At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

028 Rebuking Fusu And Enslaving A Hundred Schools Of Thought! 【35, Ask For Flowers】

"You bastard, you're such a big bastard, can you ask this kind of question too?"

"I'm not dead yet, how can this Daqin allow you to be so presumptuous?"

Ying Zheng became angrier the more he talked, and wanted to slap Su when he roared!

Wang Ben was not surprised when he saw this, because this is the normal way for their father and son to get along.

Why didn't Ying Zheng like Fusu before? It's because of a misunderstanding.

Daqin became stronger through reforms, the Legalist philosophy was the foundation of Daqin, and Ying Zheng was a loyal supporter of Legalism.

Ke Fusu is gentle by nature, but likes the Confucian way of a gentleman and love for the people.

This made Ying Zheng extremely dissatisfied, and the father and son often broke out into quarrels because of this, so Fusu in the past was unpopular.

Now that Fusu dares to say to his face that he wants to reform the Qin Dynasty, how can Ying Zheng not be angry?

"You yellow-mouthed child, how can the Daqin ancestor system allow you to change it casually?"

"Change what? Is it a means to change to Confucianism?"

"Stupid, stupid!"

Ying Zheng scolded angrily, looking like he couldn't argue with him.

Fusu didn't dare to talk back, so he could only stubbornly kneel on the ground, quite unconvinced in his heart.

Ji Han shook his head and said, "Get up and sit down!"


Fusu breathed a sigh of relief.

Ying Zheng snorted coldly and didn't get angry again.

Since Ji Han has already spoken, it's not good for everyone to show no respect, after all, this is his territory.

"Fu Su!" Ji Han asked with a smile as he cooked the mutton, "Do you want to be an emperor or a minister?"


Fusu trembled, looked at Ji Han in disbelief, and didn't say a word for a while.

He really did not dare to answer this kind of question. Since ancient times, the ruthless imperial family, if their ambitions are too big, be careful to deal with him by Ying Zheng.

"Don't be afraid, do you know why you are arguing?" Ji Han said indifferently: "Because your father always wanted to nurture you into a qualified emperor, but unfortunately you always wanted to be a minister."

"No, it's not!" Fusu anxiously defended: "My dream has always been to be an emperor who benefits Daqin like my father."

"Haha!" Ji Han sneered disdainfully, "If that's the case, then why are you asking such a childish question? As an emperor, you should rule all directions and use various theories for your own use!"

"Daqin is indeed based on Legalism and continues to grow bigger and stronger, but today, legalism alone is not enough."

"Your father is also aware of this, so over the years, he has actively introduced other schools to the court, constantly testing!"

"And you? You've been brainwashed by Confucianism, and you've only been thinking about how to exercise benevolence. This is what makes your father annoyed!"

"If you just want to be a minister, then that's right, you can be a Confucian inheritor, and you can be full of benevolence, righteousness and morality!"

"But if you want to be an emperor, you can't just be full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, understand?"

"You have to be domineering and kingly, and you have to learn to control other theories, instead of surrendering to Confucianism and being at the mercy of others!"

Ji Han's powerful words made Fusu's face stunned!

Ying Zheng Wang Ben was also stunned. No one expected that he would be so sharp to the point that he completely opened up the fundamental contradiction between the father and son.

"Those who know me, sir!"

Ying Zhengsa smiled, feeling somewhat relieved.

Everyone in the world thinks that he is arrogant and ignorant. They only know that he has been living in the Fajia school, but they have not seen the voices of hundreds of schools in the Daqin court.

Over the years, he has indeed kept trying, trying to absorb the essence of all parties, but unfortunately the results have not been great.

But that doesn't mean his path is wrong, right?

Ying Zheng knew that any theory was just a tool, and the emperor had to learn to use these tools instead of being controlled by them.

Fusu was a young man, and after being influenced by Confucianism, he immediately regarded him as a treasure. Opening his mouth and closing his mouth is benevolence, righteousness and morality, and his thoughts have long been deeply corrupted.

Once this kind of person becomes an emperor, the drawbacks are very obvious, and he will be easily controlled by each great Confucian.

Ying Zheng saw this, so he was very disgusted with his behavior!

"But sir, isn't Confucianism bad?" Fusu retorted unconvincingly, "Is it wrong for the sage to teach benevolence, righteousness and love for the people?"

"The saint is right, it's you who is wrong!" Ji Han scolded angrily: "No theory can be perfect, nor can it manage the chaos of the world!"

"Can you use benevolence, righteousness and love for the people to govern the murderers? Can you use love to increase food production? Can you use benevolence and righteousness to stop the flood from flooding?"

"A theory is a tool. Hundreds of theories have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it must not be a simple choice. You must take the essence and discard the dross, and use it freely. That is the way of the emperor, and it can benefit all people in the world. Do you understand? "

Ji Han's reprimand made Fusu speechless for a long time!

He was shocked to accept the impact of this knowledge, and his mind was full of confusion, as if his three views were about to explode.

"Treat the poor people, the ruler should be benevolent and righteous as a father, so we should use Confucianism to govern and love the people!"

"When dealing with criminals, you should use thunder to deter them. The way of legalism is particularly outstanding!"

"Treat agriculture as a farm!"

"The way of diplomacy, use the vertical and horizontal family!"

"The way of the battlefield, be a soldier!"

"Engineering construction, weapon research and development, use Mojia!"

"Healing and saving people, be a doctor!"

"These are tools. For the emperor, remember to make good use of tools and not be controlled by tools!"

"When the masters and hundreds of families are used by Daqin, Daqin can really last for thousands of years!"

Ji Han's eloquent and domineering remarks shocked everyone again!

Ying Zheng's eyes brightened as Ji Han spoke his mind.

Fusu was struck by lightning, and his obsession with Confucianism began to slowly dissipate, and a new concept began to emerge quietly!


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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