At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

281 Hot potato, a bait that is hard to refuse! 【1/6, please subscribe】

Just as Ji Han expected!

Dong Zhuo's subordinates seem to be strong and strong, but in fact they are full of loopholes, and they can be easily defeated!

Especially after mastering the key point of Lu Bu, killing Dong Zhuo and taking Luoyang became very simple!

After Lü Bu led the Bingzhou army to rebel, and took advantage of the chaos to kill most of the senior officials of the Xiliang army, he easily took control of the troops of the Luoyang faction and captured part of the Xiliang army!

According to Cao Cao's instructions, he immediately led the army to Chang'an, occupying the ancient capital of this thousand years.

When Zhang Ji, Li Su, and Niu Fu heard the bad news, they were furious. They led tens of thousands of Xiliang troops and went back to Luoyang.

This Luoyang city was immediately bloodbathed!

"Three Six Zeros" a large number of powerful people were slaughtered, a lot of treasure was looted, and the people sent by Cao Cao secretly also quietly killed the Han Emperor Liu Xie in the palace, and forged a pair of rebels. The illusion of murder!

As for Liu Bian, the king of Hongnong, he was poisoned by Dong Zhuo long ago!

That is to say, the bloodline left by Liu Hong, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, has already been cut off, and the entire world has completely lost its master.

After this series of mishaps!

There was almost chaos near Luoyang, Dong Zhuo's army was walking to death, and no one was going to stop the march of the allied forces of the princes.

When the Allied Forces of the Eighteen Route Princes rushed to Luoyang, what caught everyone's eyes was chaos, with corpses all over the street, and rioting soldiers of Xiliang everywhere, completely uncontrolled!

Even the imperial palace has been breached and bloodbathed!

Countless palace maids, eunuchs, emperor's concubines, all were slaughtered!

This scene terrified everyone enough, and every prince couldn't help but be stunned.

What's going on? What the hell happened?

"Report to the leader!" A scout in charge of the investigation came forward to report: "According to the information we have just inquired, Lv Bu suddenly led his troops to surround the Taishi Mansion three days ago, and beheaded most of the senior officials of the Xiliang Army and Dong Zhuo!

"Afterwards, he led more than 200,000 troops to retreat to Chang'an City. Li Su, Niu Fu, and Zhang Ji returned to Luoyang City in anger to loot.

"The palace was also smashed by the chaotic army. All the eunuchs and maids in the palace were killed, and none of them survived. The saint also died tragically under the saber of chaos!

"Now the Xiliang Army in Luoyang City has fled in a hurry, led by Zhang Ji and others to flee to the north, temporarily unknown whereabouts!

The report of the scouts immediately stunned the eighteen princes!

No one thought that Lü Bu would betray, nor did they expect the mighty Dong Zhuo to be beheaded like this, and the Xiliang army was also torn apart!

Everyone didn't even expect Zhang Ji and others to be so crazy, they dared to openly sack Luoyang, and they entered the palace to kill the emperor. This is a rhythm against the sky!

"Dog thief Dong Zhuo, it's too cheap to die, he should be killed with a thousand cuts!

"The Holy Master died tragically in the chaos of the army, what should this be? 55

"Damn Xiliang Army, never let them go!"

"Yes! We can't let them escape easily!

Regardless of whether they were sincere or fake, the princes all made a look of anger and grief and pain, as if their own father had died.

Cao Cao is also possessed by a playboy, and secretly wipes his tears!

After a play, the princes began to send troops to clean up the chaos, expel the villains who took advantage of the fire, and began to restore order to the city of Luoyang as much as possible!

Fortunately, everyone came quickly, so Luoyang City has never suffered such a catastrophe in history, at least the Han imperial tombs have not been dug up, and the people have not been forcibly moved!

After being busy for a while, the princes gathered at the palace to collect the corpse of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xie, and everyone burst into tears again. Several princes who were better able to act almost wanted to kill themselves with their swords drawn.

Cao Cao calmly watched the play for a while before finally throwing out his big move.

"Alliance leaders, everyone!" Cao Cao said with tears in his eyes, pretending to be furious: "Zhang Ji, Li Su, and Niu Fu are too vicious, and they are not sons of man. Please complete the leader!""

"Brother Cao, Gao Yi, I admire you!

"Okay, well said, Zhang Ji's three people killed my king, they should be executed!"

"Since Brother Meng De personally asked for the order, please also ask the leader to complete it!"

The princes praised them one after another. Obviously, they felt that Cao Cao had a problem with his brain. He wanted to hunt down Zhang Ji and others, and naturally no one would stop him.

Seeing this, Yuan Shao nodded and agreed: "Okay! Meng De's move is really righteous, how dare the leader of this alliance refuse?

"Everyone, before I leave, I have something to tell you!" Cao Cao raised his hand, and Dian Wei immediately presented a jade seal.

As soon as this jade seal appeared, it immediately made the eyes of the princes brighten and their breathing accelerated!

"When my soldiers and horses were cleaning the palace, they accidentally discovered the Imperial Jade Seal on the body of a palace maid! 35 Cao Cao said solemnly: "Now that the saint has died tragically, this jade seal should be kept for the lord of the alliance!

After speaking, Cao Cao handed the hot potato to Yuan Shao!

"Good, good!"

"Meng De has done a lot of credit for this!"

Yuan Shao's whole body trembled with excitement, his eyes lit up, he took the jade seal in surprise, and all the other princes were excited.

This is a sign of power!

Now that the emperor is dead, everyone is holding a heavy army!

Whoever holds the jade seal represents the opportunity to ascend to the throne of the emperor in the future, even if he does not ascend the throne himself, is it not easy to support a puppet to ascend the throne?

It can be foreseen that these princes will definitely set off a bloody storm in Luoyang City in the future, and all kinds of power struggles and disputes will definitely be indispensable, and the major princes must break their heads!

But after throwing this bait, Cao Cao quietly led his troops away. On the surface, he was going to hunt down Zhang Ji and others, but in fact he came to Chang'an City secretly!

With more than 200,000 troops under the control of Lu Bu, and then sending people to secretly control the two places in Xiliang and Bingzhou, Cao Cao has become a climate before he knows it.

I believe that after he has been operating in Chang'an City for a while, he will immediately accumulate enough power and easily sweep the world, so Ji Han will not be disappointed.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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