too troublesome to copy some classics of poetry by hand!"

"As long as the font is engraved on the wooden clay board, the fixed font can be easily printed on the paper, so that a book can be mass-produced!"

Ji Han took out a book while explaining!

Although Fusu couldn't understand the text in this book, he felt like a treasure, and he almost burst into tears while holding the book.

"Treasure, really treasure!"

"Such a thin sheet of paper bound into a book, it weighs less than 20 taels, but can write hundreds of thousands of words, this, this is really a treasure!"

Fusu trembled with excitement, and he immediately saw the value of this book.

"Good, really good!"

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben also nodded again and again!

With this thing, who will use bamboo slips in the future?

When you think of how many thousand catties of bamboo slips can be reduced to the weight of a book in the end, even a fool can understand the benefits.

"The engraving printing technique is to engrave a large number of characters on a wooden board. When you use it, you can use a layer of ink to print it once. The advantage is that it is simple and convenient, but the disadvantage is that it is relatively rigid, and you can only print some things!"

"Moveable type printing is to engrave the fonts individually, and once they are used, they are constantly spliced ​​together and then printed with ink!"

"This type of printing is not difficult, and the advantage is that it has a high degree of freedom and can be combined and printed at any time!"

As Ji Han spoke, he used the radish cubes on the table as a metaphor!

Fusu and the others are also quite smart, and they figured it out after a while.

"Cai, this technique is brilliant!" Ying Zheng laughed.

"You're so happy, do you know what the biggest effect of this thing is?" Ji Han asked angrily.

"Eh?" Ying Zheng asked awkwardly: "Sir, this thing can print books, it doesn't seem to be very useful."

"Fart!" Ji Han's eyes widened: "This thing is a magic weapon to control hundreds of schools of thought and cultivate talents for Daqin. It will only appear after more than a thousand years!"

"If it wasn't for me who couldn't bear to see the decline of Daqin and the foreign race to oppress my descendants of Kyushu, why would I give this thing to you?"



The three of Ying Zheng took a deep breath and all stood up dumbfounded.

To control a hundred schools of thought? Cultivating talents for Daqin?

Something that will appear in more than a thousand years?

Immortal masters are immortal masters, and they are so extraordinary when they make a move.

This thing seems simple, but it contains the truth of heaven and earth. The immortal master gave Da Qin something that was more than a thousand years later. This is a great grace.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, sir, I am very grateful."

The three of Ying Zheng stood up together and gave a respectful salute.

Ji Han accepted it calmly, and then continued: "Da Qin has always been known for its powerful force, but the literary and Taoism has not been very prosperous, and the talents are extremely withered. Therefore, it is contemptuously called Barbarous Qin and Violent Qin!"

"If it is unified today, the situation has not changed. Daqin attaches great importance to Legalism and despise other theories, which leads to the unwillingness of the masters and hundreds of schools to return, and even secretly communicate with the remnants of the Six Nations!"

"In the final analysis, Daqin's education model is too backward, and ordinary people have no chance to learn cultural knowledge at all. Most of the scholars and scholars are from various schools of thought, and they are firmly controlled by them!"

"This kind of talent lifeline must not be controlled by outsiders. Daqin must snatch it back, so the cultivation of talents is the top priority!"

Ji Han was talking with Kai Kai, and Ying Zheng Fu Su couldn't help but nodded.

These words can be said to speak to their hearts.

"Assuming that you have developed papermaking and two types of printing, you will print many enlightenment texts on a large scale, enlighten countless children in Kyushu, and train them to be loyal and patriotic from childhood!"

"Then when this group of people grows up continuously, Daqin will have an army of hundreds of millions of talents. At that time, how can a hundred schools of thought be able to handle it?"

Ji Han continued to speak, and the more Ying Zheng listened, the more excited he became.

"Cai, Cai!" Ying Zheng patted his thigh excitedly and said, "Sir's remarks are like a slap in the face. It really made me feel relieved."

"Where is this!" Ji Han laughed dumbly.

Ji Han would have to put all the modern things together if he hadn't known that stepping too far would be a mess.

With his help, Daqin will definitely develop rapidly!

Of course, this development has to allow them to adapt.

So Ji Han mostly gave them new things that they could accept and adapt to, and even he gave an idea for many things, and then let Fusu go back to study on his own.

But don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients, they are even smarter than modern people.

As long as they broaden their horizons, their development will surely surprise Ji Han.

"Come, come, keep eating!" Ji Han greeted casually.

But Fusu struggled for a while, but he hesitated: "Sir, I have a question that I don't know if I should say it!"

"Oh? What's the problem?" Ji Han was surprised.

"Sir, do you think that Daqin needs to change in the future?" Fusu gritted his teeth and said, "Does Daqin continue to adhere to the Legalist philosophy, or does it follow the Confucian way?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Ying Zheng, Wang Ben and the two became extremely ugly!

In particular, Ying Zheng was so angry that he slammed the chopsticks on the table with a snap, making Fu Su Cheng feel frightened.

"Father's forgiveness, my son has doubts and dares to ask, please ask Mr. to clarify!" Fusu shouted bravely.


"Ask for a Reward for Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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